George Duke wrote on Sat, Dec 7, 2013 04:35 PM UTC:
"Little drops of water make the mighty ocean" brings to mind ancient
Indian saying "Chess is a sea where a gnat may drink and an elephant may
bathe." During INTERMISSION til the fall 2014 next Chess Championship,
what other like Proverbs are found? And what corresponding superior Chess
Variant from or related to each country?
Long since fresh and now having fully run its course, Official Rules of
f.i.d.e. do govern hoi polloi GM play, though many a well-considered Chess
Variant makes far better top-of-the-pyramid mind-sport selection in ideal
world. No contest. Now not every both intelligent and whimsical CV is
candidate-replacement creme de la creme, but one and all proverbs are
genuine translations.
French: Little by little the bird makes his nest:
Japanese: Grains of dust pile up to make a hill:
German: Dripping water hollows a stone:
Italian: Drop by drop the sea is filled:
Russian: Single threads from all over the world can make a whole shirt for
a man:
Arabic: A hair from here and a hair from there finally make a beard:
Chinese: For Chien's army stopped the river's course when each soldier
threw in his whip: That makes 8 ways to say Little Drops of Water Make the Mighty Ocean.