Kevin Pacey wrote on Sun, Nov 18, 2018 07:49 PM UTC:
It seems it would be great if the SVG generator supplements or is the successor to the diagram designer on CVP at some point. I assume most any shade of colouring can be used for the SVG figurines.
Again an aside: For the variant idea I had in mind, it involved using the RA piece type (besides the BD and QAD types, along with NP, and K) for an 8x8 variant involving eight sergeant pawns per side, but the idea looks like it's not going to pan out, if only because the RAs apparently could be swapped off the board on the flank files early in a game, at little cost to either player. Using RD (plus BA) instead would be no better, on 8x8, for that reason, but on a 10x8 board with the BD's not guarding the RA's in some setup with an extra piece type I've yet to decide on, with the seargent pawns and QAD thrown in, all the ingredients in question might work together better. The toying continues...
It seems it would be great if the SVG generator supplements or is the successor to the diagram designer on CVP at some point. I assume most any shade of colouring can be used for the SVG figurines.
Again an aside: For the variant idea I had in mind, it involved using the RA piece type (besides the BD and QAD types, along with NP, and K) for an 8x8 variant involving eight sergeant pawns per side, but the idea looks like it's not going to pan out, if only because the RAs apparently could be swapped off the board on the flank files early in a game, at little cost to either player. Using RD (plus BA) instead would be no better, on 8x8, for that reason, but on a 10x8 board with the BD's not guarding the RA's in some setup with an extra piece type I've yet to decide on, with the seargent pawns and QAD thrown in, all the ingredients in question might work together better. The toying continues...