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Comments by TonyQuintanilla
The names of the players appear in the below the board display in the fields, 'White' and 'Black'.

Very nice game. The piece capabilities are very interesting, powerful, yet seem clear. The game aesthetics are very nice too.
<p>A Pawn can threaten to take a King; this is called 'check'. Kings never actually get taken. When the King cannot escape being taken on the next turn, this is called 'checkmate'. See the rules of Chess at this <a href='http://www.chessvariants.com/d.chess/chess.html'>link</a>.</p>

This game has an interesting see-saw dynamic. To actually travel to a destination, one has to toggle through the boards. This affects force development. One can't let one side get too weak. In addition to moving to get to a location, one moves to get from one board to the other.

An interesting aspect of this game is that game goals or strategies differ on each board. The checkmate goal is the same, of course, but each position has its own intermediary objectives. On one board, the objectives may be more like the opening, on the other they may be more middle game objectives. These objectives must remain flexible because the positions appear and dissapear like summer clouds or maybe dreams. What a great game!

Another interesting feature of this game is that the King must be checked on one board, but checkmated on the other! So the attacking piece plays no role in the actual checkmate except in attacking the original square. This makes checkmate much harder. Add to this that piece density has been cut in half. The end-game should be interesting.

The Reducer is an interesting piece. I like that it restores movement as well as Reducing. I also like the Soldier's lateral move. That's very interesting, especially since it hides all the orthogonal moves of the major pieces. Deneb is very clear, but also very different. Nice game.

Fergus, I tried the proper take-back method in Deneb and it worked perfectly. Thanks for all you excellent work on the PBM Courier!!!
<p>As for this game...well, its fun, but my side's chances are looking rather dim....

Andreas, I have posted a PBM preset for Anti-King I and II. See the related links in 'See also'.
<p>Peter, take a look at the Anti-King II setup diagram and description on your page; I think there are errors. Is my interpretation for the preset right?

Fergus, thanks for the tip. I have changes the link name for Pocket Mutation Chess and Anti-King Chess presets.

Excellent. Excellent. At least. An outstanding effort and definitely an enhancement to the site. This allows both game developers and players to enjoy playing almost any Chess variant in an easy to use and appealing format, with full functionality. Thanks again, Fergus!

Roberto, I think I tried the take-back after Fergus fixed the bug. About the game, I was refering to Alice Chess--in which my chance *are* rather dim! Deneb? I'm still in the game--I hope!
Fergus, that would be an excellent addition. Would it be possible to select the view or switch the view (say, select 0, 90, 180, or 270)? This would allow players in games with an odd numbers of players, say 3-player games, the flexibility to select the best view when no view is perfect. This would also have the added benefit of allowing players to 'flip' the board to see it from their opponent's perspective.

Very interesting comments. I have to admit that I have not easily adapted to cannons, but your observations will make me take a fresh look at them. Thanks, Chen.

If anyone is interested in having a Preset for Game Courier made for a game they have invented or are interested in, please let me know by a return Comment or e-mail. -- Tony

A link has been added for this game: http://www.chessvariants.com/link2.dir/imposterchess.html

Fergus: perhaps you can take a look at this game log.
<p>It seems that White and Black turns are inverted. Could that be?
<p>Black's first response was made as a comment to White's move, '1. P d2-d4 // 1... e7-e6'. That does not seem possible.
<p>White then made Black's intended move because Black was unable to and then made his own move. However, White made his move as Black, or so it seems: '1... p e7-e6; P e2-e4'.
<p>Now its 'Black to Move', but its White's turn according to the log!
<p>Perhaps during the game invitation the two colors got mixed up?
I tried a game of Imposter Chess using the 'Move' feature and generated the following move list: 1. P d2-e4 1... p e7-e5 2. N g1-f3 2... n b8-c6 3. N f3-e5;p-C1 3... n c6-e5;N-B8 It seems to work ok. I also tried Takeover Chess 'solitaire' and its worked ok too. I would suggest trying the game again to see if the errors recur.
Laila, the new preset is quite nice. The contrast between the border and the squares makes the board more clear. I can make the changes and add the minirules.
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