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Tango Chess

This page contains one or more presets for playing a game online with Game Courier, an online server for playing Chess variants by correspondence.

Logs for Tango Chess.

All pawns promote to Harvesters (Notation: H / h). White pawns promote on the seventh rank. Black pawns promote on the third rank.


Teepees are Diagonal Moving Triangulators. They move like bishops and "capture[s] any enemy piece that is on an intersection of diagonal lines that run through both Triangulators." (Quote and idea from Robert Abbott, who suggested triangulators that capture accordingly but move on orthogonal lines.) This is capturing at a distance, by elimination, by "rifle shoot," regardless of whether there are pieces along the lines stretching into the apex where the targeted piece is captured (or if the piece at the apex is a king, checked or checkmated). Can only coordinate with each other; powerless without another diagonal moving triangulator.

In this diagram, the triangulator can eliminate the pawn on the top row, even though there is a pawn in between the triangulator on the left side:

o o p o o 
o o o p o 
t o o o t 

The pawn on the top row is removed even though the teepees remain where they are. This maneuver is termed "rifle shoot" in chess variants parlance.

Bell Jars are Triangulator Bishops that move and capture like a bishop or like a lame rifle. The lines stretching into the apex (legs) must be free of pieces in order for a triangulator bishop to eliminate (or in the case of the king, check or checkmate) the piece at the apex. Can only co-ordinate with each other, not with diagonal moving triangulators.

In this diagram, the pawn on the top row can not be eliminated because the pawn on the second row is obstructing ("lame rifle" aspect illustrated). However, the pawn on the second row can simply be captured via the bishop replacement capture move.

o o p o o 
o o o p o 
b o o o b 

The Ether is a Spacious Wazir "Regulator" piece. Allows any piece or pawn on the board to make a non-capturing spacious wazir move to the color on which it (The Ether) is situated (the second orthogonal - or dababa space - must be empty for it to move) if the piece is on the opposite color. You can move your spacious wazir regulator back and forth, but it counts as a turn each time you move it.

This diagram shows that a spacious wazir could move to any wazir space except towards north since there is a piece one step beyond it:

o o P o o 
o o o P o 
o m S m o 
o o m o o 
o o o o o

Harvester -- the Harvester starts off the board, but pawns promote to Harvesters. Harvesters can move like a bishop or a wazir or like wazir and then bishop from the wazir square (in other words like aanca + bishop). Piece comes from Tripunch Chess. Here is an illustration of possible Harvester movement:

x o o o o o x 
x x o o o x x 
x x x o x x x 
o x x x x x o 
o o x H x o o 
o x x x x x o
x x x o x x x 
x x o o o x x 
x o o o o o x 


All pawns move one space at a time. As with the belljars and the teepees, the pawns can make one non-capturing spacious wazir move too if The Ether is on a color opposite to the one upon which it is situated.

Sergeant Pawn Moves only forward and captures diagonally or orthogonally.

o o o o o 
o x x x o 
o o S o o 
o o o o o 

Chinese Pawn moves the way it captures, orthogonally forward only:

o o o o o 
o o x o o 
o o c o o 
o o o o o 

Berolina Pawn makes non-capturing move diagonally forward, but captures orthogonally forward:

o o o o o 
o m x m o 
o o b o o 
o o o o o 

Pawn makes non-capturing move orthogonally forward, and captures diagonally forward:

o o o o o 
o x m x o 
o o p o o 
o o o o o 


Goal is checkmate. King can be checked either directly or by being caught at the apex of a triangulating piece.

All pawns promote to Harvesters (Notation: H / h). White pawns promote on the seventh rank. Black pawns promote on the third rank.

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By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
Web page created: 2007-09-05. Web page last updated: 2007-09-05