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Unfortunately, I have not saved the games I have played against 0.8, but I think all what happened could be consequence of the deep search up to 9 moves and the 5 seconds per move, considering that Ultima and Opulent are games in which the mobility of pieces and the number of generated moves can be really big, and, additionally, evaluation is not as easy as in other games, in both games there are some pieces with almost the same value, and in both games some positional concepts are not well evaluated by Chess V, simply because it is not so easy to be performed by a program which has not been made 'on purpose' for these games. I suggest limit the search depth IN FUNCTION of the time used, perhaps depth 5 or 6 for 5 seconds per move is good enough in Ultima and Opulent. As for Ultima, Matthew is right, some structures of Pawns are favourable in many cases, but much more when there are not Long-Leapers in the other band scenario... and I suggest add a good penalty for an Immobilizer immobilized by a Chameleon, it is almost always a bad thing for the immobilized team. Some parameters and values may be revised a bit, but in general lines, I think that the game played by Chess V is still stronger to that of Zillions, also in the terms I tested. I´ll try to reproduce similar instances soon, if I have the time, and if there is success, I´ll send to you the saved moves.