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Thanks Greg,
I've already tried Fairy-Max, and I used it to estimate (or confirm) the value of a guard (Mann) by playing a few hundred (computer vs. computer) games. (For example playing games with an asymmetry of 2 guards against a bishop and a knight. I forgot the specific results but if anyone is interested i can dig it up easily)
I'm currently trying to setup a chess game with teams of Chess on an Infinite Plane at the chess.com website. I like the infinite board mainly because no software plays it yet. I know for sure all moves are from human play only.
(If anyone reads this and is interested please leave a comment.)
It won't be the same as "Kasparov versus the World" where 50,000 people participated. But help during the game from passers-by is allowed (joining one team or the other).
Thanks for your information. Once I finish some current games I'm in I definitely plan to try ChessV.