Jianying Ji left off here in 2002 Betza, in reply to having Chess history.
Maurice Richardson begins year 1948 "A Quiet Game of Chess":
It was the Boxing-day after the last Christmas before the End of the
World..... I don't know whether you've ever played surrealist Chess. It is
played with additional pieces, human Kings, Queens, Bishops, Knights and
Pawns, with genuine old machiolated castles for Rooks, all on a board of
positively cosmic dimensions. The screams of hapless Pawns being dragged
away to captivity with all its nameless horrors, the wheezy death rattle of
Knights, the whining supplications of crafty Bishops, the sadistic frenzy
of Queens, resounded on all sides.
--Maurice Richardson, "A Quiet Game of Chess" 1948. Its full text is chapter of 'Exploits of Engelbrecht'.
Today is also Charles Babbage's birthday, Computer, heralding computer theory epitomized by chess-playing as well as anything. December 26 is also Mao Tse-Tung's. Yesterday the 25th is Isaac Newton's birthday, Physics.
Today is Boxing Day: Boxing.
Jianying Ji left off here in 2002 Betza, in reply to having Chess history.
Maurice Richardson begins year 1948 "A Quiet Game of Chess":
It was the Boxing-day after the last Christmas before the End of the World..... I don't know whether you've ever played surrealist Chess. It is played with additional pieces, human Kings, Queens, Bishops, Knights and Pawns, with genuine old machiolated castles for Rooks, all on a board of positively cosmic dimensions. The screams of hapless Pawns being dragged away to captivity with all its nameless horrors, the wheezy death rattle of Knights, the whining supplications of crafty Bishops, the sadistic frenzy of Queens, resounded on all sides. --Maurice Richardson, "A Quiet Game of Chess" 1948. Its full text is chapter of 'Exploits of Engelbrecht'.
Today is also Charles Babbage's birthday, Computer, heralding computer theory epitomized by chess-playing as well as anything. December 26 is also Mao Tse-Tung's. Yesterday the 25th is Isaac Newton's birthday, Physics.