Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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ChessV. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
📝Greg Strong wrote on Fri, Dec 22, 2017 05:04 AM UTC:

Even if a single person would occasionally use it the hosting company would shut you down.

That depends on your hosting.  Obviously, you'd need a dedicated server to do this.  I made the (possibly incorrect) assumption that server-side was what Jeff was talking about, because anyone who wants client-side can just download ChessV.  But .NET can run client-side also, just as Java can, so that could also be accomplished from the ChessV code-base without needing to mess with any of the code for the engine or game logic.  Granted, JavaScript has the advantage that you don't need .NET installed.

Anyway, I have no plans to write a web version.  Or a version for mobile phones.  For a single person working in his spare time, the project is quite ambitious enough without targeting other platforms.  Hopefully some day other programmers will want to help out but, although there are a lot of people who like to write chess engines, there are very few who care about chess variants.

Still to do: hexagonal variants, variants with drops, 3D variants, support for vector-graphics pieces, more sophisticated engine functions like opening books, endgame databases, and multi-threading, improving the scripting language for user-defined variants, functionality for running tournaments, etc ...  Basically enough to last the rest of my life :)