As I read the rules (and ths is how we have played it) a piece is captured by another pece of at least the same strength enteriing th square of the frst mentioned piece. I have not found any rule that expliciity forbids enteriing the same square as a stronger piece; the stronger piece is simply not captured (nor does it "capture" the weaker entering piece since the rule requires that the capturng piece must be the one entering the square). The only problem we have encountered with this interpretation arises if playinng wth 3D figures instead of flat disks, since it is diffiicult to "stack" 3D fgures.
As I read the rules (and ths is how we have played it) a piece is captured by another pece of at least the same strength enteriing th square of the frst mentioned piece. I have not found any rule that expliciity forbids enteriing the same square as a stronger piece; the stronger piece is simply not captured (nor does it "capture" the weaker entering piece since the rule requires that the capturng piece must be the one entering the square). The only problem we have encountered with this interpretation arises if playinng wth 3D figures instead of flat disks, since it is diffiicult to "stack" 3D fgures.