Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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H. G. Muller wrote on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 11:21 AM UTC:
> Mats: This is a piece that is easily graspable, very agile, but not 
> trivial to exchange. Due to its great value it cannot simply block 
> enemy pieces. It would be a good substitute for the mad queen, then.

Indeed, I like the Adjutant. It really adds new aspects to the game: a
jumping Slider, interesting pair interactions with the Bishops, and
something to bridge the Rook-Queen value gap.

The Nightrider is another piece that tested as more valuable as a Rook,
despite its lack of mating potential. In fact mating potential is a bit of
an overrated property. In practice Pawnless end-games hardly occur. It is
the piece that is more effective in supporting Pawns in the battle for
promotion that is most valuable, and the mating potential becomes only an
issue when the number of Pawns has fallen to one (so you can sac your piece
for the last Pawn). I also tested an augmented Bishop with a single extra
backward capture (BbW). This move endows it with mating potential, but has
not much tactical value. It added about what I expected from the tactical
value (15-20 cP). There hardly seemed to be a bonus for the mating
potential, although at the time-control where I tested Fairy-Max was
definitely able to find the mate with this piece against bare King.