Dunsany's Chess
This game, also called Dunsany's Game, was invented by renowed fantasy author Lord Dunsany in 1942, and it was published in the The Fairy Chess Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, August 1942. Dunsany himself called it Pieces against Pawns, though, thanks to his fame as an author, it became better known by his own name. Michael Keller, in World Game Review, issue 10 gives a reference to a booklet of chess inventor and publicist Joseph Boyer for this game.
White has 32 pawns, located at all squares in rows 1, 2, 3, and 4. Black has the usual set of pieces. Whites pawns do not have an initial double move, and promote as usual, while for black normal chess rules apply.
Black starts the game, and wins when he has taken all white pawns; white wins by checkmating black.
Written by Hans Bodlaender. New info added to introduction by Fergus Duniho.
WWW page created: January 8, 1996. Last modified: January 13, 2025.