I could contact the inventor Panos Louridas and resolve some of the details
that remained untold in the article and my previous comment (19.01.2006).
First I should mention again, that an essential paramater in this game is
the _number of types_ of pieces that a player owns. If it is only 1 or
less then for this player virtual play never occurs. This ruling principle
will help (I hope) to understand the following clarifications.
1) We should complete the rules about the capturing of pieces (real
or virtual) by the following:
If the number of types of pieces (real and potential) of a player will
reduced by the capture to 1 and he owns virtual stones yet then the
virtual piece(s) of this player will be replaced instantly by the
potential pieces they stand for, and this event is not the start of
a recycling (because such players are excluded from playing with
virtual pieces).
2) Promotions of Pawns:
The owner of the pawn chooses (at usual) a piece to become for the pawn.
This pieces goes to the resevoir and becomes a virtual piece on the board
then and only then if the number of types of pieces in the reservoir
will be greater than 1 (including the new piece by the promoting).
If this condition is not fulfilled the promoted piece stays a real piece.
a) Before the promoting of a pawn the player does not own any other
piece. Then the promoted piece will remain real evidently.
b) Before the promoting of a pawn the player owns only one type of other
piece(s) (always real by the rules mentioned above). If he chooses
for the promoting pawn the same type as he already owns then all
of his pieces will stay real; if he chooses for the pawn a piece of
another type then instantly all of his pieces will go to the his
reservoir and will be substituted by virtual piecs on the board.
Furthermore the player also will take part again in the future
recycling cycles.
c) Before the promoting of a pawn the player owns more than one types
of pieces, but all of them except one are already in the real state.
If now the player chooses the same type of piece like the one that
is represented by his last virtual piece then the promoted piece
stay real; if he chooses a type other than that of the virtual
his promoted piece will become virtual and the choosen type of
piece will be added to his reservoir.
d) Before the promoting of a pawn the player owns more than one types
of pieces and at least two of its pieces are in the virtual state
and stand for different types. In this case the promoted pieces
always becomes a virtual piece and the choosen promotion goes to
the reservoir.
Friendly Greetings,
Alfred Pfeiffer