Preference Poll for the First Game Courier Tournament
During November and December of 2003, over one hundred games were under consideration for the first Game Courier Tournament, and an approval poll was run to narrow down this list. Now that we have a more manageable list of games, it is time to run a preference poll to decide which games shall be included in the tournament.
Since links can't be included in the form used for voting, here are links to the rules for all the games being voted on.
Since the last poll chose between preset pages, and some preset pages had more than one version of a game, two versions are included for some games. Also, among the games selected by the first poll, there were pairs of very similar games. All these games are included in this poll, but any game listed below will have to beat the game it's paired with to be included in the tournament. My reasoning behind this is that wanting one thing and wanting another very similar thing does not always imply that you want both together. In cases like this, you may want one or the other, but not both, and have a weak preference regarding which one you want. By explicity stating that both games in a pair won't make it to the tournament, I leave you free to vote your full preference for each without the need to exaggerate your preference for one to make sure both don't make it.
The poll data is lost, and this script needs updating. So, all PHP code has been commented out.