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FairyGen. Generator for end-game tables with fairy pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, May 15, 2019 06:23 PM UTC:

Do you mean you use the rule that stalemate is a win? Otherwise DW-D would not be won, contrary to what you claim for "Duke + any piece". DR-K has no checkmates at all, and would be a reglementary draw. (And even when stalemate is a win it would be a general draw.) KQ-KR is only barely won, and when you weaken the Q side to DQ-KR, it becomes a general draw. KR-DR is a general win, though.

FairyGen cannot do hoppers (like the Cannon). The other pieces you mention are all standard, and already pre-configured in FairyGen's piecedef.ini file. (There is no need to assign other letters to royal types; the first piece mentioned of any color is always assumed royal. So KKK.KR would mean King + 2 commoners against King + Rook, and NQ.N would be a Knightmate end-game.)

To be frank, after having done nothing but generating hundreds of EGT and interpreting the results for more than a week, I was longing to do something else for a change. Like finishing the conversion of KingSlayer to a CwDA engine. But that doesn't have to stop you from doing it yourself. FairyGen can be downloaded from , and it should be easy to run it from a command-prompt window.