H. G. Muller wrote on Sat, Jan 6, 2018 08:28 AM EST:
I think that trying to treat irreversible pieces like Pawns as color bound misses the point. E.g. a Xiangqi 'passed Pawn' (fsW) or a Dai-Shogi Evil Wolf (fsWfF) on a1 can reach the entire board. But that ignores that when they try that, they never can move back. Pieces like that have an ever shrinking accessible area, which is basically a property independent of color binding.
This is further complicated (or neutralized, depending on how you look at it) by promotion. Pawns in Chess do promote to pieces that can access the entire board. So they are not really meta-color bound. But in Makruk, where they are predestined to promote on a certain color to a color-bound Ferz, there actually are locations where they never will be able to go. That Pawns before their promotion can access only a limited part of the board is more comparable to (temporarily poor) mobility than to color binding.
Another issue is how to treat captures. As in general you cannot force survivable captures at will, capture moves are not very helpful for breaking color binding. It seems better to treat a non-promotable FIDE Pawn as having access only to the (forward part of) the file it is on, while interdicting access to some squares outside that area. Such attacks outside the meta-color to which it is bound can of course have consequences for its mating potential. Two mFcW on different square shade have no mating potential, so they behave pretty much as color-bound pieces as far as checkmating a bare King is concerned.
I think that trying to treat irreversible pieces like Pawns as color bound misses the point. E.g. a Xiangqi 'passed Pawn' (fsW) or a Dai-Shogi Evil Wolf (fsWfF) on a1 can reach the entire board. But that ignores that when they try that, they never can move back. Pieces like that have an ever shrinking accessible area, which is basically a property independent of color binding.
This is further complicated (or neutralized, depending on how you look at it) by promotion. Pawns in Chess do promote to pieces that can access the entire board. So they are not really meta-color bound. But in Makruk, where they are predestined to promote on a certain color to a color-bound Ferz, there actually are locations where they never will be able to go. That Pawns before their promotion can access only a limited part of the board is more comparable to (temporarily poor) mobility than to color binding.
Another issue is how to treat captures. As in general you cannot force survivable captures at will, capture moves are not very helpful for breaking color binding. It seems better to treat a non-promotable FIDE Pawn as having access only to the (forward part of) the file it is on, while interdicting access to some squares outside that area. Such attacks outside the meta-color to which it is bound can of course have consequences for its mating potential. Two mFcW on different square shade have no mating potential, so they behave pretty much as color-bound pieces as far as checkmating a bare King is concerned.