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ChessV. Program for playing numerous Chess variants against your PC.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
📝Greg Strong wrote on Mon, Oct 2, 2006 10:14 PM EDT:

Version 0.9.1 released

new games: This version adds support for a new class of games - the diagonal games, Diagonal Chess, Diamond Chess, and Legan's Game (all from Pritchard's Encyclopedia of Chess Variants.) These games allow you to view the board normally, or rotated 45 degrees, for a more appropriate viewing. Also, support for new 10x8 games Optimized Chess by Derek Nalls and New Chancellor Chess by David Paulowich.

new features: New square textures, and a new option to customize the 10x8 Capablanca-like games. It was already possible to customize these games by making a SGF file, but now there is a user-interface to specify the rules you want, and you are given an option to save a SGF into your include directory, making the game a permanent addition to your ChessV installation. An option to replace Chancellors and Archbishops with Ministers and High-priestesses is also present to allow one to play Christine Bagly-Jones's Capablanca Shatranj variants. Just click on Capablanca Chess variants from the start screen, and check 'Customize the Selected Game'

performance: many performance enhancements speed things up 10-40 percent, depending on the game. 10x8 variants are much faster, and have much smarter evaluation of positions.

Enjoy! Download from the project's home at