💡📝Charles Gilman wrote on Wed, Feb 1, 2012 01:45 AM EST:
'OK that somehow helps me but I need more specifics on how the rose pieces move like 'this piece can move either like this piece or that piece'. It's ok if you don't remember. I am still curious and want you to maybe give names foe even more pieces.'
Well unprefixed ones that have survived under new names are listed in the notes on Man and Beast 06. To be honest the only reason why I record changes is in case anyone has already remembered the pieces under the old names and is thinking of using them in a variant. As far as I can see only one has been used in variants, and those my own, and I have substituted the replacement name throughout. Why someone who does not know how a piece moves wants to know a discontinued name for it is beyond me, unless you want to reuse the old name for a piece of your own invention and check that you're not duplicating the renamed one.