Larry Smith wrote on Fri, Jun 9, 2006 11:20 PM UTC:
Even if the game generates a value, using this formula, which is close to
or even exactly like that of the Mad Queen variant, it would not
necessarily mean that the game is in any way similar.
The only thing that this formula would note is a ratio between the piece
power/density and field size. This value is really of little use without
further considerations.
I once advocated that the difference in the piece-types, or the potential
exchange ratios, might have an influence in the game. A game which is
populated with pieces of similar value offer little chance for advantage
during play. While a game with a large variety of piece-types would offer
a greater opportunity for advantage during play.
Even this would not be the only consideration when evaluating a game.
There was a old thread which covered this particular subject. Does anyone
know its title and how to access it?
Never mind, I found it: