Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

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Flowerman wrote on Thu, Feb 11, 2010 07:19 AM UTC:
Vitya Makov, ïðèâåò! À êàê òû äîãàäàëñÿ? Âèäåë ìîé êîììåíòàðèé ê ñòàòüå ïðî
ôåðçÿ (êîòîðûé õîäèò íà îäíó êëåòêó ïî äèàãîíàëè)? Èëè êàê?

Another game, i invented it yesterday, it's more serious (i don't know,
if there are similar game, but, i hope, you will like it anyway). I called
it 'Win the batle - lose the war'.
Starting setup is same as in FIDE chess. But starting board is only
'map', not batlefield, and pieces are not single units, but groups. If
group will occupy field with enemy group, enemy will not be taken from
boaed, when will began batlle on another board. Each batlefield is 4X6
board. Attacker's pawns begins on 2nd row, attacker's pieces on 1st,
defender's pawns on 5th and his pieces on 6th. On battlefield each player
have 4 pawns, 1 rook, 1 knight, 1 bishop and 1 leader. Leader is always
piece what was moving on MAP. On batlefield leader is royal piece, he must
be checkmated, so opponent will win batle. Attacker always begin batlr,
it's not depended on colour. If attackers will win batle, defender's
piece is removed from board and attacker will occupy defender squre. If
defender will win battle, attacker's leader is removed from board, but
defender don't move. Minor pieces, what was lost in batle, don't return
to next batle, but they will immeditaly return if leader will return to his
colour's first row on MAP. Pawns, promoted in batle, don't become pawns
again in next batle, but they starts from 2nd and 5th row anyway. If leader
pawn is promoted on batlefield, he don,t become the same piece on map, but
if promoted on MAP, he becomes the same piece on batlefields, not depending
on what piece he promoted before. Pawns batlefield hasn't initial duble
step, but they have it on MAP. En-passant and castling (ONLY on map) is as
in classic chess. Goal is to win batle with enemy's king. There is no
check, checkmate and stalemate on MAP. If there are draw in BATLEFIELD,
both leaders are removed from map (if one of leaders is king, it mean,  he
loses, but if they both are kings, it's draw of entire game). Starting
position of pieces on BATLEFIELD is chosen by pieces owner. Ah, i forget
the main detail: changing beetwen batle and war! There are to tipes of
them: 1st: batle must be finished, onnly when it's possible to continue
war, but it will be long game. 2nd (faster and more realistic): in 1 turn
player can move pieces in map and in all betles (there are possible several
batles at same time). Player can refuse of moving piece as in war, as in
any batle, but he MUST move piece at least in war or at least in 1 batle.
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