Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Mar 26, 2006 01:20 AM EST:Good ★★★★
After a comment on one of my piece articles I have come up with some ideas
for easily-extrapolated angle-specific Crooked-piece names, using prefixes
and suffixes. In each case _____ represents the name of the straight
linepiece minus -rider (e.g. Night).
Long_____flyer: 53° Night-, 37° Camel-, 67° Zebra-, 28° Giraf-
Short_____flyer: 127° Night-, 143° Camel-, 113° Zebra-, 152° Giraf-
Long_____sidler: 37° Night-, 53° Camel-, 23° Zebra-, 62° Giraf-
Short_____sidler: 143° Night-, 127° Camel-, 157° Zebra-, 118° Giraf-