George Duke wrote on Mon, Nov 17, 2014 04:52 PM UTC:
Euphemism blindness means blunder, blunders at issue in the Sixth Game,
played Saturday. It was also the Sixth Game in 1972 we maintain Spassky can
win with corrected '15 ...Rxc5': Two earlier comments in the linked thread provide detail.
That sixth game the Mail and many others call one of the several best games
of all time, or even single best. But Spassky should win by above new move;
it may have been pointed out somewhere before (or deliberately
overlooked), and was rediscovered when reviewing here in CVPage forty-year
anniversary of 1972 Fischer-Spassky spectacular.
We certainly don't want to put the current late-term crop of babbitts in the same league as
Fischer and Spassky for over-all intellectual/cultural importance, yet it is a coincidental
"sixth game" again.
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