George Duke wrote on Fri, Dec 20, 2013 08:29 PM UTC:
"Too many cooks spoil the broth." 'Cook' is also a flaw or dual
solution in Chess problem. Anyway whose goose is going to be cooked by the
other one's campaign, Kasparov's or Ilyumzhinov's, Each
following Proverb couples with Chess variant having plural inventorship.
Too many Cooks?
Chess arrives in Europe by first mention year 997. English has far the world's largest vocabulary. Over half its words to this day are French or Latin-through-French origin, latter considerably polysyllabic. Most English-predecessor Germanic Anglo-Saxon one-syllable words do carry over post-invasion. From 1066 on Norman Conquest of England, killing Harold, feudal French overlords contribute to English half each pairing (s)axon/ (f)rench: steer/boeuf, pig/porc, calf/veau, sheep/mouton, chicken/poulet, deer/venaison, want/desire, smell/odor, eat/dine, look at/regard, dead/deceased. Cook itself is of course plain Latin.
Latin: Ne quid expectes amicos, quod tute agere possis: (like asian go).
French: Too many cooks ruin the sauce:
Spanish: A ship directed by many pilots soon sinks:
Japanese: With too many rowers the ship will crash into a mountain:
Chinese: Seven hands, eight feet: (look at tower of hanoi!).
Russian: When there are five nurses the child loses an eye; with seven
nurses the child finally is found to lack a head: (the four basic pieces).
Dutch: Beter alleen, dan in kwaad gezelschap: (have gms no shame for a cv "hardly new"?). That makes 8 ways to
say Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth.