I think I had asked that before, but I don't remember where nor I remember the answer :(!
Is there a way to control from the GC program the content of the caputred pieces box? Or the system just collects all pieces that have dissapeared. I ask that because for example in a centennial chess game I play against Anthony he has moved and reoriented his spearman and now his spearman (in straight orientation) appears captured although it is not the case :(!
I think I had asked that before, but I don't remember where nor I remember the answer :(!
Is there a way to control from the GC program the content of the caputred pieces box? Or the system just collects all pieces that have dissapeared. I ask that because for example in a centennial chess game I play against Anthony he has moved and reoriented his spearman and now his spearman (in straight orientation) appears captured although it is not the case :(!