1. c4 e5 looks to be Black’s best reply, but 1. c4 e5 2. Bc2 is dangerous for black if not handled properly. Here are the win/lose/draw ratios for White after 1. c4 e5:
It looks like Black gets creamed here because Joker80 often does 2. ... g6 when 2. ... Ng6 appears to give much better results (Update: Further research shows Ng6 isn’t that great for Black: c4-e5-Bc2-Ng6 Win: 50.365% Loss: 39.4161% draw 10.219% Total 274)
More research has to be done, including looking for a reasonable Black reply to 2. f3.
As an aside, I get a lot more pretty mates when I have Joker80 play at 40-moves-in-4-seconds than when I use slower time controls.
More research has to be done, including looking for a reasonable Black reply to 2. f3.
As an aside, I get a lot more pretty mates when I have Joker80 play at 40-moves-in-4-seconds than when I use slower time controls.