In the interest of natural evolution, do you think I should contact the inventors of said 3 variants, because I owe a great deal of inspiration from them and ask If I can publish my variants as fully fleged ones, so when it comes to that website that you were talking about, the variations on the otherwise very good variants would stand a chance on they're own. What I have actually done is take two good variants and combine what I considered their strengths into 2 new better, in my view, variations.
I was thinking...
In the interest of natural evolution, do you think I should contact the inventors of said 3 variants, because I owe a great deal of inspiration from them and ask If I can publish my variants as fully fleged ones, so when it comes to that website that you were talking about, the variations on the otherwise very good variants would stand a chance on they're own. What I have actually done is take two good variants and combine what I considered their strengths into 2 new better, in my view, variations.