📝George Duke wrote on Wed, May 29, 2013 12:56 AM UTC:
What was happening ten years ago?
June 2003 this one is a discourse again with moral overtones, and the other comment in 2007, http://www.chessvariants.org/index/displaycomment.php?commentid=18022, cites the central speaker Maia renaming ''Big Bang'' The Glowth.
Sky and Telescope Magazine panel including Sagan and Hugh Downs retained Big Bang though so ineptly named by Hoyle, who was deliberately scoffing with the name on radio as proponent of Steady State -- Steady State having equal billing as contrary theory in such as planetarium shows and exhibits until discovery of background radiation the 1960s. Http://news.discovery.com/space/the-big-bang-is-a-big-bust-for-skeptics.html.
The first speaker Electra rejects compiled Bible's first page In the beginning was the Word, as well as Goethe's christianity-overcoming Faust's third scene In the beginning was the Deed, in favour of In the Beginning was the Move (chess). (In quest selling soul to Mephistopheles, Faust temporizes In the beginning was the Thought: http://www.levity.com/alchemy/faust04.html.)
But the last word this Morality XI is the seventh Pleiad skeptic Caleano's In the Beginning was the Turn, for obvious reasons.