Mike Nelson wrote on Sat, Sep 7, 2002 08:22 PM UTC:
These limits are very agreeable. While as a matter of courtesy I qould
give advance notice if I could nott reply in five days, I can concieve of
circumstances that would make this difficult or impossible. I think it's
good that if someone misses a deadline for some emergency and they didn't
have a chance to give notice, they won't be unduly penalized.
I assume that there will need to be an overall limit for completion of the
games. Will there be provision for adjudication of unfinished games? Two
cases come to mind:
1. A player can demonstrate a forced win that cannot be completed within
the overall limit. This should be adjudicated to be a win.
2. At the expiration of the overall limit, a player cannot demonstrate a
forced win but has a very superior game. Should this also be adjudicated
to be a win?