Gary Gifford wrote on Thu, Apr 20, 2006 09:33 PM UTC:
Mats, you overlooked the games I mentioned and brought up backgammon, not
sure why. But I did mention Omega Chess. GM Michael Rohde (about 2695
rated)in regard to Omega Chess excitedly stated '. . . all the elements
of chess are preserved' and he stated that'. . .new tactical twists are
created by the extra pieces, larger board and extra corner squares.' He
went on to say, 'The Wizard and the Champion complement very well and
quite entertainingly the different strengths of the Knight, Bishop, Rook
and Queen.' He pointed out that Omega Chess groups have shown up in
Toronto, New York, Budapest, and on the internet. Susan Polgar (a high
level chess master) also likes Omega Chess.
Former World Chess Champion Kramnik played Makruk (Thailand Chess). He
played a match of Makruk against German journalist Dr. René Gralla (May
1st, 2004). Kramnik likes Makruk.
But for now, there is really no reason to replace chess. It is an
excellent game... there is no reason we can't continue to play and enjoy
chess along with other games like Shogi, Xianqi, and many of our
little-known inventions here.
Players will play what they like.... in time something may come along to
replace chess... but I think we'll both be pushing up daisies long before
that happens.