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<h3>Version 0.8 Released</h3><p>After a very long delay, the new version is finally out. The source code and windows executables are located at the <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/chessv'>project's home on sourceforge.net</a>. Enjoy!</p><p><b>New games:</b> <a href='/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSopulentchess'>Opulent Chess</a>, <a href='/contests/10/tencubedchess.html'>TenCubed Chess</a>, <a href='/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSmodernshatranj'>Modern Shatranj</a>, <a href='/contests/10/shatranjkamil64.html'>Shatranj Kamil (64)</a>, and <a href='/index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSangelsanddevil'>Angels and Devils</a>.</p><p>This version also includes many bug fixes and performance enhancements. The play is significantly more intelligent than before. It also offers new options in the 'Computer Settings' dialog box. You can now set the size of the Transposition Table and Evaluation Cache (in Megabytes), and you can adjust the margins for Razoring and Futility Pruning. (Sometime soon I need to make a post explaining just what all these things are.)</p>