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This is similar to something I've done before. I used to print piece images to sticker paper and apply them to poker chips. It would be helpful if you would include some photographs of the finished product and the stages you went through. I've also made a hexagonal board. See Make Your Own 91-Space Hexagonal Board. You can see photos of it in some pages for games that use it.
I can certainly include some photos of some sets that I have printed with this method, as well as some of the steps along the way. It is a really good idea to include the visuals. It may take me a few days to do so, since I do not have any photos of the steps of the process and I will have to make another set to get them. Bummer! I have to print a new chess variant! ;)
I had not seen your hexagonal board article yet, thank you for including a link to it! I have not yet been able to catch up to all of the things posted since I last frequented the site many years ago. May I have your permission to edit the text to include a link to your article on making the hexagonal board?
May I have your permission to edit the text to include a link to your article on making the hexagonal board?
Yes, you can do that.
Please add links as well. For example you talk about Avery 4221 and Avery's web site. I don't know what you are talking about, please add a link to this web site.
@ Fergus: Thank you!
@ Jean-Louis: I will add a link to the Avery site. Avery is a company that makes office supplies, in this case sticker labels designed to be used with Microsoft Word or other word processing programs. They provide templates that can be used by the word processing programs to ensure that the spacing will be correct for printing on their labels.
I have added links to the Avery site, photos of different parts of the process and some of the sets made with this method. I believe that the article is ready for publication.
I do not currently have an equally easy way to make round boards. If you know of an easy way to make a round board, please share!)
What I did to make a hexagonal board will work for any 2D board.
- Create an image file.
- Divide it up into parts if you want it bigger than you can print as one piece.
- Make sure each image file will print to the size you want.
- Print the parts onto sticker paper.
- Apply the sticker paper to boards you can piece together later.
If you want a circular board in particular, you can start by having Game Courier generate an image of the board.
For making boards a large sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler always served me well.
I put stickers on draughts chips to make pieces. I did cut those to shape, though:
H.G., your image is not showing up in the comment, though it does show up if I load it in a new tab. My best guess as to why is that it is using http, and this is an https site. Try uploading it here and changing the link.
I did cut those to shape, though
Before I read that, I thought you might have used clear sticker paper, which prompted me to search for the product.
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