The Palace Used Tag
Board has some sort of Palace zones where Kings must either remain whole game, or are at least restricted in some way if they leave it.
Tagged Pages
Altair. Altair is a modern game with an oriental flavor. (9x9, Cells: 81) (1)
Banner Xiangqi. Xiangqi with Banners (from the Game of Three Kingdoms) and simplified endgame rules. (1)
Etcetera. This variant has some elements of Chinese Chess. Also, pieces cannot capture pieces of their own type. (7x8, Cells: 56) (1)
Eurasian Chess. Synthesis of European and Asian forms of Chess. (10x10, Cells: 100) (1)
Five Tigers. A Chinese Chess variant with unequal armies. (9x10, Cells: 90) (1)
Hexetera. Small hexagonal variant with some elements of Chinese Chess. (Cells: 44) (1)
Janggi - 장기 - Korean Chess. The variant of chess played in Korea. (9x10, Cells: 90) (Recognized!) (1)
Palace. 7x7 board with a 3x3 Palace at the centre, where King promotes to Queen. (1)
Quang Trung Chess, 2nd Edition. On 10 by 10 board with seven mostly new pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100) (1)
Seenschach. Variant on 10 by 10 board with lake in the middle and new pieces. (10x10, Cells: 84) (1)
Storm the Ivory Tower. A Smess adaptation of Chinese Chess. (9x10, Cells: 90) (1)
Symmetron! 112. Large version of Symmetron!, with a third modifier. (11x10, Cells: 112) (1)
Symmetron! 44. Most pieces move orthogonally or diagonally according to situation. (7x6, Cells: 44) (1)
Tardis Taijitu. Xiang Qi board but with movable, bigger-inside-than-outside Fortresses. (3x(9x10), Cells: 144) (1)
Xiang Hex. Missing description (9x7, Cells: 79) (1)
Xiangqi 42. A minature version of Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) on 42 squares. (7x6, Cells: 42) (1)
Xiangqi: Chinese Chess. Links and rules for Xiangqi (Chinese Chess). (9x10, Cells: 90) (Recognized!) (1)
ZhamengQi. XiangQi with Grasshoppers. (9x10, Cells: 90) (1)