Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

Game Courier Settings

The number after each settings link indicates how many sections for code have code. The maximum number is 7. Most games require only 5 for full rule enforcement, display of legal moves, and the spotting of check, checkmate, and stalemate. A game with only 2 or 3 probably enforces the rules but doesn't display legal moves or spot check, checkmate, and stalemate. A game with only 1 probably has some setting up at the beginning but doesn't enforce any rules. And a game with 0 simply functions as an inert game board upon which players may move pieces as they wish without any rule enforcement and without any display of legal moves.


Dec, 2008

Active King Chess:default [0]
Mid-evil Chess:Mid-evil Chess [0]
45D:default [1]
Uncorked Chess 2:default [0]
Fugue:Alfaerie [3]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess :wwwIV [0]
Mir Chess:Mir Chess test-1 [0]
Mir Chess:Mir Chess [0]
Mir Chess:Alfaerie 2 [0]
Tiled Squares Chess:default [1]
Doppelganger BordahBee:Alfaerie [0]
Six Fortresses:default [0]
Amazone Chess:Amazone Chess [0]
Chess with Different Armies FIDE vs. Nutty:FIDE-Knights [5]
Mini-POM (Mini Pillars of Medusa):Mini-POM [0]
Rococo with Archers II:Alfaerie [3]
Alice Chess:MagneticPieces(oncljan) [3]
Alice Chess:alice_robil [0]
Lesser Two Zone, One Kind with Promotable Wazirs:FKFF5 [0]
Lalita Sylvahn:default [0]
Unidirectional Nightrider Chess:default [0]
Atomic Chess with an Extra Row of Pawns:Tuttifruttitimetravel [0]
Atomic Chess with an Extra Row of Pawns:default [0]
Raptor Chess:Raptor Chess [1]
Contramatic Chess:default [0]
Chessgi:test [5]
Chessgi:chessgi_jp [2]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:Mace [1]
Amantillado 1 vs. Amantillado 2:default [0]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:customize [1]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:AirTrenchWarfareFalcon [1]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:AirTrenchWarfareZebra [1]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:Carnage [1]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:Octopus [1]
Pick the Piece Big Chess:AirTrenchWarfare [1]
The Watchers 2.6:The Watchers 2.6 [1]
The Watchers 2.4:The Watchers 2.4 [1]
Uncorked Chess:default [0]
Gryphon Aanca Chess:2 [0]
Gryphon Aanca Chess:3gkg [0]
Gryphon Aanca Chess:default [0]
Holy Grail:knights [1]
The Watchers v.4.1:The Watchers v.4.1 [1]
Holy Grail:Holy Grail [1]
Querquisite Shafran's Chess:default [1]
Crushing Conquerors:default [0]
Querquisite Shafran's Chess:Quequisite [1]
Elk Chess EXAMPLE:elkchess2 [0]
Cinderella in the Nude Chess (Flying Kittens Versus Good Caissans):Goodflyingcinders [0]
Agincourt:agincourt [0]
The Watchers 2.7:The Watchers 2.7 [1]
Double Doppelganger Chess:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies FIDE vs. Colorbound:FIDE-Colorbound [5]
Fweeps (WIP):Fweeps [1]
Shako:Cazaux [5]
Rennaisance Chess IIc:Rennaisance Chess IIc [0]
Dead Ringers Chess (with orthodox Pawns):default [0]
A Somewhat Illogical Follow Up to a Logical Follow Up Duke of Rutland Chess - Part 1:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
FIDE Setup - Nightrider Army vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
A Somewhat Illogical Follow Up to a Logical Follow Up Duke of Rutland Chess - Part 5:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
The Wazy Front:The Wazy Front [0]
Bank Chess - Swap - Half Standard II:default [0]
Lesser Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF4 [0]
Lesser Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF5 [0]
Lesser Two Zone, One Kind:SlightlySmallerLesser [0]
CETRAN Chess 2:CETRAN2 [1]
Cetran Chess 2:Cetran2 [1]
Cetran Chess 2:cetran2r [1]
Cetran Chess 2:Asymmetric [1]
Cetran Chess 2:MirrorSymmetry [1]
Cetran Chess 2:Sample [0]
Cetran Chess 2:asymmetric_MLV [1]
Cetran Chess 2:ReversedSymmetry [1]
Cetran Chess 2:Cetran-2 [1]
Cetran Chess 2:mirror_symmetricMLV [1]
Cetran Chess 2:cetran2 [1]
Birds and Ninjas:alternative [1]
Birds and Ninjas:Leaping Ninjas [1]
Birds and Ninjas:Birds and Ninjas [1]
Simple Knights Chess:default [0]
Texarkana:default [0]
Disjointed Knights and Camels Chess:default [0]
Grasshopper Chess:Alfaerienochchst [3]
Grasshopper Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Mad Chess:alfaerie [0]
Thronschach:default [0]
90 FIDE Chess Kamil:default [0]
Bank Chess - Half Standard II:default [0]
Shatranj Kamil 2:Shatranj Kamil 2 [0]
wuss:default [0]
Extra Pieces FIDE Chess with :Alfaerie [0]
Claustrophobia 2: Ninjutsu:Ninjutsu [0]
I'm a Ferz, Get Me Into There! Part 2:imaferz [0]
2g Chess:default [0]
Maka-Dai Shogi:Maka-Dai Shogi [0]
Maces, Shields, and Horse-apults:alf [0]
Maces, Shields, and Horse-apults:alf2 [0]
Rennaisance Chess IIe:Rennaisance Chess IIe [0]
East-West Stars Symchess:WESS [0]
Racing Kings:default [0]
Elephant Chess:elephantchess3 [3]
Elephant Chess:elephantchess2 [3]
Elephant Chess:elephantchess1 [3]
Victims' Chess:default [0]
Bouncers:bouncers2 [1]
Bouncers:bouncers1 [1]
Dead Ringers Chess II:default [0]
Kozune:default [0]
Symchess with Fils:Symfils [0]
Eurasian Chess:Eurasian_robil [3]
Bongo:Bongo [0]
9 x 9 Fun:default [0]
Honeycomp chess:default [0]
Derick Peterson's Standard Hexachess:default [0]
Royal Magician's Chess 3:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
The Watchers:The Watchers [1]
Grand Crazyhouse:default [0]
Canadian Courier Chess:Canadian Courier Chess [0]
Renniassance Chess for 14 x 14:Renniassance Chess for 14 x 14 [0]
Archbishops Versus Rooks:Archbishops Versus Rooks [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens 2:FabulousFlyingKittens [0]
Lions and Unicorns Chess:Alfaerie [3]
Lions and Unicorns Chess:LandUChess [0]
Atlantean Barroom Shatranj:Atlantean Barroom Shatranj [0]
6 x 10 Pawnless Wildeurasian Qi:default [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Remarkable vs. Nutty:Rookies-Knights [5]
Great Greedy Guts Without Amazons or Leapers and with an Extra Row of Pawns:GreatGreedyGutswithoutAmazons [0]
Larger Simple Knights Chess:default [0]
Oversize Lemurian Shatranj:Oversize Lemurian Shatranj 1 [0]
45C:default [0]
Six Fortresses Short Range:default [0]
The Watchers 2.9:The Watchers 2.9 [1]
Extraterrestrial Chess:3D-default [1]
Extraterrestrial Chess:4D-default [1]
Gochess medlee:Settings [5]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. FIDE:Nutty Knights Fabulous FIDE [5]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. FIDE:Knights-Rookies [5]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. FIDE:Knights-FIDE [5]
Shatranjian Shogi:default [0]
Pawn Eaters:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Zebrabeest Chess:Zebrabeest [0]
Rapacious 3:default [0]
Turkish Great Chess V - Many Version:default [0]
Quamel Movement 1:Quamel-Movement1 [0]
Blue Chess:Blue Chess [0]
Knights and Camels Chess with Winter Pawns:default [0]
Midnight Palace:default [0]
SSShess:ssshess [0]
Renniassance Chess for 12 x 12 with clear back ranks:Renniassance Chess for 12 x 12 with clear back ranks [0]
Cobra Chess:Cobra Chess [0]
Moderate Progressive Chess:Silver-Gifford [1]
Moderate Progressive Chess:default [0]
Dada:crazy [1]
Dada:default [1]
Simultaneity Chess:default [0]
FIDE vs. Nightrider Army on a 12 x 12 Board:default [0]
Chess on Two Boards:C02B [0]
Chess on Two Boards:C02B_W [0]
Atlantean Coffee House Shatranj:ACHS02 [0]
Atlantean Coffee House Shatranj:ACHS01 [0]
Judkin's Shogi:Judkin [1]
Judkin's Shogi:Judkin Shogi [1]
zcherryz7b_1:zcherryz7b_1 [0]
House of Mirrors Chess with Orphans:default [0]
Chess 2000:Chess 2000 [0]
Elk Chess2:elkchess2 [1]
Troitzky Chess with Triangulators:jelliss [0]
Chess Kingdom:Chess Kingdom [0]
Hexagonal Hole Chess:HexagonalHoleChess [0]
Limited Flying Kittens AND Fabulous FIDES:FKFF2 [0]
Limited Flying Kittens AND Fabulous FIDES:limitedflyingkittens [0]
Symchess Complex:Complex [0]
Cylindrical Armies and Powerful Alician Armies:Middle Meeting Chess [0]
Falcon Chess 100:Falcon Chess 100 [1]
Falcon Chess 100:default [0]
Bug in Game Courier:hoperror [4]
Chess on a Longer Board with a few Pieces Added:Alfaerie [5]
Chess on a Longer Board with a few pieces added:Alfaerie_full [4]
Chess on a Longer Board with a few pieces added:Alfaerienoch [5]
International Chess960:Alfaerie [1]
Contemporary International Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Pawnless vs. Pawnful FIDE:default [0]
Lalita David:default [0]
Rose Chess:default [1]
zcherryz Derived Game with More Powerful Pieces:zcherryz more powerful [0]
Hyperchess Joe Joyce Version :Hyperchess Joe Joyce Version [0]
Accelerated Chess:default [0]
Insane Ninja Chess:Insane Ninja Chess [1]
Insane Ninja Chess:Insane Ninja Chess 2 [1]
Apocalypse:Standard [0]
Maces,Horse-apults, and Tulpas:alf-tulpa [0]
Towers Chess:towers [0]
Chieftain Chess II:CC3 [0]
Grand CwDA: the Shatranjian Shooters:GCwDA_SS3 [0]
Quake Chess:LB [2]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty vs. FIDE:Knights-FIDE [5]
Quake Chess:DF [2]
Look as move Chess:default [0]
One Way Chess:Wood-Alfaerie [0]
One Way Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [1]
One Way Chess:One Way Chess [0]
One Way Chess:default [0]
Unicorn Chess A:default [0]
Greater Venusian Shatranj:default [0]
Archbishop Rookferz Chess:default [0]
Mayhem:default [0]
Grande Acedrex 2007:Grande Acedrex 2007 [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Colorbound vs. Remarkable:Colorbound-Rookies [5]
The Watchers 2:The Watchers 2 [1]
Pugnacious:default [0]
Diamond Chess:default [0]
Rococo with Mirror Arrays:Alfaerie [3]
zcherryz17b:zcherryz17b [0]
Uncorked Chess 4:default [0]
Uncorked Chess 5:default [0]
X Chess 2:default [0]
4 Armies:default [0]
10 x 10 Horse and Camel Chess 2:default [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil 10 x 9:default [0]
Capablanca Chess with Different Armies:SS_vs_CC [0]
Capablanca Chess with Different Armies:CC_vs_SS [0]
Amazon Chess:Amazon Chess [0]
Amazon Chess:default [0]
Centaur Chess:Centaur [0]
Centaur Chess:Blue-Motif [0]
Centaur Chess:default [0]
Seven Points Chess:default [0]
Cinderella in the Nude Chess (Really Good Caissans Versus Flying Kittens):Goodflyingcinders [0]
Rider Army vs. FIDE:default [0]
Mattexperiment 1f:Mattexperiment 1f [1]
Great Greedy Guts Without Leapers:GreatGreedyGutswithoutLeapers [0]
New Courier Chess:default [0]
SHORANJI:default-ji [0]
2 Space Generator Battle:2 Space Generator Battle [0]
6x6 Surface Cube Chess:6x6 Surface Cube Chess [0]
Fluffy Flying Kittens: Schoolbook Variant:FluffyKittens [0]
All Night Army:default [0]
Nahbi Chess:NahbiChess [0]
Leisurely Extra Pieces FIDE Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Directed Alice Chess 1:DirAl1 [0]
Rennchess 12x12:default [0]
Great Shatranj:Great Shatranj R [0]
Phi Chess:default [0]
Phi Chess:phichess [1]
Treeleaders Chess:Treeleaders [0]
TreeLeaders Chess:TreeLeaders [0]
Sissa Chess XII:Sissa Chess XII [0]
British Chess with Four Dragons:default [5]
Chesimal Fusion I nk:CFInewkings [0]
Gustavian Cannon Chess:gustaviancannonchess1 [2]
Cinderella in the Nude Chess:Goodflyingcinders [0]
Mamra Chess with Wuss:default [0]
Rotation Chess:default [0]
CwDA : FF v MM:experiment [1]
Grand CwDA: the Lemurians:GCwDA_Lems1 [0]
Claustrophobia:Claustrophobia [0]
Dead Ringers Alice Chess with Two Extra Sets of Pieces:defaultx [0]
Mattexperiment 1d:Mattexperiment 1d [1]
Courier Chess Mod 5:default [0]
A Z Chess:AZChessGrandChess2 [0]
Royal Amazon Chess:Royal Amazon Chess [0]
Renniassance Chess for 12 x 12:Renniassance Chess for 12 x 12 [0]
Capablanca's Chess early 10 x 8 rnabqkbmnr:default [5]
The Watchers 2.1:The Watchers 2.1 [1]
Eric's Great Chess:Eric Great Chess [0]
Warped Drowning Kittens Chess:BowlofMilkWarpPoints4 [0]
Directed Alice Chess:DirAl1 [0]
Hyperchess 2:Hyperchess2 [0]
Remote Sensing with On & Off-Board Detection:default [0]
Grand Moose Pawn Chess:default [0]
Bodacious:default [0]
Swedish Hopper Chess:default [1]
Cardinalrider vs. Queen:default [0]
Dead Ringers Chess III:default [0]
Half Chess:Half Chess [0]
Half Chess:default [0]
Sort of Almost Chess - Marshall vs. Queen:Sort of Almost Chess [0]
Deluxe Chess:Deluxe Chess [0]
Doppelganger Chess:JPG-Alfaerie0 [5]
Doppelganger Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [1]
Tango Chess:default [1]
Spartan Chess 28:d [0]
Spartan Chess 28:default [0]
Citadel chess - Shatranj al-husun:Citadel chess - Shatranj al-husun [0]
Building Chess:losalamos [1]
Building Chess:minihex [1]
Building Chess:diamond [1]
Building Chess:Building Chess [0]
Building Chess:original [1]
Building Chess:default [1]
Building Chess:standard [1]
Building Chess:diana [1]
Byzantine Chess Expanded:PowerByzantine [0]
Duke of Rutland's Chess:DukesChess [0]
AIGO Chess:AIGO Chess [0]
Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup [1]
Imperial Ibu Ibu Chess:Imperial Ibu Ibu Chess [0]
Mini Centaur Chess:default [0]
Courier Chess-Spiel:Courier Chess-Spiel [0]
BordahBee:Alfaerie [0]
Twilit:default [1]
Quintessential Quadrupeds:QQSETUPBOARD [0]
Quintessential Quadrupeds:default [0]
Amoeba:default [1]
Chess on a 12 by 12 board:Chess on a 12 by 12 board [0]
Grand CwDA: the Shatranjian Shooters III:GCwDA_SS3 [0]
Dimension X Problem 2:Dimension X [1]
Dabbabante Chess:default [0]
Mastodon Chess Example:mastodonchess2 [0]
Falcon Chess with Dragons and Scorpions:default [0]
Falcon Chess with Dragons and Scorpions:Falcon Chess with Dragons and Scorpions [0]
Undecided Chess:default [0]
Undecided Chess:Undecided Chess [0]
Knight Pawn Toroidal Chess:Knightpawntoroidal [0]
Very Ugli Chess (Quintessential Quadrupeds with Flying Kittens and Lots of Amazons, Wazirs and Alfils):UgliChess [0]
Near Chess (Bow formation):NC1 [0]
Bigamous Cavalier Chess:Motif [3]
Losing Chess (new array):RQNB [0]
Shatranj of Troy:Symbolic [2]
Shatranj of Troy:Symbolicwretched [5]
Hundred Years' War:War [0]
Greater House of Mirrors Chess:default [0]
Greater House of Mirrors Chess:Of Mirrors [0]
Maxima:Galactic_full [3]
Maxima:Galactic [3]
Maxima:MaximawCasaux [0]
Simpleton's Chess:NC1 [0]
The East-West Stars Chess -2:ew2 [0]
Remote Sensing with On and Off-Board Detection:default [0]
Each Piece Once Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Flying Bombers Chess:Flying Bombers Chess [0]
Flying Bombers Chess:Flying Bombers with Hangars [0]
Seenschach:Seenschach [0]
Heavy Gravity Chess:defaultx [0]
Heavy Gravity Chess:JPG-fkTK [0]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:lolo [0]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:PNG-Alfaerie-official [3]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:PNG-Alfaerie-nicelooking [3]
Templar Extinction Chess:default [0]
Pawnless Ecumenical Chess II:default [0]
Falcon Chess:Alfaerie [5]
A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland's Chess:DukesChess [0]
A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland's Chess:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
Football Chess:default [0]
Summoner's Chess:Summ [1]
Extreme Normal vs. Actualized Potential Chess Army:default [0]
Camel Cardinal Chess:GoodflyingArnback [0]
En Passant Chess:EnPassant [0]
Corral Chess:CorralChess [0]
Corral Chess:default [0]
CwDA: the Shatranjian Shooters II:CwDA_SS2 [0]
Shako Breakthrough Chess:default [5]
Cinderella in the Nude Chess (Flying Kittens Versus Really Good Caissans):Goodflyingcinders [0]
Clash of Civilizations with Leos:Clash of Civilizations [0]
Chess with Guards instead of Queens:Chess with Guards instead of Queens [0]
The Tower Game:8-default [1]
The Tower Game:10-default [1]
Cylindrical Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Cylindrical Chess:Circular [5]
Chigorin Nightrider vs. Chigorin Nightrider Army:default [0]
Troika Extinction Chess:default [0]
Bridge for Giraffes:Bridge for Giraffes [0]
Smaller Two Zone Bowl of Condensed Milk Chess:twozonebowlcondensed [0]
Shatranj Kamil Setup 3:Shatranj Kamil Setup 3 [0]
Contemporary Random Chess 2:CRC2 [1]
Bland Chess 46:LittleRiver [0]
Schoolbook Chess:default [5]
Tamerlane Mod 1:Tamerlane Mod 1 [0]
45Colorbound:default [1]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers:default [0]
CwDA: the Shatranjian Shooters:CwDA_SS1 [0]
Magna Carta Chess:Magna Carta Chess [0]
FIDE vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Chesser:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Balls of Fluff with Two Bishops:BallsofFluffwithTwoBishops [0]
Graduating Pocket Mutation Time Travel Back Drop Chess:default [0]
Lemurian Shatranj:Lemurian1 [0]
Lemurian Shatranj:defaultx [0]
Lemurian Shatranj:LS1 [0]
Lemurian Shatranj:default [0]
Vortex Chess with Pairs of Portals:Vortex Chess with Pairs of Portals [0]
Brotherhood Extinction Chess:default [3]
Super Knights Grand Chess:2 [1]
Super Knights Grand Chess:default [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens:FabulousFlyingKittens [0]
Vortex Chess:Vortex Chess [0]
Unicorn Chess:default [0]
Makruk:Alfaerie4 [1]
Makruk:Alfaerie [1]
Half Chess of Ralph Betza:Half Chess of Ralph Betza [0]
Knight Pawns Chess:Knight Pawns Chess [0]
One More Thing Chess:onemorethingchess [0]
Double Actualized Potential Chess: Existence Blocking:default [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Colorbound Clobberers:Each Piece Once Chess with Colorbound Clobberers [5]
Each Piece Once Chess with Colorbound Clobberers:Colorbound Clobberers [5]
Step and Circle TrigChess:D46sachlbPreSet01 [0]
Step and Circle TrigChess:D46sachlbPreSet02 [0]
SpaceWar32:SC2 [0]
Abstract All:Abstract All [0]
X Chess 3:default [0]
Chaos Chess:Chaos [5]
Betza's Flying Circus:Betza Flying Circus [0]
Uncorked Chess 3:default [0]
Wildebeest Chess:Wildebeest [0]
Wildebeest Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Warchess Classical:default [0]
Hopper Dame:hopperdame1 [1]
Hopper Dame:hopperdame2 [1]
Regular Pawns vs. Berolina Pawns:default [0]
Pretentious Chess:Pretentious Chess [0]
Pretentious Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Pretentious Chess:default [0]
Passed Pawns Chess for 6 x 6:testppc46x6 [0]
Wuss V:default [0]
Passed Pawns Chess for 6 x 6:Passed Pawns Chess for 6 x 6 [0]
Paulovits's Game:joejoyce [1]
Paulovits's Game:default [1]
4 Linepiece Fusion Crooked Piece Variant:default [0]
Shatranjian Dragon Shogi:default [0]
Shatranjian Dragon Shogi:defaultx [0]
Pairwise Drop Chess:default [1]
Mini Roccoco:default [0]
Jumping Knights Chess:Jumping Knights Chess [0]
Jumping Knights Chess:Opulent Lemurian Shatranj [0]
Too Tired to Think of a Name Chess:Too Tired to Think of a Name Chess [0]
Drop Check Chess:default [1]
Basic Quadruple Besiege Chess:Basic Quadruple Besiege Chess [0]
King's Court:Kings Court [0]
Fluffy Flying Kittens Two Army Chess Sideways:FluffyKittens2Army [0]
Chess with Different Armies Colorbound vs. Nutty:Colorbound-Knights [5]
Falcon Chess RNFB:Alfaerie [0]
Dueling Archbishops:Dueling Archbishops [0]
Symchess with Central Symmetry:Symchess with Central [0]
Passed Pawns Chess for 11 x 11:Passed Pawns Chess for 11 x 11 [0]
Gess:default [0]
Gess:Gess [0]
Naval Base:NBC1 [0]
Linear Shatranj:default [0]
Rennaissance Chess II with Guards:Rennaissance Chess II with Guards [0]
Joe Joyce Hyperchess:Joe Joyce Hyperchess [0]
Fluffy Flying Kittens Two Army Chess Sideways with Warp Lines:FluffyKittens2Armywithwarplines [0]
Joe Joyce Hyperchess:Joe Joyce Hyperchess2 [0]
zcherryz17c8b:zcherryz17c8b [0]
Fianchetto Chess with Bishop Castling:FianchettoChess [0]
Pawnless Ecumenical Chess:default [0]
Lesser Mini Hier Chess:Ranking2 [0]
Lemurian Chess Playtest:Lemurian Chess Playtest [0]
3 Grand Warp Point Chess with Medusas:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Ibu Ibu Alice Chess:Ibu Ibu Alice Chess [0]
CwDA: the Lems:CwDA:FFvsLems1 [0]
CwDA : FF v SS:experiment [0]
Archbishops Versus Marshalls:Archbishops Versus Marshalls [0]
Cetran Chess:mirror_symmetry_1 [1]
Cetran Chess:mirror_symmetry_2 [1]
The East-West Stars Chess:ewIII [0]
Enhanced Falcon Chess:default [0]
Ibu Ibu Chess - King Movements Illustrated:IbuIbuKM [0]
Connected Chess:default [0]
Nightrider Army vs. FIDE:default [0]
Hour Glass Chess:default [0]
Alekhine Chess:Alekhine Chess [5]
Xaigo:Xaigo [3]
Alekhine Chess:AlekhineChessTimeTravel [0]
Alekhine Chess:Caissus [0]
Shatranj Kamil Setup 2:Shatranj Kamil Setup 2 [0]
Tamerlane Mod 4:Tamerlane Mod 4 [0]
The War of Worlds Warriors Chess :WESS [0]
Palace Ninja Guards:Palace Ninja Guards [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Nutty Knights:Nutty Knights [5]
10 x 10 Horse and Camel Chess 3:default [0]
The Watchers 3:The Watchers 3 [1]
Ordinary Pawnflipping, Non-Cleopatra-Flipping, Non-Cleopatra Capturing Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
Super Maharadscha:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Crushing Conquerors:default [0]
Grand Shatranj test:Shatranj test [0]
Doppelganger BordahBee Extreme:Alfaerie [0]
Multimove FIDE Chess:default [0]
Larger Knights Chess:default [0]
65 Square Chess:betterlooking [1]
Extreme Rider Chess with APP:default [0]
Grand Chess Setup - Nightrider Army vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
TenCubed Chess:Shatranj Kamil X [0]
TenCubed Chess:TenCubed Chess [0]
zcherryz7c:zcherryz7c [0]
Very Ugli Chess:UgliChess [0]
Schoolbook vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Sorcerer Chess:Sorcerer Chess [1]
Uri's Chess2:UrisExample2 [0]
Sorcerer Chess:Sorcerer Chess 2 [1]
The Wildebeest Front:The Wildebeest Front [0]
Twofold Chess:default [0]
Losing Chess:Alternate Array [1]
Animal Pieces Experiment:SymchessUnicornMythical [0]
Animal Pieces Experiment:SymchessUnicornGreat [0]
Dave's Silly Example Game:default [0]
Renniassance Chess:alfaerie [0]
Renniassance Chess:default [0]
Flying Kittens Chess with Many Different Armies:Chesswithmanydifferentarmies [0]
Gustavian Cannonrider Chess:gustaviancannonriderchess1 [3]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings 2:default [0]
Prisoner's Escape:default [0]
Tafl Chess:TCPreSet01 [0]
Fool's Hexagonal Chess:FoolsHCPreSet01 [1]
Primitive Augsburg Chess:PrimACPreSet02 [0]
Primitive Augsburg Chess:PrimACPreSet03 [0]
Knights and Camels Chess:default [0]
Primitive Augsburg Chess:PrimACPreSet01 [0]
Knightmare Chess:Knightmare [0]
Shatranjian Shogi :shatshog [0]
Sosarian Chess:Standard [0]
Sosarian Chess:Sosarian [0]
Sosarian Chess:SosarianChess [0]
Fullback Chess on Four Boards:GoodflyingArnback [0]
Mimotaur Chess with PushmePullyu Queens:default [0]
Leapers SangKing:Leapers SangKing [0]
2 Grand Warp Point Chess with Medusas:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Great Greedy Guts Chess with an Extra Row of Pawns:GreatGreedyGuts [0]
I'm a Ferz, Get Me Into There!:imaferz [0]
Cagliostro's Chess:Cagliostros Chess [0]
Mirrored Pendulum GoChess:Mirrored Pendulum GoChess [0]
Fighting King:JPG-fk [0]
Ibu Ibu Alice Alice Chess:Ibu Ibu Alice Alice Chess [0]
18 Square Evolution to Tripunch Chess:default [0]
Feudal War Chess of the King of Locusts:Feudal War Chess of the King of Locusts [1]
Simple Simon Trading Places Chess:RoyalPawnZoneX [0]
6hess:default [0]
Tonight:default [1]
Color Rider Chess:default [0]
Chieftain Chess:chieftainchess [0]
Chieftain Chess:defaulty [0]
Chieftain Chess:CC1 [0]
Chieftain Chess:default [0]
Chieftain Chess:CC2 [0]
Javelin Chess:default [0]
Limbo Chess:Limbo Chess [0]
Atlantean Barroom vs. Tripunch:default [0]
Warchess Veronique:default [0]
Lesser Two Zones, One Kind:FKFF4 [0]
Lesser Two Zones, One Kind:SlightlySmallerLesser [0]
Wuss IV:default [0]
Few Chess:default [0]
Giant Chess:Giant Chess [0]
Texas Two-Step: an obscure political commentary:TTSchess [0]
Texas Two-Step: an obscure political commentary:default [0]
Cupid Chess:default2 [0]
Cupid Chess:defaultx [0]
Cupid Chess:default [0]
Courier Chess Mod 2:CourierChess [0]
Even Smaller Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF5 [0]
Braw Bishop Chess:BBC-01 [0]
Rococo:testAlfaerie [3]
Rococo:Alfaerie [3]
Extinction Chess:Alfaerie [3]
Half Bowl of Condensed Milk Chess with Warp Points:BowlofMilkWarpPoints3 [0]
Transmitter Chess:default [0]
Transmitter Chess:Transmitter [0]
Camelrider Chess:camelriderchess1 [3]
Camelrider Chess:camelriderchess2 [3]
HiveQueen:HQ2 [0]
HiveQueen:HQ1a [0]
Alice Chess with Two Extra Sets of Pieces:defaultx [0]
Very Ugli Chess: A Flying Kitten Variant with a Row of Quintessential Quadrupeds and Lots of Wazirs, Alfils, Leos and Amazons:UgliChess2 [0]
goChess:goChess1 [0]
goChess:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Chess on the Rainbows:Chess on the Rainbows [0]
Rococo with Birds I:Alfaerie [3]
Prime Ministers Chess:PMC1 [1]
Grand Chess Mod Vehre:Abstract [5]
Falcon Chess with Capablanca Compounds:default [0]
The Watchers v.4:The Watchers v.4 [1]
Rooks Versus Archbishops:Rooks Versus Archbishops [0]
Bowl of Milk Chess:BowlofMilk [0]
Grand Rider Chess with APP:default [0]
Slightly Smaller, Lesser Two Zones, One Kind:SlightlySmallerLesser [0]
Dead Ringers Chess: Lemurian Shatranj and FIDE:default [0]
Nearlydouble Wildebeest:standard [0]
Modern Shatranj R:GSAlf [0]
Circular Grand Chess:CGC-01 [0]
House of Mirrors Chess - Version 3:Of Mirrors [0]
House of Mirrors Chess - Version 3:default [0]
FIDE Frolic:default [0]
FIDE Frolic II:default [0]
One Set, Four Boards:Onesetfourboards [0]
The Central Squares:Central Squares [0]
Jungles and Mountains Chess:JPG-juxta [0]
Lemurian Capablanca:default [0]
zcherryz17a:zcherryz17a [0]
Giant Chess 3:Giant Chess [0]
Cavalier Duke Chess:default [0]
10 x 10 Horse and Camel Chess:default [0]
Hex Dabbaba Qi:default [0]
Nearlydouble Chess:default [1]
The Lion Game:Oceans11x [0]
Bank Chess - Half Standard:default [0]
Half Portuguese and Very Scottish Chess:Grey-Gifford [0]
Viking Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Walkers and Jumpers:test [1]
Omega Chess Customized:Alfaerie [5]
Walkers and Jumpers:default [1]
Near Chess (Mini-Grand formation):NC1 [0]
Double EIGHTEEN-STONE chess:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies FIDE vs. Rookies:FIDE-Rookies [5]
English Progressive Chess:Silver-Gifford [0]
Arabian Nights Chess:default [2]
Colors Experimenting:Colors Experiment Corner Crossing [0]
Colors Experimenting:Quintessential Quadrupeds with Crisscrossed Corners [0]
Colors Experimenting:Colors Experiment [0]
Colors Experimenting:Colors Experiment 7 x 7 [0]
Colors Experimenting:Colors Experiment 5 x 5 [0]
Tamerlane Chess:Tamerlane Chess [0]
Aliens Vs Predators Episode 2:AVP [0]
Shogi of Medusa :LLSmithInspired [0]
Shogi of Medusa :shogimedusa [0]
Lesser Extreme Rider Chess with APP:default [0]
Bowl of Milk Chess with Warp Points:BowlofMilkWarpPoints [0]
Two Zone Good and Naked Chess:2ZoneGoodflying [0]
SHORANJI Maximus:default-ji2 [0]
Directed Alice Chess III:DirAl3 [0]
Directed Alice Chess III:DirAl3 III [0]
Middle Board Chess:default [0]
Tamerlane for Joe Joyce:Tamerlane for Joe Joyce [0]
Bowl of Condensed Milk Chess with Warp Points:BowlofMilkWarpPoints2 [0]
Shogi Pillars of Medusa :shogimedusa [0]
Capablanca`s Celtic setup:Celtic [0]
1, 2 Backdrop Chess:default [0]
Modern Shatranj D:MSd+w [0]
Modern Shatranj D:modernshatranjd [0]
Modern Shatranj D:GSAlf [0]
Futura Chess:default [5]
Prime Ministers Random Chess:PM-Random-Chess2 [1]
Great Greedy Guts Without Amazons:GreatGreedyGutswithoutAmazons [0]
Asylum Redux:Asylum 2 [1]
Time Travel Chessgi:default [0]
Near Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Near Chess:NC1 [0]
NLJ Chess:default [0]
Dimension X:Dimension X [0]
Dimension X:problem 5 [0]
Xaigo2:Xaigo2 [3]
Mattexperiment 1e:Mattexperiment 1e [1]
Chess 68:default [0]
English Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Brotherhood Chess:Alfaerie [3]
Chessf:default [0]
Jetan Jeddara:jeddara [0]
Split Phase Tri-Plane:defaultg [0]
TriMac HexChess:GB-set [5]
TriMac HexChess:TMHCPreSet01 [0]
The War of World`s Warriors:allvsall [0]
The War of World`s Warriors:wwwchess [0]
Triangulator Chess 45:default [0]
Four-Handed Chess:Four Handed Chess [0]
Chigorin Nightrider Army vs. FIDE:default [0]
Pawnless Ecumenical Chess - Second Attempt:default [0]
Octopus Chess:main [1]
Balls of Fluff with Quintessence, Marshall, Archbishop, Amazon:BallsofFluffwithQuintessence, Cardinal, Marshall and Amazon [0]
5hess:default [0]
The Black Ghost with Black Ghost on e6:TheblackGhost [0]
The Locust King:The Locust King [1]
Falcon Chess with Scorpions:Falcon Chess with Scorpions [1]
pawnchess:pawnchess [0]
Pawnchess:pawnchess2 [0]
Sky Test:Sky CBJ [5]
Sky Test:JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Sky Test:SKY CBJ [0]
Chinese Chess:chch_robil [0]
Chinese Chess:Chinese Chess Western [0]
Chinese Chess:MyChineseChess [3]
Chinese Chess:myChineseChess [0]
Chinese Chess:amrxiangqi [5]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess:WESS [0]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess:ew2 [0]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess:ewIII [0]
Courier Chess:Alfaerie [1]
8 x 8 Fun:default [0]
Amantillado:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies Colorbound vs. Remarkable:Colorbound-Rookies [5]
Lemurian Great Shatranj:Lemurian Great Shatranj [0]
Lemurian Great Shatranj:LGS1 [0]
Conveyor Belt Chess:default [0]
The Watchers 2.2:The Watchers 2.2 [1]
Canoness Chess:default [0]
Master Squares:Colors Experiment 11 x 11 [0]
Paulowich Unicorn vs. FIDE Queen:default [0]
SpaceWar:default [0]
SpaceWar:SC1 [0]
1, 2 Back drop Chess Extended:default [0]
Save the Standard 7x7:ManyRedGold [0]
Shatranj-of-Troy:Symbolic [5]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. FIDE:Nutty Knights Fabulous FIDE [5]
Schach-B:Schach-B [2]
Diagonally Yours:Diagonally Yours [0]
Chess with Different Armies Remarkable vs. Colorbound:Rookies-Colorbound [5]
Pao Vao Chess:default [0]
Ladder Chess:default [0]
Royal Magician's Chess 7:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil X:Alfaerie [0]
Wizardry:default [0]
Colorbound Hubbub:default [0]
Marshalls Versus Archbishops:Marshalls Versus Archbishops [0]
Mir Chess II:default [0]
Herculean Chess:sorcerer_old [0]
Herculean Chess:Herculean Chess [0]
Herculean Chess:sorcerer [0]
Herculean Chess:Herculean [0]
Marseilles Walkers and Jumpers:default [1]
Greg Strong Project 1:project1 [0]
12 x 12 Board Setup Nightrider Army vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
The Demon Game:The Demon Game [0]
Caïssa Britannia:old [5]
4-WAY Capablanca CHESS:default [0]
Odin's Rune Chess:odin-runes [0]
Odin's Rune Chess:Odin_Rune_Chess [0]
Odin's Rune Chess:OdinRune [0]
3 Grand Warp Point Chess:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Bank Chess - Swap:default [0]
ZigZag Madness:zigzag [1]
Crossrook Chess:crossrookchess1 [3]
Royal Magician's Chess 2:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
Falcon Chess ES Enhanced:default [0]
Wuss II:default [0]
First Concentric Outrigger Torus Chess (Cornback Variation):OutriggerTorus [0]
Ordinary NonCleopatra-Flipping, Non-Cleopatra Capturing Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil VIIC:Alfaerie [0]
Shatranj Kamil:Shatranj Kamil [0]
Blue Queen Chess:default [1]
Pure Stupid:default [0]
Net Chess:netchess [0]
Twinmove Chess (uncompelled):twinmovechess2 [2]
A Somewhat Illogical Follow Up to a Logical Follow Up Duke of Rutland Chess - Part 3:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
10 x 10 Horse and Camel Chess 4:default [0]
Spinal Tap Vs. Terror Chess:default [0]
Rennaisence Chess II:Rennaisance Chess II [0]
Rennaisence Chess II:Rennaisence Chess II [0]
Thrice Chess:default [0]
Threat Chess:default [0]
Capablanca Chess Different Armies:SS_vs_CC [5]
Ladorean Chess :Ladorean Chess [0]
International Contemporary Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
FIDE Chess Kamil VIIA:Alfaerie [0]
Hundred Year's War:War [0]
Knights and Camels Chess with Moose Pawns:default [0]
Brouhaha:default [0]
Brouhaha:standard [0]
zcherryz_17tony3:zcherryz_17tony3 [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies FIDE vs. Colorbound:FIDE-Colorbound [5]
Chesimal Chess xIa:CC_x1a [0]
Cornback Arnback Chess:GoodflyingArnback [0]
Fluffy Flying Kittens Chess:FluffyKittens [0]
Uri's Chess3:UrisExample3 [0]
zcherryz7c_1:zcherryz7c_1 [0]
Chess with Different Armies Remarkable vs. FIDE:Rookies-FIDE [5]
Falcon Chess Customized:spratt [5]
Royal Pawn Chess:Royal Pawn Chess [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:RoyalPawnZoneX [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:jedichess [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:RoyalPawnChessZoneXDerived [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:royalpawn [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:RPChess [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:Royal Pawn [0]
Royal Pawn Chess:default [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess IIa [0]
Smaller Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF4 [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess IIc [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess II [0]
Modern Fischer Random Chess:Modern Fischer Random Chess [1]
Cupid Chess Army vs. FIDE:default [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens with Extra Pawns Sideways:FabulousFlyingKittenswithextrapawnssideways [0]
Underworld Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Mattexperiment 2:Mattexperiment 2 [1]
Falcon Chess with Dragons and Scorpions C:default [0]
Great Greedy Guts Chess:GreatGreedyGuts [0]
Modern Prime Ministers Random Chess:Modern-PM-Random-Chess [1]
Swedish Chess:swedishchess1test [2]
Swedish Chess:swedishchess1 [4]
Mamra Chess with Wuss II:defaultx [0]
DoGod Random Chess2:default [3]
Tutti-Frutti Chess:Tuttifruttitimetravel [0]
Chancellor Chess II:NewChancellorChess2 [0]
19 x 19 Chess:19x19Chess [0]
Tiny Shooters:default [0]
Chesimals II (v1):C2-v1 [0]
Mirrored Pendulum Chess with Spooky Black Ghosts:TheblackGhost [0]
Monadchess II:Monadchess II [0]
Philosopher's Chess:default [1]
House of a Dozen Mirrors Chess:Of Mirrors [0]
Bychess:dropsissa [0]
Corridor Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Decimal Passed Pawns Chess:default [0]
Disintegration Chess:DC [0]
Shogi of Chesstonia:default-ji3 [0]
Falcon Chess TS:default [1]
Falcon Chess with Spratt Falcons:spratt [5]
Congo:default [1]
Medusa Shogi:MedusaShogi [0]
Big Chess:Big Chess [0]
Flying Kittens Chess:Flying Kittens Chess Number Two [0]
Flying Kittens Chess:CylindricalWraparound [0]
The Black Ghost with Black Ghost on d6:TheblackGhost [0]
A Somewhat Illogical Follow Up to a Logical Follow Up Duke of Rutland Chess - Part 2:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil IVA:Alfaerie [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens with an Extra Row of Pawns:FabulousFlyingKittenswithmorepawns [0]
The Watchers v.5:The Watchers v.4 [1]
Alapo:default [0]
Pawnless Ecumenical Chess III:default [0]
Spinal Tap Chess Redux:default [0]
The Watchers 2.8:The Watchers 2.8 [1]
Mortal Shatranji:default [1]
Hypermodern Lemurian Shatranj:default [0]
Directed Alice Chess Exp1:DirAl1 [0]
Cetina Random Chess:CETRAN [1]
Wild Tamerlane II:Wild Tamerlane II [0]
Greater House of Mirrors Chess - Version 2:Of Mirrors [0]
Four Kings:default [0]
Elemental Chess:default [0]
Burmese Chess:Burmese Chessx [0]
Burmese Chess:Burmese Chess [1]
Burmese Chess:Burmese Chess 1Xa [0]
Toying from Duke of Rutland Chess :default [0]
CwDA:FFvsSS:FFvsSS1 [0]
Berolina Chess:Alfaerie-lsc [3]
CCChess - Shaffle version:azvssym [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies FIDE vs. Nutty:FIDE-Knights [5]
FIDE Chess Kamil IX:Alfaerie [0]
Camel and Duke Chess:Camel and Duke Chess [0]
Chess Latrunculi duo milia et septum:default [0]
Fugue Rococo with Edgehogs:default [0]
Very Ugli Chess with a Row of Quintessential Quadrupeds and Lots of Wazirs, Alfils, Leos and Amazons:UgliChess2 [0]
Royal Pawn Army vs. Fabulous FIDES:RoyalPawnZoneX [0]
Square Tiling Rider Shatranj:default [0]
Ordinary Cleopatra Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
Tripunch Evolution Chess Draft:default [0]
Triangulator Chess 45 B:default [0]
Magic Pawn Chess:magicpawnchess1 [2]
Royal CannonChess:royalcannonchess1 [2]
Chessence of Jim Winslow:default [0]
Royal Magician's Chess 5:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
Equs Chess:Equs1 [5]
Larger Disjointed Knights and Camels Chess:default [0]
Modern Emperors Random Chess:Magnetic [1]
Alternative Chess:alternativechess1 [3]
Modern Emperors Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Polymorph Chess:Polymorph [0]
Dabbabanate Chess:default [0]
Grand Warp Point Chess with Medusas:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Berolina Pawns Vs. Regular Pawns:default [0]
Every Compound Quadruple Besiege Chess:Every Compound Quadruple Besiege Chess [0]
Modern Random Chess:Modern Random Chess3 [1]
Modern Random Chess:Prime-Minister [1]
Modern Random Chess:ModernRandomChess [5]
Modern Random Chess:Modern Fischer Random Chess [1]
Modern Random Chess:Modern Random Chess [0]
Modern Random Chess:Modern Random Chess4 [1]
Modern Random Chess:Modern Random Chess2 [1]
Hammer Chess:default [0]
Asylum Chess:Asylum 2 [1]
Asylum Chess:Asylum Chess [0]
Asylum Chess:default [0]
Great Greedy Guts Without Amazons but with an Extra Row of Pawns:GreatGreedyGutswithoutAmazons [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Army:default [0]
Fifo Chess:default [0]
Shatranj with Different Armies 1:SwDA: LemS vs TempleLems [0]
Shatranj Kamil X:Shatranj Kamil X [1]
Shatranj Kamil X:default [1]
Turkish Chess 2:default [0]
Whole Move Chess:default [0]
Renniassance Chess for 12 x 14:Renniassance Chess for 12 x 14 [0]
The Watchers 2.5:The Watchers 2.5 [1]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. Remarkable Rookies:Nutty Knights Remarkable Rookies [5]
Omega Transplant:Transplant [1]
Horse and Camel Chess:default [0]
Warchess Modern:default [0]
Mamra Chess with Wuss III:Alfaerie [0]
Strong-X:StrongX [0]
Knight Mare:knightmare [0]
Derick Peterson's Grand Hexachess:default [0]
Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF3 [0]
zcherryz_17tony1:zcherryz_17tony1 [0]
Modern Capablanca Random Chess:Magnetic [1]
Modern Capablanca Random Chess:MCRC2 [1]
Modern Capablanca Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Grand Shogi:Motif-CSS [5]
Grand Shogi:Grand Shogi [0]
Roswell Chess:default [0]
Minishogi:Minishogi_alf [1]
Blackjack Chess:default [0]
Kings with Empty Center:default [0]
Raumschach Revised orange:Raumschach Revised orange [0]
Two Pipe Chess:Two Pipe Chess [1]
Advance:JPG-Alfaerie [4]
Swedish Cannon Chess:default [0]
Bishops Versus Bishops:Bishops Versus Bishops [0]
Bowl of Milk Chess with Camels and Zebras:BowlofMilkWarpPoints [0]
Switching Chess:Mir Chess test-1 [0]
Chess:Abstract0 [3]
"Good Chess":GoodChess [0]
Save the Standard 13x13:ManyRedGold13 [0]
Holywar:default [0]
40:default [0]
Little River Chess:LittleRiver [0]
Chaturanga:Alfaerie [0]
Chaturanga:amrchaturanga [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil A:Alfaerie [0]
Queen of the Night Chess:long [1]
Queen of the Night Chess:default [1]
Capablanca Shafran's Chess:102 [1]
Capablanca Shafran's Chess:default [1]
Bland Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Test Mirrored Pendulum GoChess:Test Mirrored Pendulum GoChess [0]
Royal Knight Relay Chess:default [0]
Smaller Alice Chess:Smaller Alice Chess [3]
Mini Templar Chess:default [0]
Two Kings Falcon Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Skopper Shatranj:Skopper Shatranj test [0]
Ultima:Galacticnocheck [3]
Ultima:Galacticnoautomation [0]
Ultima:testGalactic [5]
One Ring Chess:default [1]
Courier Chess Mod 1:CourierChess [0]
Cellular Chess:Cellular-Chess [0]
Cellular Chess:Cellular Chess [0]
BermudaChessAngle:Bermuda [0]
Tenjiku Shogi:default [0]
Tenjiku Shogi:Tenjiku Shogi [0]
Simple Camels Chess:default [0]
Grand Chess with Caliphs:Abstract [5]
I'm a Wazir, Get Me Out of Here:IMAWAZIR [0]
The Ferzy Front:The Ferzy Front [0]
Templar Chess:Templar Chess [0]
Templar Chess:No Rules [0]
Millennium Chess:NC1 [0]
zcherryz17c:zcherryz17c [0]
Suicide Chess Problem:JPG-AlfaerieSuicideChessProblem [0]
Cataclysm with Giraffes:default [0]
Chesimal Fusion I:CFI [0]
Grand Chess with Wuss:default [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Remarkable vs. Colorbound:Rookies-Colorbound [5]
Descent Chess:descentchess1 [0]
One Way Schoolbook:default [0]
Neo-Dada:default [0]
mini-Chieftain X:mCC_X [0]
Leapers Chess:default [0]
Passed Pawns Chess with Falcons and Scorpion:default [1]
Heraldic Extinction Chess:default [0]
Chess256 (Randompawns Chess):Randompawnschess1 [5]
Bario for Capablanca Chess:BarioCapablanca [0]
RuBeN Chess:RuBeN Chess [0]
Three Elephant Chess:Three Elephant Chess [0]
Three Elephant Chess:default [0]
zcherryz17c_1:zcherryz17c_1 [0]
Bank Chess:default [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Nutty vs. Colorbound:Knights-Colorbound [5]
zcherryz Derived Game with More Powerful Pieces and Extra Row of Pawns:zcherryz more powerful with extra row of pawns [0]
New Courier Chess LOL:CourierChess [0]
Twinmove Chess (compulsory):twinmovechess1 [2]
Chu Shogi:Basic Settings [3]
Supremo:default [0]
King's Reincarnation:JPG-GMS [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Remarkable vs. FIDE:Rookies-FIDE [5]
Leapers MaoKing:Leapers SangKing [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil III:Alfaerie [0]
Strife:default [0]
Enhanced Chess:default [0]
Taxi, the Nuclear CaB Chess Game:default [0]
Quarm Chess:default [0]
Double Chess with powerful pieces:Alfaerie [5]
Double Chess with powerful pieces:Double Chess with Powerful Pieces [0]
Pocket Mutation Chess:Perfect [0]
Pocket Mutation Chess:greg [5]
Actualized Potential Chess vs. FIDE:default [0]
Go:go13 [0]
Go:go [0]
Go:go17 [0]
Go:go9 [0]
Extreme Rider Chess:Extreme Rider Chess [0]
Cannon Chess:deault [0]
Mir Chess 36:Alfaerie 2 [0]
The Travelers:The Travelers [0]
9 x 9 Passed Pawns Chess:default [1]
Phi Chess with Different Armies: Rooks and Archbishops vs. Queens and Knights:default [0]
Knightmate:JPG-km [0]
Healthful Chess:squeen [1]
Renniassance Chess II:Renniassance Chess II [0]
Tree Garden Chess:default [0]
Archbishop Chess:Archbishop Chess [0]
9 x 10 Fun:default [0]
Grand Combination Courier:default{.RJ}MQA{.NJ}{.BJ} [0]
Grand Combination Courier:default [0]
Opulent Lemurian Shatranj:Opulent Lemurian Shatranj [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil IIA:Alfaerie [0]
Test of Many Alfaerie:Testofmanyalfaerie [0]
45B:default [1]
FIDE Chess Kamil IXA:Alfaerie [0]
Kamikaze Mortal Shogi:Marble-CSS [3]
The Clash of Civilizations Chess:CCChess vs TTC [0]
The Clash of Civilizations Chess:CCChessIV [0]
Toulousain Chess:Toulousain Chess [0]
Battle Line:Battleline1 [0]
Perfect Chess:Perfect Chess [0]
Falcon Hexagonal Chess:diagram [1]
Falcon Hexagonal Chess:default127 [1]
Falcon Hexagonal Chess:default121 [1]
Chess-B:Chess-B [2]
Chess-B:chess-b1 [2]
Falcon Chess RFNB:Grasshopper [1]
Falcon Chess RFNB:Alfaerie [5]
Falcon Chess RFNB:none [0]
Falcon Chess RFNB:experimental [0]
Royal Spacious Wazir Chess 5:default [0]
Sissa Chess:Alfaerie [0]
MakChess:default [0]
Greater Chess:Greater [0]
The Bermuda Chess Angle:Bermuda [5]
Capablanca's Chess final 10 x 8:default [3]
The Bermuda Chess Angle:Bermuda_test [2]
zcherryz_7a:zcherryz_7a [0]
Fischer Random Chess:Fischer Random setup [1]
Fischer Random Chess:test [5]
Fischer Random Chess:FRC01 [1]
Fischer Random Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Fischer Random Chess:FRC02 [1]
Fischer Random Chess:Fischer-Abstract [5]
Fischer Random Chess:GregStrong [5]
Outrigger Torus Chess (Cornback Variation):OutriggerTorus [0]
British Chess:default [5]
Falcon Chess ES:default [1]
Guatemalan Falcon Chess:default [0]
The Pit:default [0]
Mixed Pawn Chess:mixedpawnchess [0]
Raumschach Reviseds:Raumschach Reviseds [0]
Rococo with Birds II:Alfaerie [3]
Henry VIII Chess:NC1 [0]
Mirrored Pendulum GoChess with Spookies:Mirrored Pendulum GoChess with Spookies [0]
Falcon Chess Modified:Alfaerie [5]
Ultico Chess 1:default [0]
Mattexperiment 1g:Mattexperiment 1g [1]
Fweeps:Fweeps [3]
CGNP Chess:default [1]
Para Xiang-qi:Para Xiang-qi [3]
Spinal Tap Chess:default [0]
Nutty Knights in Between Cylindrical Armies and Powerful Alician Armies:Nutty Knights in Between Cylindrical Armies and Powerful Alician Armies [0]
Marseillais Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [7]
Chess:Chess [3]
Marseillais Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Marseillais Chess:Alfaerienoinc [5]
Suicide Falcon Chess:Alfaerie [0]
The Great Campaign:Standard [0]
X Chess:default [0]
Lemurian Greater Shatranj:LGS2 [0]
Fighting Kings and Throne Kings:JPG-fkTK [0]
Raumschach:Raumschach Revised [0]
Raumschach:Raumschach Revised other colors [0]
Raumschach:Raumschach [0]
Raumschach:Raumschach, Revised [0]
Good Chess:GoodChess [0]
Andernach:default [0]
Good Chess:GoodsChess [0]
Mainzer Schach:mainzer [0]
Testing game:default [1]
Turkish Great Chess V:default [0]
Big Shave:default [0]
Czech Chess:default [0]
Maces and Horse-apults:alf [0]
Feudal War Chess of the Great Marquis of Hell:Feudal War Chess of the Great Marquis of Hell [1]
Great Tiling Rider Chess:default [0]
Mad Queens Chess:default [0]
Cretaceous:default [0]
Simple Ecumenical Chess:default [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies FIDE vs. Rookies:FIDE-Rookies [5]
Guatemala Chess:default [0]
Atlantean Hyper-Shatranj:HS1 [0]
King's Chamber:KingChamber [5]
Lemurian FIDE Chess:Abstract [5]
Overlord X1:Overlord Chess 2.01 [0]
A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess with Falcons:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
Prison Break:Prison Break [0]
Tamerlane II:Tamerlane II [0]
Expanded Toroidal Byzantine Chess:Toroidal Power Byzantine [0]
Knight Court Chess:Knight Court Chess [0]
Sort of Almost Chess - Queen vs. Marshall:Sort of Almost Chess [0]
Fighting Kings:JPG-fk [0]
Fun House Chess:default [0]
Chess with Terrain 2:cwt2 [0]
W.W.W.CHESS:wwwleo [0]
Hyperchess:Hyperchess [3]
Hyperchess:default [0]
Hyperchess:Hyperchess 1 [1]
Alison Chess:default [0]
Mastodon Chess (8x10):Mastodonchessb1 [3]
Mastodon Chess (8x10):Mastodonchessb2 [3]
Airplane Chess:default [0]
Raumschach, partially corrected:Raumschach, partially corrected [0]
Jedi Chess:jedichess [0]
Ubi Ubi Chess:Ubi Ubi Chess [0]
Mimotaur Chess:Mimotaur Chess [0]
Extra Pieces FIDE Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Great Shatranj Test:default [0]
Binary 1010:Flying Bombers Chess [0]
Binary 1010:red_blue [0]
Soulcatcher Chess:default [0]
mini-Chieftain IX:mCC_IX [0]
Hourglass Chess:Hourglass Chess [0]
Spacious Wazir Lame Dabbaba:default [0]
Cannonrider Chess:cannonriderchess1 [3]
Cleopatra Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
GeoDesic Chess WS:geo6ws001 [0]
Rococo with Pushme-Pullyus:Alfaerie [3]
Monadchess:Monadchess II [0]
Monadchess:Monadchess [0]
Regulator Chess:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty vs. Colorbound:Knights-Colorbound [5]
Super Circle Chess:SCC-480-03 [0]
zcherryz7a_1:zcherryz7a_1 [0]
Knights Versus Knights:Knights Versus Knights [0]
Flying Kittens Chess with Quintessential Quadrupeds:Flying Kittens and Quintessential Quadrupeds [0]
Chieftain Chess JS:default2 [0]
Chieftain Chess JS:Chieftain Chess 1.01 [0]
Medieval Chess:medieval chess [0]
Medieval Chess:Medieval Chess [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens with Extra Armies:FabulousFlyingKittenswithextraarmies [0]
Bomberman Chess:Bomberman Chess [0]
Passed Pawns Chess: A Decimal Falcon Chess Variant:Passed Pawns Chess [0]
Miniature One Kind with Promotable Wazirs:MiniaturewithPromotableWazirs [0]
Grand Duke Abbadon, King of the Locusts, Feudal Chess:Grand Duke Abbadon, King of the Locusts, Feudal Chess [1]
Actualized Potential Chess:default [0]
Falcon Chess for 10 x 10:default [0]
Ordinary NonCleopatra-Flipping Cleopatra Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
Lemurian Greater Shatranj with Short Range Actualized Potential Pieces:default [0]
Alfaerie:Makruk2 [1]
Alfaerie:Makruk [1]
Modern Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Modern Chess:Modern Chess [0]
Alice Meets Cheshire Cat Chess:MagneticPieces [0]
Rococo with Archers I:Alfaerie [3]
Toulaisain Chess:Toulaisain Chess [0]
Extra Pieces FIDE Chess with Actualized Potential Replacements:Alfaerie [0]
Lesser Grand Rider Chess with APP:default [0]
Ordinary Pawnflipping, Non-Cleopatra-Flipping Cleopatra Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
Chesimals II:CII [0]
Reinforcement Ecumenical Chess:default [0]
Paulowich's Chancellor Chess:PaulowichChancellor [0]
S Courier Chess:defaultish [1]
S Courier Chess:default [1]
A Somewhat Illogical Follow Up to a Logical Follow Up Duke of Rutland Chess - Part 4:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
House of Mirrors Chess:Mirrors [0]
House of Mirrors Chess:Back Drop Chess [0]
House of Mirrors Chess:House of Mirrors Chess [0]
House of Mirrors Chess:default [0]
House of Mirrors Chess:Of Mirrors [0]
Giant Chess 2:Giant Chess [0]
Dummy Chess:new [0]
Hexagonal Triangulator Chess:default [0]
Dummy Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Dummy Chess:default [1]
Carousel Chess:circular [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil IV:Alfaerie [0]
Uri's Chess1:Euchess [0]
SuperCourier 16x24:supercourier1 [0]
Royal Magician's Chess 8:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
King's Reincarnation II - Altered States:HTML POM [0]
King's Reincarnation II - Altered States:JPG-GPOM [0]
Fluffy Flying Kittens Two Army Chess:FluffyKittens2Army [0]
Test 14 by 8 game:Testing [0]
Diffusion Chess:Diffusion Chess [0]
Shatranj Kamil (64):default [0]
Shatranj Kamil (64):Facing Pieces [0]
Shatranj Kamil (64):Facing Piece Set [0]
Courier Chess Mod 4:default [0]
Chess5:default [0]
DuCaQueen Chess:default [0]
Grand Chess:Abtract [3]
Every Piece Chess with Colorbound Clobberers:Colorbound Clobberers [5]
Hidden Amazons Chess 2:Ranking2 [0]
Romanchenko's Chess:RomanchenkosChess [0]
Actualized Potential Chess: Existence Blocking:default [0]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone10 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone12 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone14 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone2 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone13 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone8 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone5 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone11 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone4 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone3 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone1 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone15 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone6 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone9 [5]
Storm the Ivory Tower:mateinone7 [5]
Balboa's Chess:balboa [0]
Raumschach, corrected:Raumschach, corrected [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens with Extra Armies Sideways:FabulousFlyingKittenswithextraarmiessideways [0]
Four Player Chess:Four Player Chess [0]
Chu Shogi Alfaerie Style 1:default [0]
Chess256 (Randomized pawns):Randompawnschess2 [5]
Chess256 (Randomized pawns):Randompawnschess1 [5]
Passed Pawns Chess with Scorpion:Passed Pawns Chess with Scorpion [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings:default [0]
ExCoCo Chess:ExCoCo Chess [0]
Atlantean Hyper-Shatranj S:AHS1S [0]
Atlantean Hyper-Shatranj S:HS2 [0]
Five Concentric Torus Chess - Good Variant:OutriggerTorus [0]
Phi Chess: Rooks, Knights, Bishops:default [0]
Randompawns Chess:Randompawnschess1 [5]
Each Piece Once Chess with Different Armies Colorbound vs. Nutty:Colorbound-Knights [5]
FIDE Chess Kamil II:Alfaerie [0]
zcherryz7b:zcherryz7b [0]
Dimension X Problem 7:Dimension X [1]
Dimension X Problem 7:Dimension X Problem 7 [1]
Grand Chess vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Alice Ibu Ibu Chess with Different Armies:Alice Ibu Ibu Chess with Different Armies [0]
Yáng Qí:chinese-style [5]
Yáng Qí:yang qi_robil [0]
Yáng Qí:eurasian-style [5]
Yáng Qí:default [0]
Pentapremonitory Chess:Pentapremonitory Chess [0]
Flying Fluffy Kittens Chess:FluffyKittens [0]
Each Piece Once Chess with Remarkable Rookies:Rookies-Colorbound [5]
WWWCsuper:WWWCS [0]
Tiling Rider Chess:default [0]
Mattexperiment 2b:Mattexperiment 2b [1]
Mitosis Chess:NoRules [3]
Mitosis Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Remote Sensing 8 x 8:AlfaerieMany [0]
Ferzes vs. Wazirs:default [0]
45:default [1]
Conservative Progressive Chess:default [0]
A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess - Part 2:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
Actualized Potential Chess: Appearance Blocking:default [0]
TamerSpiel Redux:TamerspielRedux [0]
The Locust King and the Watcher:The Locust King and the Watcher [1]
Coherent Chess:Coherent1 [0]
Coherent Chess:default [0]
Barbershop Quartet 2:default [0]
Battle of the Minds:default [0]
Balls of Fluff:BallsofFluff [0]
Extra Pieces FIDE Chess with Actualized Potential Blocking Replacements:Alfaerie [0]
Royal Pawn Chess vs. Fabulous FIDE Chess:RoyalPawnZoneX [0]
Flying Kittens Two Army Chess Sideways with Warp Lines:FluffyKittens2Armywithwarplines [0]
Chaughts:Chaughts [0]
Shogi:old [3]
Shogi:Abstract [5]
CCChess-Shuffle version:XhessvsSS [0]
Fluid Chess:FluidChess1 [0]
Heaven and Hell Chess:Heaven and Hell Chess [0]
fnbszjks chess:fnbszjks chess [0]
Grosses Schach 10x10:English_rules [0]
Grosses Schach 10x10:New_board [5]
Grosses Schach 10x10:Englisch_rules_1 [0]
Grosses Schach 10x10:Englisch_rules [0]
Echo Square Moose Pawn Chess:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Rookies-FIDE [5]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Knights [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Nutty Knights [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Alfaerie [3]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-Rookies [5]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Rookies [5]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Colorbound [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Remarkable Rookies [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-FIDE [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-Colorbound [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Rookies-Colorbound [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Rookies [5]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Clobberers [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-FIDE [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Rookies-Knights [5]
Rococo with Guards:Rococo with Guards [0]
Rococo with Guards:RococowithGuards [3]
Hostage Chess:Magnetic [5]
Hostage Chess:OfficialRules [5]
Outrigger Torus Chess :OutriggerTorus2 [0]
Outrigger Torus Chess :OutriggerTorus [0]
Hadean Chess:Hadean [0]
Dynamo Chess:default [0]
Newer Grand Warp Point Chess:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Modern Random Chess 64:MRC64 [1]
Each Piece Once for Double Chess:Each Piece Once for Double Chess [5]
New Chancellor Chess:NewChancellorChess [0]
Chess with Different Armies Remarkable vs. Nutty:Rookies-Knights [5]
FIDE vs. FIDE Amalgam Army:default [0]
ccchess:Clash of civilization [0]
Zip Chess:default [0]
Alice Modern Shatranj:default [0]
Totally Stupid:default [0]
Derived from Pocket Mutation Chess:i [0]
Cannons of Chesstonia:Cannons of Chesstonia [0]
Dervish Chess:dervish [1]
Blank 12x16:LgeBd12_16 [0]
Knights Versus Bishops:Knights Versus Bishops [0]
4 x 4 x 8 Tridimensional Chess:4 x 4 x 8 Tridimensional Chess [0]
Bidirectional Nightrider Chess:default [0]
Jeremy:default [1]
Capablanca Chess:capa final [3]
Capablanca Chess:capa perso [3]
Pawnless Ferzes vs. Wazirs:default [0]
British Chess with Extra Dragons:ExtraDragonBritishChess [5]
Courier Spiel:Courier Spiel [0]
Falcon Chess with Dragon and Scorpion:default [1]
Modern Courier Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Modern Courier Chess:default [1]
Sky:Abstract [0]
Visakha Cherry:default [0]
Cazaux Graphics:Cazaux Graphics [0]
Duality Chess:standard [0]
Great Shatranj 36:Alfaerie 2 [0]
Byelorussian Chesskers:Byelorussian Chesskers [0]
Royal Guard Chess:default [0]
Ideal Chess:IDLCPreSet02 [5]
Ideal Chess:IDLCPreSet01 [5]
Chesimal Fusion I Alt:CFIa [0]
Phi Chigorin Chess:default [0]
Final Fight CCChess:Final Fight [0]
Four Powers Chess:Four Powers Chess [0]
zcherryz_17tony2:zcherryz_17tony2 [0]
Mesmer Chess:Mesmer Chess [0]
Moose Pawn Chess:default [0]
International Fischer Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Royal Camel Chess:default [0]
Mattexperiment 2a:Mattexperiment 2b [1]
A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess:A Logical Follow Up to Duke of Rutland Chess [0]
Mattexperiment 2a:Mattexperiment 2a [1]
ShortRange Courier Chess:ShortRange Courier Chess [0]
Mimotaur Chess with PushmePullyus:default [0]
Dr. Who Chess:Dr. Who [1]
Dr. Who Chess:a [0]
Renniassance Chess 2:Renniassance Chess [0]
zcherryz17b_1:zcherryz17b_1 [0]
Symchess vs Shako:SymvsShak [0]
Passed Pawns Chess:Passed Pawns Chess [0]
Lemurian Temple Shatranj:default [0]
6ess:default [0]
Air Attack Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Stones and Relays:default [0]
Royal Spacious Wazir Chess 3:default [0]
Mattsexperiment 1:Mattsexperiment 1 [1]
Lifo:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. Remarkable Rookies:Knights-Rookies [5]
Chess with Different Armies Nutty Knights vs. Remarkable Rookies:Nutty Knights Remarkable Rookies [5]
Hyperchess of Joe Joyce :Hyperchess of Joe Joyce [0]
Templar Chess II:Hospitaller [5]
8 x 8 Passed Pawns Chess:default [0]
Courier Chess Modified:Courier Chess Modified [0]
Good and Naked Chess:Goodflying [0]
Capablanca Shatranj:default [0]
Extra Pieces FIDE Chess without Extra Pawns:Alfaerie [0]
Losing Rotation Chess:default [0]
The Black Ghost with Black Ghost on f6:TheblackGhost [0]
The Black Ghost with Black Ghost on f6:TheblackGhostf6 [0]
zcherryz_17tony8b:zcherryz_17tony8b [0]
Paroxysm:default [0]
Cornerback Chess:GoodflyingArnback [0]
Retreating Chess:default [0]
The Watchers 2.3:The Watchers 2.3 [1]
Mirrored Pendulum Chess:Mirrored Pendulum [0]
Complete Permutation Chess:default [0]
Cyclochess:default [0]
Hex Shogi 91:Symbolic [2]
En Passant Chess of Ingo Althofer:Royal Amazon Chess [0]
ChessTest:mysettings [5]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers:default [0]
Rennaisance Chess IIa:Rennaisance Chess IIa [0]
Rennaisance Chess IIa:Rennaisance Chess II [0]
Rose Chess XII:Sissa Chess XII [0]
Hypermodern Courier Chess:default [1]
Rose Chess XII:Rose Chess XII [0]
Cataclysm:NewAlt [0]
Cataclysm:default [0]
Cataclysm:Test1 [0]
Drowning Kittens Chess:BowlofMilkWarpPoints4 [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil:Alfaerie [0]
Rennaissance Chess II:Rennaissance Chess II [0]
Mortal Petty Chessgi:default [0]
Squirrels and Dukes:Squirrels and Camels [0]
HyperModern Shatranj:HMS1 [0]
Squirrels and Dukes:Squirrels and Dukes [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil V:Alfaerie [0]
Mattexperiment 1:Mattexperiment 1 [1]
Lonely Master Squares:Colors Experiment 11 x 11 [0]
Hyperchess1:Hyperchess1 [3]
Falcon Chess ES Superpowered:default [0]
Remote Sensing:Remote Sensing [0]
Linear 6 Chess:default [0]
Smaller, Lesser Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF5 [0]
Five Concentric Torus Chess - Cornback Variant:OutriggerTorus [0]
Omega Chess 10x8:Omega10x8 [0]
Omega Chess:Alfaerie100 [5]
The Central Squares for 8 x 8 Boards:Central Squares [0]
Omega Chess:Omega Chess [0]
Prime Ministers Contemporary Random Chess:PMCRC [1]
Tandem-84:default [1]
FIDE Chess Kamil VIIB:Alfaerie [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil VIIB:default [0]
Chess on a Very Large Board:default [0]
Azchess Absolute Symmetry:AzAbSym [0]
Chesimal Chess xI:CC_x1 [0]
Byzantine Chess on a Rectangular Board:Byzantine [0]
Modern Prime Ministers Chess:Modern-PM-Chess [1]
Bank Chess - Swap - Half Standard:default [0]
Shatranj Kamil (64) Facing Pieces:default [0]
Turkish Chess:default [0]
6 x 6 Passed Pawns Chess:default [0]
Gala:gala [0]
house of mirrors chess 3:default [0]
Four Kings II:default [0]
XLIV Chess:Abstract [1]
FIDE Chess Kamil VI:default [0]
CCChess,Demon vs Super Symchess:DemonvsSupersym [0]
Time Travel Hullabaloo:default [1]
Six Player Get My Ferz Into There Hexagonal Chess:default [0]
Ordinary Pawnflipping Cleopatra Chess:Cleopatra Chess [0]
Separate:default [0]
Jugendstil - Art Nouveau Chess:Toroidal Optional Alice Ibu Ibu Chess with Different Armies and 3D Pieces [0]
King Race:default [0]
Jugendstil - Art Nouveau Chess:Alice Ibu Ibu Chess with Different Armies [0]
Arch Chess:Arch Chess [0]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess(E-W.S.S.):ewIII [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil VII:Alfaerie [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil VII:default [0]
Grand Shatranj:Grand Shatranj D [0]
DoGod Random Chess:default [1]
Shatranj Kamil (64) Facing Each Other:default [0]
Two Zones, One Kind:FKFF3 [0]
Desert Pub Chess:DPC2 [0]
Desert Pub Chess:DPC [0]
Atlantean Barroom Shatranj with APP:default [0]
Two Zone Bowl of Condensed Milk Chess with Warp Points:twozonebowlcondensed [0]
Mattexperiment 1c:Mattexperiment 1c [1]
Colorbound Clobberers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:Standard [0]
Fullback Chess:GoodflyingArnback [0]
7 x 7 Passed Pawns Chess:default [1]
Wuss III:default [0]
Capablanca's Chess (variant :gothic chess [3]
Rennaisance Chess IIb:Rennaisance Chess IIb [0]
Rennaisance Chess IIb:Rennaisance Chess IIa [0]
Crabs and Cannons:default [0]
Large Nahbi Chess:LargeNahbiChess [0]
Almost Chess:Almost Chess [0]
1, 2 Back Drop Chess:Back Drop Chess [0]
1, 2 Back Drop Chess:default [0]
Advanced Chess:Advanced Chess [2]
Presiding Chess:default [0]
46B:default [1]
The Black Ghost:TheblackGhost [0]
Tamerlane Mod 3:Tamerlane Mod 3 [0]
House of Ten Mirrors Chess:Of Mirrors [0]
Symmetric Sissa:Alfaerie [0]
Tripremonitory Chess:Tripremonitory Chess [0]
butt:default [1]
Titan Chess:Titan Chess [0]
Titan Chess:Titan_old [0]
Mattexperiment 1b:Mattexperiment 1b [1]
Cataclysm with Camel-Wazirs:default [0]
Crossbishop Chess:crossbishopchess1 [3]
Crossbishop Chess:crossbishopchess2 [3]
CwDA: FIDE vs Shatranjian Shooters:CwDAFIDESS1 [0]
Hidden Amazons Chess:Ranking2 [0]
Spaceships Chess:Spaceships Chess 1.0 [0]
Spaceships Chess:SC1 [0]
Grand Look as Move Chess:default [0]
Miniature Hierarchical Chess:Ranking [0]
Ranger Round Chess:RRC-01 [0]
Mini Hexchess:default [0]
Battery Chess:default [0]
Overlord:Overlord Chess 1.0 [0]
Passed Pawns Chess for 7 x 7:Passed Pawns Chess for 7 x 7 [0]
Double Diamond:default [0]
Bishop Pawns Chess:default [0]
Alice Chess with Extra Pieces:defaultx [0]
Alice Chess with extra pieces:default [0]
Alice Chess with Extra Pieces:Default [0]
Cannons and Crabs:default [0]
Mastodon Chess:mastodonchess1 [3]
Mastodon Chess:mastodonchess_s2 [3]
Royal Magician's Chess 6:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
Shatranj Darwinian:ShatranjD [0]
Xhess:default [0]
Cheskers:Cheskers [0]
Pavel Cerny Diagram:default [0]
Superchief:Superchief Chess 1.0 [0]
Azchess-Central symmetry:Azchess Central [0]
Elite Chess:Elite Chess [0]
1 Space Generator Battle:1 Space Generator Battle [0]
Byzantine Chess Expanded:PowerByzantine [0]
Duke of Rutland with Falcon Family:default [0]
4-WAY Double Capablanca CHESS:default [0]
Midevil Chess:Midevil Chess [0]
Polymorph Chess B:abneysdad3015636080 [0]
Querquisite Chess:centre [1]
Querquisite Chess:default [1]
4 Linepiece Fusion Bent Piece Variant:default [0]
Fabulous FIDEs vs. Remarkable Rookies:standard [0]
Crazyhouse:crazy_jpa [3]
I'm a Ferz, Get Me Into There! II:imaferz [0]
King's Guard Chess:KGCPreSet01 [0]
The Watchers 2a:The Watchers 2a [1]
Midgard Chess:Midgard Chess [0]
A9 HexaChess:FoolsHCPreSet01 [0]
A9 HexaChess:A9HCPreSet01 [0]
Tamerlane:Tamerlane Chess [0]
Tamerlane:Tamerlane [0]
Lemurian Chess Playtest 2:Lemurian Chess Playtest 2 [0]
Arnback Cornback Chess:GoodflyingArnback [0]
Amantillado 2:default [0]
Jester Chess:default [0]
Juxtaposition Chess:JPG-juxta [0]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess (E-W.S.S.):wwwIV [0]
The War of World`s Warriors Chess (E-W.S.S.):ew2 [0]
Aliens Vs Predators:alvspr [0]
The Central Squares for Flying Kittens:Central Squares for Flying Kittens [0]
Gigachess:Gigachess [0]
GCTest:GCTest [1]
Bishops Versus Knights:Bishops Versus Knights [0]
Attackers' Chess:default [0]
Wreckage:wreckage [1]
4-Way Chess:4-Way Chess [2]
4-way chess:4-way chess [0]
GCwDA: the Shatranjian Shooters:GCwDA_SS3 [0]
Modern Shatranj:Modern_Shatranj [0]
Modern Shatranj:default [0]
Modern Shatranj:MSorig [0]
Schoolbook Setup - Nightrider Army vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Xhatranj:defaultx [0]
Xhatranj:default [0]
Hubbub:standard [0]
Courier Chess Mod 3:CourierChess [0]
Simultaneity2 Chess:default [0]
1, 2 Drop Chess:default [0]
Ibu Ibu Chess:IbuIbuWarpPoint [0]
Ibu Ibu Chess:Ibu Ibu Chess [0]
Archabbott Chess:Archabbott Chess [0]
The Super Stars Symchess:IIvariant [0]
The Super Stars Symchess:IIvariantSSS [0]
Balbo's Chess:balboa [0]
Passed Pawns Chess for 9 x 9:Passed Pawns Chess for 9 x 9 [0]
Anti-Rook Chess:default [0]
Tamerlane Mod 5:Tamerlane Mod 5 [0]
Chess with Terrain:cwt1 [0]
Slightly Smaller, Lesser Two Zone, One Kind:FKFF5 [0]
Simplified Chess:NC1 [0]
Imperial Chess:redblue [0]
Imperial Chess:Imperial with Kidnapped Princesses [0]
Falcon Chess Decimal II:default [1]
Troitzky Chess:jelliss [0]
Troitzky Chess:byway [0]
Royal Magician's Chess 4:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
Rotation Chess Redux:default [0]
MAQO Chess:default [0]
Middle Meeting Chess with Nutty Knights, Fabulous Flying Kittens and Powerful Alician Armies:Middle Meeting Chess [0]
The Black Ghost with Black Ghost on c6:TheblackGhost [0]
Fabulous Flying Kittens Chess:FabulousFlyingKittens [0]
ArchCourier Chess:ArchCourier [0]
FIDE Queen vs. Paulowich Unicorn:default [0]
Stuck in the Middle with Nutty Knights:Stuck in the Middle with Nutty Knights [0]
Circular Chess:JPG-Motif [0]
The Royal Standard:The Royal Standard [0]
House of Mirrors Chess5:default [0]
Makruk4:Alfaerie [1]
Twin Knights:default [1]
The East-West Stars Chess :E-W.III [0]
Leapers Sleeepers:default [0]
Combo Modern Day Chess:Combo Modern Day Chess [0]
Combo Modern Day Chess:combo modern day [0]
Combo Modern Day Chess:Mesmer Chess [0]
Magicpawns Chess:magicpawnchess1 [2]
zcherryz17a_1:zcherryz17a_1 [0]
Victims Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [0]
Kings:8x8 [0]
Seirawan Chess:Seirawan Chess [0]
Kings:10x10 [0]
Kings:10x8 [0]
Kings:10x8m [0]
Kings:10x10m [0]
Contemporary Lemurian Shatranj:default [0]
Delta88 Chess:D99hlbPreSet01 [0]
Delta88 Chess:Delta88Chess [0]
Delta88 Chess:D99hlbPreSet02 [0]
Quintessential Chess:default [1]
Each Piece Once Chess Colorbound vs. FIDE:Colorbound-FIDE [5]
Geo6.1WesternStandard:GeoSettingsName [0]
46:default [1]
FIDE Chess Kamil VIII:Alfaerie [0]
Chess with Wizards:alternative [1]
Chess with Wizards:default [1]
Takeover Chess in 64 squares:Alfaerie0 [3]
Takeover Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Falcon Chess with Dragons and Scorpions B:default [0]
Knight Pawn Chess :Knight Pawn Chess [0]
Shafran's Hexagonal Chess:default [0]
Arnerback Chess:GoodflyingArnback [0]
Chigorin FIDE vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Symchess:SymchessUnicornGreat [0]
Symchess:Symsam [0]
Missing Bat Chess:default [0]
Great Shatranj 8x8 test:Alfaerie 2 [0]
Right or Left Chess:default [0]
Alekhine Chess Problem:AlekhineChessProblem [0]
Steward Chess:default [0]
Double Chess:experiment [5]
Double Chess:Alfaerienochchst [3]
Double Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Double Chess:Gregs [3]
Grand Shatranj (g set):Historical [0]
Diamond Triangulator Chess:default [0]
Barbershop Quartet 3:default [0]
Flying Kittens and Fabulous FIDES:FKFF [0]
Shatranji Shogi:defaultx [0]
The Watchers v.6:The Watchers v.6 [1]
Fuedal Chess:Fuedal chess [0]
Two Zone Bowl of Milk Chess:BowlofMilk2zone [0]
Royal Spacious Wazir Chess:default [0]
Dragonfly:DF [0]
FIDE Chess Kamil IXB:Alfaerie [0]
The War of Worlds Warriors Chess (E-W.S.S.):WESS [0]
Mir Chess 32:Alfaerie 2 [0]
Fortress Chess:defaultish [0]
Fortress Chess:fortresschess1 [0]
Fortress Chess:default [0]
Crazy 38's:default [1]
Crazy 38's:experimental [1]
Diagonizing Cheth:default [0]
Phi Chess with Different Armies: Queens and Knights vs. Rooks and Archbishops:default [0]
Larger Simple Camels Chess:default [0]
Oceans Eleven Chess:Oceans11x [0]
Expanded Chess:ExpandedChess [5]
Royal Spacious Wazir Chess 2:default [0]
FIDE vs. FIDE Amalgam Army 2:default [0]
Wider Tiling Rider Chess:default [0]
Wild Tamerlane Chess:Wild Tamerlane Chess [0]
This is a Test:Alfaerie [0]
Mirrored Pendulum Chess with Spooky Black and White Ghosts Popping Up Everywhere:TheblackGhost [0]
FIDE Chess with Extra Bishops:Alfaerie [0]
Dense Knights and Camels Chess:default [0]
Energizer Chess:defaultalternate [0]
Energizer Chess:optialternate [0]
Energizer Chess:default [0]
Energizer Chess:opti [0]
Falcon Chess ES - Knights on Edges:default [1]
Rennaisance Chess IId:Rennaisance Chess IId [0]
Quinquereme Chess:Quamel-Movement2 [0]
Quinquereme Chess:Quamel-Movement1 [0]
Quinquereme Chess:defaultx [0]
Quinquereme Chess:Quamel-Movement3 [0]
Quinquereme Chess:Quamel Movement 1 [0]
Quinquereme Chess:default [0]
Quinquereme Chess:Quamel-Movement4 [0]
Tamerlane Mod 2:Tamerlane Mod 2 [0]
Premonitory Chess:Blue-Alfaerie [5]
Rennaisance Chess II with Guards:Rennaisance Chess II with Guards [0]
Balls of Fluff with Wazirs:BallsofFluffwithWazirs [0]
Stealth Ninja Chess:Stealth Ninja Chess [1]
Stealth Ninja Chess:MainBoard [1]
Stealth Ninja Chess:Leaping Ninjas [1]
Pre-Grandchess:Pre-Grandchess [0]
Una Chess:unachess1 [3]
Turkish Great Chess IV:default [0]
Center of Attention:default [0]
Chancellor Chess:ChancellorChess [0]
Chancellor Chess:Chancellor Chess [0]
Swapmate Chess:default [0]
Molecular Chess:Molecular Chess [0]
Two Pipe Chess Elongated:Two Pipe Chess Elongated [1]
House of Mirrors with Mimics:Of Mirrors [0]
Torus Chess:TorusChess [0]
Uncorked Chess 6:default [0]
mini-Chieftain:mCC1 [0]
Meticulous Mashers:default [0]
Hobbit Chess:hobbitchess1 [0]
Breakthrough Chess:default [0]
Grand Rider Chess:Grand Rider Chess [0]
Separate 2:default [0]
Queens or Castles ?:QueensCasltes [0]
Secret Invisible Pass Chess:SymchessUnicornGreat [0]
Chess:checkmate [7]
Chess:Hyperchess 1 [0]
Chess:6x6 Surface Cube Chess [0]
Chess:MyChess [0]
Chess:Rennaisence Chess II2 [0]
Chess:Fweeps [0]
Chess:UTKchess [0]
Chess:wwwchess [0]
Chess:JPG-Twisted [5]
Chess:JPG-AlfaerieSuicideChessProblem [5]
Chess:The War of World`s Warriors Chess (E-W.S.S.) [0]
Chess:z_test [0]
Chess:Claustrophobia [0]
Chess:Rennaisence Chess II [0]
4 Linepiece Fusion Kamil Variant:default [0]
Temporally Unstable Chess:Develop 1 [2]
Dinosaurs!:Dino1 [0]
HexCongo:h [0]
Two Zone Bowl of Condensed Milk Chess:twozonebowlcondensed [0]
Skirmish56 Chess:NC1 [0]
Tripunch Chess vs. Atlantean Barroom:default [0]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup3 [0]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup1 [1]
Dream Chess 47:Normal [0]
Cetran Chess 2:mirror_symmetric_MLV [1]
Chesimals III:CIII [0]
Modern Makruk:Normal2 [1]
3Chesimals:3C [0]

Jan, 2009

Mini Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup4 [1]
Great Shatranj:Great Shatranj D [0]
Hippo Chess:Hippo Chess [0]
The Lion Game:LionX1 [1]
Cube Shogi:Normal [1]
Grand Jang Gi:Normal [0]
Modern Makruk:Normal [0]
3Chesimals:3c [0]
Breakthrough:Breakthrough [5]
Squirrel Chess:SquirrelChess1 [5]
Battle Room Chess:Normal [0]
21st Century Chess:21st Century Chess [0]
CwO: Siege:Cw0: Siege [0]
Half Courier:Half Courier [0]
Little Trio:Little Trio [0]
Sissa's Puzzle:SPs [1]

Feb, 2009

Boardroom Chess:Boardroom Chess [5]
Triroyal Wildebeest Chess:Triroyal Wildebeest Ches [5]
3Chesimals:3c\' [0]
3Chesimals:3chesimals [0]
Universal Chess:Sample [1]
Ender's Chess:Normal [0]
Alice Guard Chess:AGCPreSet01 [0]

Mar, 2009

Universal Chess:Asymmetric [1]
PK Chess:PK Chess [0]
Corps Chess I:CCIa [0]

Apr, 2009

Chess with Different Armies:Knights-FIDE_01 [5]
Universal Chess 100:Alfaerie [1]
Universal Chess :UC-68 [1]
Universal Chess 100_a:Alfaerie [1]
Relocation Chess:chess64 [3]

May, 2009

Lion's Chess:LionsChess [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-FIDEs [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Rookiess [5]
Lion's Chess:Decimal [0]
Heavy Gravity Chess:grav [0]
Monadchess:Monadchesss [0]
Rococo with Pushme-Pullyus:Alfaerie001 [3]
Capablanca Chess:capa [5]
Shatranj al-Sultan:default [0]
Four Toned Shatranj al-Sultan:default [0]
Alibaba Rider Chess:default [0]
Alibaba Chess:default [0]
Alibaba II:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Knightss [5]
Cupid Alibaba Chess:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Knightsv [5]
Cavalry Chess:default [1]
Squeen Chess:squeen [1]
Template 4-toned FIDE Chess Kamil:Alfaerie [0]
Courier de los Combinados:default [0]
16x16FOURS:default [0]
Super Maharaja Grand Combination Courier:default [0]
Royal Camel Chess ETC:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Army vs. FIDE:default [0]
Super Falcon Chess with Dragon and Scorpion:default [1]
Demi Chess:default [0]
Adjutant Chess:Adjutant Chess [2]
Alibaba Chess XI:default [0]
Tripunch Chess with Buffalo:default [0]

Jun, 2009

Tripunch Gast Chess:default [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess 2 [0]
Alibaba Chess XII:default [0]
Greater Hullabaloo:default [1]
Reformed Chess:Reformedchess [2]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess:v [0]
Improved Chess:improvedchess1 [3]
Improved Chess (variant C):improvedchessC1 [2]
Elephant Chess:elephantchessC1 [3]
Xiang Hex:vvv [5]
Orphic Chess:orphicchess1 [3]
Orphic Chess:orphicchess_s1 [3]
Orphic Chess (with Elks):orphicchess2 [3]
Orphic Chess (with Elks):orphicchess_s2 [3]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Army vs. FIDE :alfaerie [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Army vs. FIDE :default2 [0]
Chess with Different Armies - DemiRifle Army vs. FIDE :default2 [0]
Chess with Different Armies: FIDE vs. DemiRifle Army:default [0]
Hopper Chess:hopperchess1 [2]
Hopper Chess:hopperchess2 [2]
Hopper Chess (with Scorpions):hopperchess_s1 [3]
Scorpion Chess:Scorpionchess1 [3]
Randomscorpions Chess:Randomscorpionschess1 [3]
Swedish Chess:swedishchess2 [4]
Dromedary Chess:dromedarychess1 [2]
Elk Chess:elkchess1 [3]
Elk Chess (with Scorpions):elkchess2 [3]
Gunnery Chess:gunnerychess2 [2]
Gunnery Chess:gunnerychess1 [2]
Gunnery Chess (with Scorpions):gunneryscorpionchess1 [2]
Hopper-Elk Chess:hopper-elkchess1 [3]
New Chess:newchess1 [3]
New Chess (rooks placed):newchessrp1 [3]
Gustavian Camelrider Chess:camelriderchess1 [3]
Gustavian Camelrider Chess (with Scorpions):camelriderchess_s1 [3]
Elkrider Chess:elkriderchess1 [3]
Cannonrider Chess:cannonriderchess2 [3]
Magicpawns Chess:magicpawnchess2 [2]
Royal CannonChess:royalcannonchess2 [2]
Commodore Chess:commodorechess1 [3]
Gunnery Chess (8x10):Gunnerychessb1 [3]
Gunnery Chess (8x10):Gunnerychessb2 [3]
Brigadier Chess:brigadierchess1 [3]
Adjutant Chess:Adjutant Chess(small graphics) [2]
Improved Chess:improvedchess1(small) [3]
Improved Chess (variant C):improvedchessC1(small) [2]
Improved Chess (variant A):improvedchess1(small) [3]
Improved Chess (variant A):improvedchess1 [3]
Fluid Chess:default [0]
Jester Chess:defaultvv [0]
Little Trio:Little Triovv [0]
Shatranj of Troy:Symbolicvvv [0]
New Age Chess:default [0]
FIDE v New Age:default [0]
Meteoric Chess (rooks placed):meteoricchessrp1 [3]
Mastodon Chess:test_s3 [3]
Little Trio:default2 [1]
Descent Chess:Descentchess2 [2]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Knightsv [5]
Chess:JPG-Alfaeriev [5]
Capablanca Chess:defaultvvv [5]
Little Trio JG Pieces:jgversion [1]
Little Trio B:jgversion [1]
Grand Chieftain:Grand Chieftain [0]
Janus Chess:JanusChess [0]
Hullabaloo:default [1]
Courier Spiel:Grand Ducal Chess [0]
Special Balanced Pendulum Chess:default [0]
Cetina Random Chess:reversed-symmetric [1]
Atlantean Tripunch Shatranj:default [0]
Central Rotational Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:KoreanSetup2 [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:KoreanSetup [0]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:KoreanSetup3 [1]
Trigast Chess:default [0]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:KoreanSetup4 [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup-b [1]
Granducal Chess:Granducal Chess [0]
Uri's Chess1:UrisExample1 [5]
Mini Hullabaloo2:default [1]
XoXoXoXmmm:AlfaOm [0]
Mini Hullabaloo:default [1]
Royal Spacious Ferz and Wazir Chess:default [0]
UltraModern Shatranj:default [0]
UltraModern Shatranj2:default [0]
Turret Chess:Turret_Chess [2]
Alibaba Chess IX:default [0]
Alibaba Chess X:default [0]
Delayed Attack Chess:default [0]
Delayed Defense Chess:default [0]
Delayed Attack Chess Army v. Delayed Defense Chess Army:default [0]
Oxybeles Chess:Oxybeles_Chess [2]
Secutor Chess:Secutor_Chess [2]
Divaricator Chess:divaricator_chess [2]
Minor Hullabaloo:default [1]
Grand Ducal Chess:Grand Ducal Chess [0]
Fantasy Courier Chess:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army:default [0]
B Double Actualized Potential Chess: Existence Blocking:default [0]
C Double Actualized Potential Chess: Existence Blocking:default [0]
E Double Actualized Potential Chess: Existence Blocking:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce:default [0]
Gustav III's Chess:gustavIIIchess1 [2]
Venomous:venomous [1]
Fabulous FIDES Versus Cylindrical Cinders:CylindricalCindersvsFabulousFides [0]
Amantillado 1:default [0]
Remarkable Rookies vs. New Age:default [0]
New Age vs. Remarkable Rookies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Colorbounds [5]
Nutty Knights vs. New Age:default [0]
Colorbound Clobberers vs. New Age:default [0]
New Age vs. :default [0]
New Age vs. 2F Colorbound Clobberers:default [0]
2F Colorbound Clobberers vs. New Age :default [0]
Double Ferz Colorbound Clobberers vs. New Age :default [0]
Double Ferz Colorbound Clobberers vs. New Age :defaultx [0]
New Age 2F Colorbound Clobberers vs. :default [0]
Uri's Chess3:Shuuro [0]
Shuuro:Shuuro [0]
prova shuuro:prova shuuro [7]
FIDE Chess Kamil VIIIA:Alfaerie [0]
Super Tripunch Chess:AlfaerieMany [1]
New Age vs. Colorbound Clobberers:default [0]
Modern Capablanca Courier Chess:MainSetup [1]
Silver Capablanca Courier Chess:MainSetup [1]
Shuuro:Alfaerie [1]
Shuuro:Alfarie [0]
Shuuro:Alfarie1 [0]
Shuuro:MainSetup [1]
Shuuro:Setup [1]
Shuuro:Setup1 [1]
Shuuro:Setup2 [1]
Random Pillars Chess:MainSetup [1]
Pillars Random Chess:MainSetup [1]
Shuuro:Setup3 [5]
Adjutant Chess (with Adjutants):Adjutant_Chess [2]
Geometric Chess:default [0]
Geometric Chess vs. FIDE:default [0]
2 Cupid Chess Army vs. FIDE:default [0]
Avian Airforce II vs. Fabulous FIDES:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Avian Airforce II:default [0]
Gustavian Cannon Chess:Gustavian Cannon Chess [2]
Zeppelin Chess:Zeppelin_Chess [2]
Culverin Chess:culverin_chess [2]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Avian Airforce II:defaultvvv [0]
Avian Airforce II vs. Fabulous FIDES:defaultvvvv [0]
Cupid Chess 3:defaultx [0]
Clumsy Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs:default [0]
Fabulous FIDEs vs. Clumsy Cupids :default [0]
Awful Alfils:default [0]
Awful Alfils vs. FIDE:default [0]
Fabulous FIDEs vs. Awful Alfils:default [0]
Fabulous FIDEs vs. Nifty Nightriders:default [0]
Wild Kingdom Chess:Wild Kingdom Chess [0]
Nifty Nightriders vs. Fabulous FIDEs:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Knightsvv [5]
Little Trio:default [1]
New Age vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Nightrider Army vs. New Age:default [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess 2a [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess II with Gaurds [0]
Rennaisance Chess II:Rennaisance Chess II with Guards [0]
"Wilder" Kingdom Chess:Wilder Kingdom Chess [0]
Partnership Chaturanga:Main [0]
Partnership Chaturanga:MainSetup [0]
Partnership Chaturanga:MainSetup2 [0]

Jul, 2009

Advance or Decay:Advance or Decay 1 [5]
Chess with Extended Castle:Chesswithextendedcastle [2]
Modern Minister's Courier Chess:MainSetup2 [1]
Modern Minister's Courier Chess:MainSetup [1]
Venomous2:test [1]
Modern Sissa-Knights Chess:MainSetup [1]
Sissa-Knights Chess:MainSetup [1]
Carrillo Chess:MainSetup [1]
Balanced Marseillais Chess:default [0]
Ajax Chess:Main-Setup [1]
FIDE vs. Man:default [0]
Gess:Gess with rules [5]
Tripunch Chess with Bison and Patient Pawns:AlfaerieMany [1]
En Passant Chess of Ingo Althofer:En Passant Chess of Ingo Althofer [0]
Test Remarkable Rookies vs. Nutty Knights:default [0]
Test Nutty Knights vs. Remarkable Rookies:default [0]
Naydorian Chess:NCPreSet01 [0]
Chu Shogi Lion Chess:default [0]
Chess:TessChess [0]
Tonight Tripunch Atlantean Staggering Unicorn Chess:default [0]
Test Fugue Rococo with Edgehogs:default [0]
Maorider Chess:Maorider Chess [0]
Rooks Chess:Rooks Chess [0]
Nifty Nightider Army vs. Fabulous FIDEs:default [0]
Fabulous FIDEs vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
CC vs MM:default [0]
Heavy Gravity Chess:defaultvvv [0]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:PNG-Magnetic-Earthtonesvvv [3]
Chaturanga:v [0]
Carnage:Carnage [1]
Modern Chess:Alfaerie2 [1]
Maorider Chess:default [0]
Berolina Chess vs. FIDE Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Sissa Inspired Chess:default [1]
Sort of Almost Chess:default [0]
Nachtmahr:default [0]
Rooks vs. FIDE:default [0]
Besiege Chess:BesiegeChess [0]
Generic Hex:GenHex61PS1 [0]
Hexagonaller Movements Illustrated:default [0]
Hexagonal Chess with Hexagonalers:default [0]
Generic Hex:GenHex91PS2 [0]

Aug, 2009

Generic Hex:default [0]
Generic Hex B:default [0]
Turkish Hex:default [0]
Generic Hex C:default [0]
Ganymede Chess:Ganymede Chess [0]
Ajax Random Chess2:Alfaeire [1]
Hex Dragonal Chess:HexDrag127PS3 [0]
Hex Dragonal G Chess:HexDragG127PS4 [0]
Fantastic Chess:default [0]
Bungalow Shatranj:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-FIDEss [5]
Wormhole Chess:defaultv [5]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Colorboundvv [5]
Displacement Chess 2:disp2 [0]
Displacement Chess 2:disp1 [0]
Shock Troops:Shock Troops [1]
Shock Troops:Drones [1]
Shock Troops:rookbishop [1]
Bungalow Chess 2:default [0]
Bungalow Chess 2,5:default [0]
Bungalow Shatranj 8x8 V.2:default [0]
Bungalow Shatranj 8x8:default [0]
Cyborg vs. Mad Queen:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs:default [0]
FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids:default [0]
Chigorin Chess:default [0]
Fugue Rococo with Edgehogs B:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs B:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids B:default [0]
Cylindrical Cinders Versus Fabulous FIDES:CylindricalCindersvsFabulousFides [0]
Capablanca's Chess early 10 x 8:defaultvvv [5]
Oxram FIDE Chess:default [0]
7 x 9:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids C:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs C:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs D:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids D:default [0]
Man Remixed with crazy pawns:default [0]
Maor Maorider:default [0]
Wildest Kingdom Chess - Test:WKC3 [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs E:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids E:default [0]
Linear Shatranj B:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs F:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs. Cunning Cupids F:default [0]
Rookaba Shatranj:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs G:default [0]
Cunning Cupids vs. Fabulous FIDEs H:default [0]
Bungalow Shatranj:defaultx [0]

Sep, 2009

Modern Shatranj R:GSAlfvvv [0]
Xiang Hex:Western [5]
Crooked Crumblers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:default [0]
Pizza Kings vs. Fabulous FIDES:default [0]
Hex Maorider:default [0]
Rapacious 2:default [0]
Rapacious:default [0]
Sagacious Hexagonal:default [0]
Korean Chess:SWAP [0]
Sagacious:default [0]
Wormhole Xiang Qi:Normal [0]
Minishogi:Minishogi [1]
microChieftain:microCC [0]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Knightsss [5]
Oxram Chess:default [0]
Rose Chess:defaultx [1]
Samarcanda:CourierChess [0]
Silver Elephant Chess:KoreanSetup [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:OldMainSetup [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:OldMainSetup2 [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup [0]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup2 [1]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:GiffordSetup [0]
Mini Courier Chess Moderno:GiffordSetup2 [1]
Heavy Gravity Chess:default [0]
Hex Shmex Sex:Western [0]
Ajax Modern Random Chess:AMRC [1]
Achilles Chess:Main-Setup [1]
Wildest Kingdom Chess Test:WKC3 [0]
3D Great Shatranj:default [0]
Wildestest Kingdom Chess:WKC3 [1]
Royal Magician's Chess:Royal Magicians Chess [0]
Ajax Modern Random Chess:Alfaerie2 [1]
Ajax Modern Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]

Oct, 2009

Tripunch Chess:AlfaerieMany [1]
Squirrels and Camels:another [0]
Ajax-Capablanca Chess:Capablanca-Setup2 [1]
Squirrel Chess:default [0]
Squirrels and Camels:Squirrels and Camels [0]
Modern Ministers Courier Chess:MainSetup [1]
Modern Ministers Courier Chess:MainSetup2 [1]
Squirrel Chess:defaultx [0]
Korean Chess:plain [0]
North Korean Chess:default [5]
Korean Random Chess:set2 [1]
Korean Random Chess:set1 [1]
Korean Random Chess:set2b [1]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess:defaultv [0]
Toccata:default [1]
Samarcanda of the Sky:CourierChess [0]
Samarcanda of the Sky:default [0]
Samarcanda of the Sky B:default [0]
Samarcanda of the Sky C:default [0]
Mideast Chess:default [0]
Samarcanda of the Sky D:default [0]
Samarcanda of the Sky E:default [0]
3D Greater Shatranj:3D GtrS 1 [0]
Alice Chess:alf [3]
Mamra Chess with Wuss II:default [1]
Mamra Chess with Wuss:defaultx [1]
Mamra Chess with Wuss II:Alfaerie [1]
Mamra Chess with Wuss:Alfaerie [1]
2 queens rocky:defaultx [2]
2 Queens Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:defaultx [2]
2 Queens Chess:default [1]
2 Queen Chess:default [1]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:defaultx [2]
Transvestite Chess Proper:default [1]
Transvestite Chess with Werewolves:defaultx [1]
10 Minute Melee:Galactic1 [3]
10 Minute Melee:Galactic [3]
Transvestite Chess:default [2]
King to Bunker Leap:King to Bunker Leap [0]
Chess on a Longer Board with a few pieces added:Alfaerie1 [5]
Bishop Knight Morph Factor:default [1]
Open Chess:Normal [0]
Korean Random Chess:set1a0 [1]
Balanced Marseillais Mamra Chess with Wuss:defaultx [1]
Balanced Extra Move Mamra Chess with Wuss:defaultx [1]
Betzan bafflers:default [2]
Samarcanda of the Sky F:default [0]
Ajax Wars Chess:Main-Setup [1]
Ajax Wars Chess:Alfaerie3 [1]
Ajax Wars Chess:Alfaerie4 [1]

Nov, 2009

NO NAME YET:default [2]
Ajax Wars Chess:Alfaerie2 [1]
Ajax Wars Chess:Alfaerie [1]
10 Directional Chess:default [1]
10-directional vs. Fabulous FIDEs:default [1]
Fabulous FIDEs vs. 10-directional Chess:default [1]
Balanced Mamra Chess with Wuss:defaultx [1]
Cats and Dogs:default [0]
WarGame 2:Wargame2 [0]
Korean Random Chess:set3 [1]
Korean Random Chess:set4 [1]
Korean Random Chess:set4b [1]
Korean Random Chess:set3b [1]
Korean Random Chess:set5 [1]
Fischer Random Chess:makov-sissa [2]
Chess with Different Armies:Classic-Rooksversion1 [0]
Contemporary Random Chess:CRC [1]
Fugue Rococo with Edgehogs C:default [0]
Fugue Rococo with Edgehogs D:default [0]
FIDE Chess Chameleon:default [2]
Hunt Chess:Normal [0]
Hunt Chess:Mode 1 [1]
Hunt Chess:Mode 2 [1]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-Colorboundv [5]
12 Sharp Courier:12SharpCourier [0]
12 Sharp Eurasian:12SharpEurasian [0]
Clockwork Orange Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Saboto:saboto [1]
Saboto 9x10:saboto9 [1]
Saboto Test:sabotot [1]
Ajax Falcon Chess:Alfaerie0 [1]
10-directional Chess:default [1]
007 Chess:default [0]
Ajax Falcon Chess:Alfaerie [1]
007 Chess - Detente Version:default [0]
Ajax Random Chess:Alfaerie1 [1]
Caïssa Britannia:new [5]

Dec, 2009

12 Sharp Compound A:12SharpCompoundA [0]
12 Sharp Compound B:12SharpCompoundB [0]
Bichess:BC [0]
12 Sharp Timur:12SharpTimur [0]
12 Sharp Wildebeest:12SharpWildebeest [0]
12 Sharp Rutland:12SharpRutland [0]
12 Sharp Shoxiang:12SharpShoxiang [0]
12 Sharp Mitregi 108:12SharpMitregi [0]
Balanced Capablanca Chess:default [5]
Ajax Falcon Chess:Alfaerie1 [1]
Ajax Falcon Chess:Alfaerie2 [1]
Mamra Chess with Wuss III:default [1]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie40 [2]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaeire3 [5]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaerie3 [5]
Napoleonic Chess:Normal [0]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaerie2a [5]
Chess:logicaldir-test [1]
12 Sharp Wild Eurasian Qi:12SharpWildEurasianQi [0]
Bigamous Random Chess:brc [1]
Bungalow Shatranj:second [0]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaeire4 [5]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaeire4a [5]
Duplex Random Chess:drc [1]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaeire [1]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaerie1a [5]
Loonybird:Normal [0]
Courier Chess Moderno:MainSetup1 [5]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaeire0 [5]
Cetran Chess 2:mirror-symm [5]
123456 Chess:123456Chess [1]
Glorious Chess:default [1]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie40std [1]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie40stdreversed [2]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie40stdasymmetric [2]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie40Reversed [2]
Chess8400:Main1 [5]

Jan, 2010

Modern Carrera's Chess:default [5]
Chess:polgar1071 [5]
Monkey King Chess:blue [0]
Maorider Ches:empty [0]
Ajax Chess:Main-Setup1 [5]
Chess:polgar1085 [5]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:alf [3]
Bungalow Shatranj:rules [4]
Ajax Bigamous Chess:default [1]
12 Sharp Timur:good [0]
Ajax Wars:Alfaerie0 [5]
Ajax Wars:Alfaerie1 [0]
KarmaChess:default [0]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaerie1b [5]
Ajax Bigamous Chess:Alfaerie2b [5]
Ajax Euchess:Alfaerie0 [1]
Ajax Euchess:Alfaerie [5]
Sissa:Default [1]
Ajax Citadel Wars:Alfaerie2 [0]
Ajax Citadel Wars:Alfaerie1 [0]
Ajax Citadel Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Citadel Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Medieval Citadel Chess:Alfaerie [1]

Feb, 2010

Courier Chess Moderno:Alfaerie [5]
Wildebeest Chess:Wildebeest Chess with rules [5]
Colossus:Quad [0]
Elephant Thai Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Ajax Xiangqi:Cambaluc [1]
Ajax Xiangqi:Chinese [1]
Bungalow Shatranj:great [0]
Elephant Makruk:Alfaerie [1]
Bungalow Shatranj:2D [0]
Bungalow Shatranj:third [0]
Sean's Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Chess (855 Columns):JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Schoolbook Chess 2:default [5]
Moscow Chess:default [5]
WoW Chess:default [5]
Air Temple Is Under Attack Chess:default [5]
Sean's Very Cool Chess:Abstract [5]
School Chess:default [5]
Dimachaer Chess:Dimachaer_Chess [2]
Essedar Chess:Essedar_Chess [2]
Extrapawn Chess:extrapawn_chess [2]
Ajax Chess:MainSetup [1]
RRvsFF:default [0]
Grand Nuclear Chess:Grand Nuclear Chess [0]
Remarkable Rookies vs. Fabulous FIDEs:RRvsFF [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights [0]
Hex:default [0]
Tamerlane Chess:Tamerlane [0]

Mar, 2010

MM:def [0]
Symmetric Hexagonal Chess:Default [3]
Pillage:VaoCannons [0]
Ultimate Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Symmetric McCooey's Hexagonal Chess:Default [0]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess (Symmetric):Default [0]
Symmetric Hexagonal Chess:McCooey style [0]
Diagonal:default [0]
Pillage:Flying Dragon [0]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie2a [5]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie2b [5]
Chess:VarietyChess [1]
Variety Chess:VarietyChess [1]
Maohopper Chess:default [0]
New Name:Variety2 [1]
Royal Rumble:RoyalRumble [1]
HyperModern Shatranj:rules [5]

Apr, 2010

Gilded Grand Shatranj:Gilded Grand Shatranj [0]
FIDE vs. Man:defaultvvv [0]
FIDE vs. Man:defaultvv [0]
Camels vs Riders:def [0]
MM-dif:defaultvvv [0]
CWDA new:default [0]
Circular Chess:boyscount [0]
Xiang Hex:variant [0]
Xiang Hex Board:default [0]
Maohopper Chess:cetina variant [0]
Diagonal Devils:default [0]
DD vs Camels:default [0]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:board [0]
Hexcetran:Default [1]
CC vs DD:default [0]
CC vs CC:default [0]
DDvsMM:default [0]
Colonization:Normal [1]
Alapao:Alapao [0]
Cetina's Hexagonal Chess :Default [0]
Hexagonal Chess (Cetina) :Default [0]
Sixagonal Chess:Default [0]
String Chess:String Chess [0]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess:vvv [0]

May, 2010

Storm the Ivory Tower:version3 [5]
notchess:Alfaerie [0]
Not Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-Rooksversion [0]
CC vs MM:default1 [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Knights-Men [0]
3D Great Shatranj:3D GtS 1 [0]
3D Sideways Great Shatranj:3D SGtS 1 [0]

Jun, 2010

Gorgon:Gorgon [1]
Camel Chess:def [0]
Chinese Army vs Monkey King Army:default [2]
Redistribution 3d chess:Red3d [0]
Courier Chess:def [0]
Redistribution :R3d [0]
TessChess:TessChess [0]
Redistribution3d:R3d2 [0]
Standart Half Shoxiang:Half Shoxiang [0]
3-D Great Shatranj:3D GtS 1a [0]
Bungalow Shatranj:Checkered [0]
International Checkers:International [0]
International Checkers:Intl [0]
Canadian Checkers:Default [0]
Russian Checkers:Default [0]
American Checkers:default [0]
Ancient world war:Ancient world war [0]
Grande Acedrex:Grande Acedrex [0]
WizardChess:WizardChess [0]
Czech Checkers:Default [0]
Spanish Checkers:Alternate [0]
Russian Checkers:default [0]
Turkish checkers:Turkish checkers [0]
Chinese court:Chinese court [0]
Brazilian Checkers:default [0]
Randomchess:Mirror Symmetric [1]
Randomchess:Reversed Symmetric [1]
Randomchess:Asymmetric [1]

Jul, 2010

Chinese Army vs Tamerlane Army:default02 [1]
Schachdame:default [0]
King to Bunker Leap:Asymmetric [1]
Shatar:Shatar [0]
Hasami shogi:Hasami shogi [0]
Changi with diagonal pieces:Changi with diagonal pieces [0]
Simple Ecumenical Chess:Simple Ecumenical Chess [0]
Cambodian chess:Cambodian chess [0]
Knightima:Knightima [0]
Hafts:Hafts [0]
Sideways Raumschach:Raumschach Revised, Sideways [0]
TessChess:setup2 [0]
Ajax Bigamous Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Ancient world war (more balanced variant):Ancient world war (more balanced variant) [0]
FIDE vs chanselor and berolina pawns:FIDE vs chanselor and berolina pawns [0]
3Few Chess:3Few Chess [0]
Schizophrenia:schizophrenia [1]
Hecatomb promotion:Hecatomb promotion [0]
Sixagonal Chess:Wide [0]
Sixagonal Chess:Narrow [0]
Super-Drop-Xiang-Qi:Super-Drop-Xiang-Qi [0]
All pieces of classic chesses:All pieces of classic chesses [0]
There is no queen but two compounds:9x8 [1]
Advanced Wizard Chess:Advanced Wizard Chess [0]
Shogchess:Shogchess [0]
Joshua's Chess:Joshuas Chess [0]
There is no queen but two compounds:9x8reversed [1]
Kozune:Kozune [0]
TessChess:empty [0]
Frolov Chess - Ajax Variation:Alfaerie [1]
Chinese Army vs Tamerlane Army:default [2]
Missle Chess:Missle Chess [0]
Frolov Chess - Ajax Bishop Variation:Alfaerie [1]
Frolov Chess - Ajax Bishops Variation:Alfaerie [1]
Ancient world war:Ancient Civilization II [0]
Ancient Civilization:default [0]
There is no queen but two compounds - Ajax variation:9x8reversed [1]
Macrochess:Macrochess [0]
Kozune vs FIDE:Kozune vs FIDE [0]
Chess vs checkers:Chess vs checkers [0]
Third runner:Third runner [0]
Third runner - alternative setup:Third runner - alternative setup [0]
Mad Elephant Chess:Mad Elephant Chess [0]
Hexajedrez:Narrow [0]
Yoto:Yoto [0]
Madness of Kings Chess:Madness of Kings Chess [0]
TessChess:TessChessX1 [0]
TessChessx1:TessChessX1 [0]
Too Many Bishops:Too Many Bishops [0]
Too Many Cannons:Too Many Cannons [0]
Too Many Buffalos:Too Many Buffalos [0]
Too Many Alfils:Too Many Alfils [0]
Magician Chess:Magician Chess [0]

Aug, 2010

Alfil pawns:Alfil pawns [0]
Dababa pawns:Dababa pawns [0]
Ferz pawns:Ferz pawns [0]
Wazir pawns:Wazir pawns [0]
Dababa modern shatranj:Dababa modern shatranj [0]
Snake Chess:Snake Chess [0]
Rook Mania:Rook Mania [0]
Cetran Chess 2:sissa-frozen_methane-2010-174-915 [1]
Mêlée:Melee [0]
Minixiang:Minixiang [0]
Zen Chess:Zen Chess [0]
Quang Trung Chess (4th edition):Quang Trung Chess (4th edition) [0]
Citadel chess:Citadel chess [0]
Mitosis Chess:Mitosis Chess [0]
Hexcetran:GRY [0]
Hexcetran:AAN [0]
Modern drunk elephant shogi:Modern drunk elephant shogi [0]
Ziggurat:Ziggurat [0]
MoQi:MoQi [0]
My38 Chess:My38 Chess [0]
Mulligan Stew Chess:Mulligan Stew Chess [0]
TessChess6by6:TessChess6by6 [0]
TessChess6by6xxx:TessChess6by6xxx [0]
Hyperchess x1:Hyperchess x1 [0]
Ghast knights:Ghast knights [0]
10x10 game with some popular pieces:10x10 game with some popular pieces [0]
The Way of the Knight:The Way of the Knight [0]
Stalemate chess:Stalemate chess [0]
Quantimex:Quantum [0]

Sep, 2010

Notchess 72:Notchess 72 [0]
Notchess 64:Notchess 64 [0]
Chaturanga Army vs Midnight Army:default [0]
Midnight Chaturanga:default [0]
Chaturanga :Ajax [0]
Patricia:Patricia [0]
Chess x eight:Chess x eight [5]
Hyperchess4:Hyperchess4 [0]
Catalonia x1:Cataloniax1 [1]
Hyperchess - White to move loses 1:Hyperchess problem 1 [0]
4playerChess_new:def [0]

Oct, 2010

Sho Shogi:Japanese-CSS [0]
4Chess:def [0]
Chesimals 2:C2 [0]
Grand Shatranj:Grand Shatranj R [0]
4Chess:2bihops [0]
4playerChess_new:another [0]
Corps Chess:C2 [0]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:def [0]
Super Chess:default [0]

Nov, 2010

Powerchess:Powerchess [0]
Maohopper Chess:newvariant [0]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:cetina [0]
Hiashatar:Alfaerie [1]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:2 [0]
Hia Chess2:Alfaerie [1]
Hia Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Fischer Random Chess:Abstract2 [7]
Shogi Tsumi Editor:Motif-CSS [3]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:3 [0]
Grand Chess vs Grand Shatranj:GCvsGS1 [0]
Shogi:Motif-CSS [5]
Shogi:Japanese-CSS [5]
Shogi:Symbolic [5]
Spartan Chess:Spartan Chess 1 [0]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:4 [0]
Dragon Chess:Alfaerie1 [0]
Marignon Chess:1 [0]
Big Board Chess:Magnetic [5]
Capablanca's Chess early 10 x 8:default [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Unequal Armies [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound Clobberers [5]
Circular Chess:default [5]
Extra Move Chess:Abstract [7]
Grand Cavalier Chess:default [5]
Great Chess:Abstract [5]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:PNG-Magnetic-Earthtones [3]
Mir Chess 32:rule-enforcing [5]
Mir Chess 36:rule-enforcing [5]
Mortal Chessgi:Galactic [5]
Pocket Mutation Chess:Alfaerie-fpd [5]
Templar Chess:Alfaerie-PNG [5]
Voidrider Chess:Abstract [5]
Xiang Hex:default [5]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:6 [0]
Dragon Breath Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Dragons Breath Chess:Alfaerie [1]

Dec, 2010

Shogi Tsumi Editor:Motif-HTML [1]
Shogi:test [5]
Circular Chess:2 [0]
Prime Ministers Random Chess:PM-Random-Chess [1]
Korean Chess:default [5]
Korean Chess:fixed [5]
Marignon Chess:2 [0]
Yáng Qí:incomplete [5]
Chess484:chess484(small) [3]
Chess484:chess484 [3]
Chess64:chess64 [3]
Chess400:chess400 [3]
Chess20:chess20 [3]
Regiment Random Chess:Regement Random Chess [3]
Regement Random Chess:Regement Random Chess [3]
Chess100:chess100 [3]
Relocation Chess:reloc1 [3]
Configuration Chess:Configuration Chess [3]
Placement Chess:Placement Chess [3]
Nonary Chess:Nonary Chess [3]
Chess-9 (Nonary Chess):Nonary Chess [3]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:7 [0]
Regiment Chess:Regiment Chess [3]
Seirawan Chess:seirawan(small)_ [2]
Seirawan Chess:seirawan2(big) [2]
Seirawan Chess:seirawan(big) [2]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:8 [0]
Twinmove Chess (compulsory):twinmovechess3 [2]
Twinmove Chess (uncompelled):twinmovechess4 [2]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:9 [0]
Arrangement Chess:Arrangement Chess [3]
2x2 Battle of Civilizations Chess:20 [0]

Jan, 2011

Balanced Marseillais Chess:broken [7]
Circular Tamerlane Chess:1 [0]
Chess of Mar:1 [0]
Yáng Qí:2 [0]
Crand Circus:1 [0]
Triss:1 [0]
Gorgona Chess:gorgonachess [2]
Mastodon Chess:mastodonchess_s3 [3]
Pyrrhus Chess:pyrrhuschess [2]
Accessory Chess (with Divaricator):divaricator_chess [2]
Seirawan Chess:seirawan(small) [2]
Mastodon Chess (8x10):Mastodonchessb4 [3]
Mastodon Chess:mastodonchess2 [3]
Mastodon Chess (8x10):Mastodonchessb3 [3]
Hiashatar (Mongol Grand Chess):hiashatar [2]
Wildest Kingdom Chess:WKC3F [1]
Meteoric Chess (rooks placed):meteoricchessrp1(small) [3]
Revised Chess:Revisedchess(big graphics) [2]
Revised Chess:Revisedchess [2]
Reformed Chess:Reformedchess(big graphics) [2]
Castle Chess (with revised pawn):castlechess(big graphics) [2]
Castle Chess (with revised pawn):Castlechess [2]
King to Bunker Leap:Abstract [7]
Coherent Chess:programmed [5]
3D Millenium Chess:Alfaerie [0]

Feb, 2011

Millenium 3D Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Raumschach 8x8x3:Alfaerie [0]
Alpaca Chess:alpaca_chess [3]
Dragonet Chess:dragonetchess [2]
MiTaWi:MiTaWi [0]
Chessss:1 [0]
Panchimeric Chess:Panchimera1 [5]
Chieftain Chess:gstrong [0]
Taxi, the Nuclear CaB Chess Game:TaxiNCaB [0]
joeschess:Abstractjoeschess [5]
Stevens Test Chess 1:stevensTest [5]
Chesscamelvshorses:v [0]

Mar, 2011

Panchimera:Panchimera1 [5]
Smess:Smess [5]
Three-Player Hexagonal Chess:default [0]
Miniature Chess:Miniature Chess [0]
Taxi, the Nuclear CaB Chess Game:Chesscala [0]
Chess:1 [0]
Chesscala (no codes):Chesscala [0]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie5 [0]
Random 3D Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Republican Panchimera:RepPanchimera10 [5]
Decimal Panchimera:DecPanchimera10 [5]
Hex Shogi Test:ver1 [0]
GraTiA:basic [0]
Chess:royal rooks [0]
Chess:royal rooks(protect the + marked pieces! + marked pieces move without capture regular, but capture like a king!) [0]
Chess:chess with rook cannons(rook cannons can move and capture like a rook and a pao) [0]

Apr, 2011

XOR-AND Shogi:default [5]
Warlord:Warlord 1.0 [0]
Chesscala:Chesscala [0]
Metapontum: Plato Variant:Metapontum: Plato Variant (setup 1) [0]
Metapontum: Plato Variant (setup 1):Metapontum: Plato Variant (setup 1) [0]
Metapontum: Plato Variant:Metapontum: Plato Variant (setup 2) [0]
Grand Chesscala:Grand Chesscala [0]
Metapontum: Plato Variant:Metapontum: Plato Variant (setup 3) [0]
OR-AND Shogi:default [5]
Xorix Shogi:default [5]

May, 2011

GraTiA:ver2 [0]
Hubbub:ver1 [2]
Brouhaha:ver1 [2]
Warlord II:Warlord 2 [0]
Classical Chess:norules [3]
4-Handed Chatarunga:4-handed chat 1.00 [0]
Classical Chess:ver2 [3]

Jun, 2011

Xiangqi:Xiangqi [5]
Janggi:Janggi [5]
Chu Shogi:Chu Shogi [0]
Shatranj:Shatranj [5]
Kamikaze Mortal Shogi:Kamikaze Mortal Shogi [5]
Shogi:Shogi [5]
Mortal Shogi:Mortal Shogi [2]
Xorix Shogi:Xorix Shogi [5]
Yáng Qí:Y#U00e1ng Qi [5]
Yáng Qí:Y??ng Qi [5]
Infantry Chess:default [5]
Foot Soldier Chess:default [5]

Jul, 2011

threeChess:1 [0]
4-Handed Chaturanga:4-handed chat 1.00 [0]
threeChess:2 [0]

Aug, 2011

Chess4:1 [0]
Chess:StoneChess1 [0]
Warlord 2.0:Warlord 2.0 [0]
Warlord 2.1:Warlord 2.1 [0]

Sep, 2011

WarGame 1:Wargame1 [0]

Oct, 2011

Warlord Large Scenario 1:Warlord LSc1 [0]
Chess:StoneChess [0]

Dec, 2011

Chess:Chess-Test-00 [1]
Chess-Test-00:Chess-Test-00 [1]

Jan, 2012

Paso Doble Chess:Chess2-Paso-Doble [7]
Flexible Chess (F-chess):flexiblechess1 [2]
Flexible Chess (F-chess):flexiblechess2 [2]
Flexible Chess (F-chess):flexiblechess3 [2]

Feb, 2012

Biroyal Wildebeest Chess:Biroyal Wildebeest Ches [5]
Warlord X:WarlordX [0]

Mar, 2012

Chinese Chess:111 [0]

Apr, 2012

Crab Chess:crabchess1(small) [2]
Crab Chess:crabchess2(big) [2]
Dynamic Chess:crabchess2(big) [2]
Dynamic Chess:crabchess1(small) [2]
Dynamic Chess:crabchess2b(big) [2]
Dynamic Chess:crabchess1b(small) [2]
Valiant Chess:valiantchess2b(big) [2]
Valiant Chess:valiantchess1b(small) [2]
Courier Eurasian Chess:cec14x10v001 [5]

May, 2012

Knight jump:jump_franta [0]
Chess:konSkok [1]
Kon skok:konSkok [7]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie40Asymmetric [2]
Yáng Qí:yankee-style [5]
Cellular Chess:board50x50 [0]
Cellular Chess:Cell_Chess [5]

Jun, 2012

Transcendental Chess:Abstract [5]
Xhess:Alfaerie_Many [0]
Warlord: Battle Line:Warlord 2.2 [0]
Warlord: Civil War:Warlord 2.3 [0]
Coherent Chess:Coherent-2 [5]
Warlord: Lakes:Warlord 2.51 [0]
Chaturanga:chessfan59VSsissa [0]
Cetran_Alice Chess:Asymmetric [3]
Warlord: Lakes:Warlord 2.511 [0]
Cetran_Alice Chess:asymmetric [3]

Jul, 2012

Relativistic Chess:default [0]
Warlord: A Clash of Arms:Warlord 2.1 [0]

Aug, 2012

Warlord: Lakes 2:Warlord 2.521 [0]
Warlord: A Test of Wills:Warlord 2.6 [0]
Ideal Chess:IDLCPreSet03 [5]

Sep, 2012

Sky:sky [1]
Sky:skii [0]
Universal Chess:JM-CC [0]
Universal Chess:asymmetric-test [1]
Universal Chess:Mirrored125X [1]
Universal Chess:Mirrored125 [1]
Universal Chess:Mirrored125-9 [1]

Oct, 2012

Universal Chess:Reversed125-12 [1]
Universal Chess:Mirrored125-12 [1]
Universal Chess:Asymmetric125-12 [1]
Universal Chess:Editing UC-125-12 [2]
UC-170-13:Mirrortesting [1]
Bishops Chess:Bishops Chess [0]

Jan, 2013

Gustav III's Chess:gustavIIIchess3 [2]
Gustav III's Chess:gustavIIIchess1s [2]
Maxima:Alfaerie [0]
Wuss OO:default [0]
Wuss Ubi-Ubi:default [0]
Wuss UU:default [0]

Feb, 2013

Shock Troops:Shock_Troops [1]
Wuss II-T:default [1]
Noble Wing Chess:High1test [0]

Mar, 2013

Citadel of Kings:MySettings [0]
Double Wing Chess:High2test [0]
ms:ms [1]
Switching Chess:Abstract [5]
Grand Shatranj:Grand Shatranj ms [0]
N W Grand Shatranj: N W Grand Shatranj [0]
mm:mm [1]
N W Grand Shatranj:N W Grand Shatranj [0]
Grand Shatranj:Grand Shatranj N W [0]
Grand Shatranj N W:Grand Shatranj N W [0]

Apr, 2013

Interdependent Chess:default [5]
Camels vs Cannons:second [0]
Camels vs Cannons:def [0]
Diagonal Devils vs Mighty Men:second [0]
Maorider Chess:Checkered [0]
Chess:example [5]
RaumschachRuleTest:RaumschachRulesTest [5]
Fabulous FIDEs vs Chinese Cannons:3 [0]

May, 2013

4Chess:1 [0]
micro-mini-Chieftain:mCC2 [0]
Empress:Empress [0]
Circular Chess:1 [5]
Circ Chess:1 [0]

Jun, 2013

Two Kings - One Two:TEST_2K_1_2 [5]
Two Kings - Two Moves - Version 0.01:TEST_2K_2M [7]
2K2M - Two Kings - Two Moves : A Double Move Orthodox Chess Variant:2K2M [7]
4Chess:2 [0]
Folium:FOLIUM1 [0]
Kineo:Kineo [0]

Jul, 2013

8hess:default [0]
CaM: Tale:CaM 1.0 [0]
CaM Board: Tale 1:CaM Board 1.01 [0]
CaM: A Tale od Two Countries 1:CaM Board 1.02 [0]
CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 1:CaM: Tale Board 1.02 [0]
Folium:folium2 [0]

Aug, 2013

Chess:Chess4 [0]
Chessgi:ssehC [5]
ssehC:ssehC [5]
ssehC:aaehCnonauto [0]
ssehC:ssehCnonauto [0]
chatarungaeaja:chatarungaeaja [0]
Knight-Relay Chess:default [1]
ssehC:ssehCnonauto2 [0]

Sep, 2013

Dead Ringers Chess:default [0]
CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 2:CaM Board: Tale 1 [0]
Noble Wings Chess:Noble Wings Chess [0]
Pawns only chess:pawns_only_chess [5]

Oct, 2013

Chess with Chu Shogi Lions Test:Decimal [0]
Chess with Chu Shogi Lions Test - 68 squares:Alternate [0]
Chess with Chu Shogi Lions Test:Alternate [0]
Raumschach with Rules Enforced:RaumschachWRules [5]
CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 1.1:CaM Board 1.01 [0]
Chesimals I:CI [0]
Chesimals I (jpg version):CI.jpg [0]
Cheskers:def1 [0]

Nov, 2013

Cheskers:def2 [0]
Chigorin Chess:def [0]
Chessss:2 [0]
Cheskers:1 [0]
Monkey King Chess:1 [0]
The Royal Standard:The Royal Standard 2 [0]
Desert Pub Chess:1 [0]

Dec, 2013

Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers:111 [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers:2 [0]
Cylindrical Cinders vs. Meticulous Mashers:default [0]

Jan, 2014

Gala Xiang-Qi:Gala Xiang-Qi [0]
Chess:It\'s not a job for King: Game I [0]
Chess:It\\\'s not a job for King: Game I [0]
It's not a job for King: Game I:Its not a job for King: Game I [0]

Feb, 2014

Not-so colorbound cylindrical chess:Not-so colorbound cylindrical chess [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers:3 [0]
Xiang Hex:111 [1]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers:4 [0]
TessChess:round1 [0]

Mar, 2014

Spacious Cannoneers vs Remarkable Rookies:default [0]
Spacious Cannoneers vs Nutty Knights:default [0]
Nutty Knight vs Spacious Cannoneers:default [0]
Remarkable Rookies vs Spacious Cannoneerss:default [0]
Nutty Knights vs Spacious Cannoneers:default [0]
Remarkable Rookies vs Spacious Cannoneers:default [0]
Almost Chess:default [0]
Chessball:1 [0]
Spacious Cannoneers vs Fabulous FIDE:default [0]
Fabulous FIDE vs Spacious Cannoneers:default [0]
Spacious Cannoneers vs Colorbound Clobberers:default [0]
Colorbound Clobberers vs Spacious Cannoneersrbound Clobberers:default [0]

Apr, 2014

Amalgamated Chess:Amalgamated Chess II [0]
Amalgamated Chess:AmalgamatedChess [0]
Magic Chess:default [1]
Magic Chess:new [3]
Gryffon Chess:default [1]

May, 2014

Amalgamated Chess I:Amalgamated Chess [0]
Amalgamated Chess Reversed:Amalgamated Chess [0]
Circular Chess:board [0]

Jul, 2014

ChessART:ChessART [0]
Cellular Chess:Cell Chess [0]
Griffon Chess:1 [0]
Hexcetran:Wide [1]
Grasshopper Chess:Sagig72_grasshopper [5]

Aug, 2014

Cetran Chess 1:carlos-sagi1 [1]
Sissa Chess:9x8 [1]
Cetran Chess 1:carlos-sagi2 [1]
Cetran Chess 2:sagi-carlos3 [1]
Coherent Chess:Coherent-1test [5]
Cetran Chess 1:asymmetric by carlos-sagi4 [1]
Cetran Chess 2:asymmetric to carlos-sagi5 [1]
Fischer Random Chess:special [3]
Fischer Random Chess:special-sagi-carlos [2]
Cetran Chess 2:asym1tourney [1]

Sep, 2014

Chaos:Chaorierostrotranto [1]
Chaorierostrotranto:default [1]
Chaoriero Strotranto:default [1]
Chaoriero Strotranto:default1 [0]
NukeT:NukeT ver1 [0]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Symmetric Chess:default [3]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Symmetric Chess:Default [2]
2QRHLS Chess:default [2]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:symmetric [2]
RH Sissa vs Fabulous FIDE:default [0]
judgmentality:Taikyoku Shogi [0]
Taikyoku Shogi:judgmentality [0]
Quintessence Illustrated:judgmentality [0]
2Quintessence Illustrated:judgmentality [0]
Tripunch vs. Crooked:judgmentality [1]
Tutti Frutti with Sissa:judgmentality [1]
Testing Changes:default [0]
Nachtmahr vs. FIDE:judgmentality [0]
Rose Diagram:default [0]
Knightage:default [0]
UC-40M:default [2]
Mutants:default [2]
Grand Warp Point Chess:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Elven Chess:judgmentality [0]
Renniassance Chess:Renniassance Chess [0]
1 Queen 1 Corpse Bride 1-Eyed Witch Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Vampyratical Zombiez Chess:judgmentality [2]
1 Queen 1 Corpse Bride 1-Eyed Witch Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Vampyratical Zombiez Warped Cehss:judgmentality [2]
Cagliostro's Chess:default [0]
Nachtmahr 2:judgmentality [0]
NukeT 2:NukeT ver2 [0]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:judgmentality [2]
CDA: Fighting Fizzies vs. Amazon Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Fabulous FIDEs:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. New Age:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Cylindrical Cinders:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Demi-Rifle Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Meticulous Mashers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Meticulous Mashers vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Pizza Kings:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Remarkable Rookies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Remarkable Rookies vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Nutty Knights:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Remarkable Rookies vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nutty Knights vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Colorbound Clobberers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Colorbound Clobberers vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Amantillado:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Shatranjian Shooters:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Shatranjian Shooters vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Shatranjian Shooters:default [0]
Nightrider Army vs. New Age Army:default [0]
Nightrider Army vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nightriders vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nightrider Army vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Seeping Switchers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. 10-Directional Chess:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 10-directional chess vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Spacious Cannoneers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers vs. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. All-Around Allstars Team 7:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: All-Around Allstars Team Seven vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Amantillado 2:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 2 vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:judgmentality2 [2]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Fabulous FIDEs:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Avian Airforce:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Avian Airforce:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. New Age:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Cylindrical Cinders:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. DemiRifle Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Army vs. Amazon Army :judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Meticulous Mashers vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Meticulous Mashers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Pizza Kings:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Remarkable Rookies vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Remarkable Rookies :judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Nutty Knights:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nutty Knights vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Monsters Holiday:judgmentality [2]
Chess with Different Armies: Colorbound Clobberers vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Colorbound Clobberers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Amantillado 1:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Pizza Kings:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 1 vs. Amazon Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Shatranjian Shooters:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Shatranjian Shooters vs. Amazon Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nightrider Army vs. Amazon Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Nightrider Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Seeping Switchers:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Seeping Switchers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. 10-directional Chess :judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 10-directional Chess vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]

Oct, 2014

Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. DemiRelay Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRelay Army vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Gorgonzola Cheese:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Gorgonzola Cheese v. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies v. Gorgonzola Cheese:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Gorgonzola Cheese v. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 2F Colorbound Clobberers v. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies v. 2F Colorbound Clobberers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies v. DemiRelay Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRelay Army v. Fighting Fizzies:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. 2F Colorbound Clobberers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 2F Colorbound Clobberers v. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Test:CylindricalCindersvsFabulousFides [2]
Test:judgmentality [1]
UltraModern Shatranj:HMS1 [0]
UltraModern Shatranj:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Spacious Cannoneers:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers vs. Amazon Army :judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: All-Around Allstars Team 7 vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. All-Around Allstars Team 7 :judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Amantillado 1:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 1 vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Amantillado 2:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies Amazon Army vs. Amantillado 2:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 2 vs. Amazon Army:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders vs. Amazon Army:experiment [5]
NukeT 3:NukeT ver3 [0]
Circetran Chess:asymmetric [1]
testcase:judgmentality [2]
testcase1:judgmentality [2]
testcase2:judgmentality [1]
testcase3:judgmentality [1]
testcase4:judgmentality [1]
testcase5:judgmentality [1]
testcase6:judgmentality [1]
testcase7:judgmentality [1]
testcase8:judgmentality [1]
testcase9:judgmentality [1]
testcase10:judgmentality [1]
Chess:awesome [5]
testcaseu:judgmentality [2]
testcasev:judgmentality [2]
Cylcetran:asymmetric [1]
corner chess:corner chess [0]
Monsters' Holiday:judgmentality [2]
Circetran:asymmetric [1]
Monsters' Holiday1:judgmentality [2]
Monsters' Holiday2:judgmentality [2]
Monsters' Holiday3:judgmentality [2]
Monsters' Holiday4:judgmentality [2]
Monsters' Holiday5:judgmentality [2]
Cetran Chess Morph Factor 4:judgmentality [3]
Goodcetran Chess:asymmetric [3]
NukeT 4:NukeT ver4 [0]
Fuge Position:judgmentality-sissa-2009-255-727 [0]
Archer's Rule:default [0]
Archer Rule:default [0]
NukeT 4square:NukeT ver4square [0]
NukeT 4hex:NukeT ver4hex [0]
Monsters' Holiday6:judgmentality [2]
Hexagonal Board:Board [0]
Hexagonal Gryphon:default [0]
Hexagonal Aanca:default [0]
Hexagonal Sissa:default [0]
Carnival of Monsters1:judgmentality [3]
Carnival of Monsters2:judgmentality [3]
Carnival of Monsters1:melons [2]
Hexagonal Sissa:default2 [0]
Carnival of Monsters1:lemons [2]
Carnival of Monsters1:figs [2]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Fighting Fizzies:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Avian Airforce:amazon [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Fabulous FIDEs:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: FABULOUS FIDEs vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Knightage Morph Factor:judgmentality [1]
Carnival of Monsters1:oranges [2]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Crushing Conquerors:fizzies [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors:switchers [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Seeping Switchers:switchers [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Fabulous FIDEs:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Amazon Army:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Avian Airforce:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. New Age Chess:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age Chess vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Cylindrical Cinders:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. DemiRifle Chess:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Chess vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: *Meticulous Mashers vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Meticulous Mashers vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Remarkable Rookies vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nutty Knights vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Colorbound Clobberers vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 1 vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 2 vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Shatranjian Shooters vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nightrider Army vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 10-directional Chess vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: All-Around Allstars Team 7 vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRelay Army vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 2F Colorbound Clobberers vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Gorgonzola Cheese vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Man Army vs. Crushing Conquerors:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Meticulous Mashers:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Pizza Kings:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Remarkable Rookies:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Nutty Knights:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Colorbound Clobberers:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Amantillado 1:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Amantillado 2:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Shatranjian Shooters:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Nightrider Army:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Seeping Switchers:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. 10-directional Chess:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Spacious Cannoneers:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. All-Around Allstars Team 7:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. DemiRelay Army:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. 2F Colorbound Clobberers:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Gorgonzola Cheese:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Man Army:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Crushing Conquerors:fizzies [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Man Army:fizzies [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Man Army vs. Fighting Fizzies:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Crushing Conquerors:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Man Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Man Army vs. Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army:judgmentality [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Fighting Fizzies:amazon [0]
CDA: Fighting Fizzies vs. Amazon Army:amazon [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. New Age Chess:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. DemiRifle Chess:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Meticulous Mashers:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Pizza Kings:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Remarkable Rookies:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Nutty Knights:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Colorbound Clobberers:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Amantillado 1:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Amantillado 2:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Shatranjian Shooters:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Nightrider Army:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Seeping Switchers:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. 10-directional Chess:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Spacious Cannoneers:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. DemiRelay Army:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. 2F Colorbound Clobberers:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Gorgonzola Cheese:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Crushing Conquerors:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Man Army:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Amazon Army:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Cylindrical Cinders:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age Chess vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Chess vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Meticulous Mashers vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Remarkable Rookies vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nutty Knights vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Colorbound Clobberers vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 1 vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 2 vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Shatranjian Shooters vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nightrider Army vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 10-directional Chess vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: All-Around Allstars Team 7 vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRelay Army vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 2F Colorbound Clobberers vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Gorgonzola Cheese vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Avian Airforce:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs:avian [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Fighting Fizzies:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Amazon Army:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Avian Airforce:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age Chess vs. Avian Airforce:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. New Age Chess:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Cylindrical Cinders:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. DemiRifle Chess:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Meticulous Mashers:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Pizza Kings:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Remarkable Rookies:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Nutty Knights:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Colorbound Clobberers:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Amantillado 1:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Amantillado 2:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Shatranjian Shooters:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Nightrider Army:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Seeping Switchers:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. 10-directional Chess:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Spacious Cannoneers:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. All-Around Allstars Team 7:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. DemiRelay Army:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. 2F Colorbound Clobberers:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Gorgonzola Cheese:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Crushing Conquerors:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fabulous FIDEs vs. Man Army:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Fighting Fizzies vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amazon Army vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Avian Airforce vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age Chess vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Cylindrical Cinders vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRifle Chess vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Meticulous Mashers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Pizza Kings vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Remarkable Rookies vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nutty Knights vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Colorbound Clobberers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 1 vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Amantillado 2 vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Shatranjian Shooters vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nightrider Army vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Seeping Switchers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 10-directional Chess vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Spacious Cannoneers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: All-Around Allstars Team 7 vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: DemiRelay Army vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: 2F Colorbound Clobberers vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Gorgonzola Cheese vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Man Army vs. Fabulous FIDEs:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: New Age Chess:FIDE [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. ODoDO:conquerors [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Crushing Conquerors vs. Diagonal Devils:conquerors [0]
Crushing Conquerors vs 2QRHLCDA:2QRHLCDA [2]
Knightage CDA:Knightage [0]

Nov, 2014

Lion(Picket) Shatranj:default [0]
Alibaba Shatranj:default [0]
Modern Chinese Chess:1 [5]
Morph Experimental:judgmentality [3]
Goodcetran Chess:judgmentality [3]
Goodcetran Chess:sissa [2]
Ultima:special [5]

Dec, 2014

Sky Kamil:melons [0]
Crooked Chess:default [1]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:lemons [2]
Goodcetran Chess Morph Factor 7:melons [2]
Checkers:1 [0]
Cardinal Chess:1 [0]
Cardinal Chess:default [0]
Sky:oldsetup [0]
Burlesque:melons [1]
Opulent Atlantean Shatranj:melons [0]
Baroque Atlantean Shatranj:melons [0]
Baroque Atlantean Shatranj:lemons [0]
Atlantean Shatranj Baroque:lemurs [0]
Black Hole Chess:BlackHoleChess [0]
Pompeii Chess:Pompeii Chess [0]
Quinquereme Chess:lemons [0]
Crooked Chess:melons [2]
Wildebishogi:melons [0]
Bishogi-81:melons [0]
Wives Vs. Guards:Wives Versus Guards [0]
Hidden Wives Vs. Guards:Wives Versus Guards [0]
Chess:StandardStone1 [0]
Stone:StandardStone1 [2]
Chess:StandardStone [2]
StoneChess:StandardStone [2]
StoneChess:StandardStone1 [2]
StoneChess2:StandardStone2 [0]
GoodCetran MW Playtest:asymmetric [2]
GoodCetran Playtest:asymmetric [2]
Schoolbook Chess:judgmentality [5]
Royal Spacious Wazir Chess 4:default [0]
Wild Kingdom Chess Playtest:melons [0]
65 Square Chess 2014 FIDE:default [0]
Elven Shogi:judgmentality [0]
Chess 7x7:default [0]
65 Square Chess 2014:default [0]
65 Square Chess with Ferzes:default [0]
65 Square Chess with Berolina Pawns:default [0]
65 Square Chess:default [0]
65 Square Chess 2014 Rook X:default [0]
65 Square Chess 2014 Orthodox Western:default [0]
Fugue:melons [0]
Grasshopper Chess with Kangaroos:melons [0]
Pawnful FIDE CDA:default [0]
Perfect 12:Perfect 12 [0]
Monsters Holiday:lemurs [2]
Shogi-64:default [0]
Compoundish:sissa [0]
The Toddler:default [0]
Spirited:lemurz [0]
CwDA: the Shatranjian Shooters II:lemurs [0]
Cylindrical Chess:lemurs [5]
Cylindrical Chess:lemons [5]
Derived from Unicorn Chess:lemurs [0]
Opulent Unicorn:lemurs [0]
Opulent Unicorns:lemurs{_JG_su} [0]
Seenschach:lemons [0]
Seenschach:lemurs [0]
Seenschach:goonies [0]
Seenschach:whompazilla [0]
Seenschach:woozle [0]
Seenschach:perfidy [0]
Seenschach:ferment [0]

Jan, 2015

threeChess:3 [0]
Scurrilous Squirrels:melons [1]
Brooknerz:melons [1]
Armored Armadillos:melons [1]
Daring Dragons:melons [1]
2020:Grand Warp Point Chess [0]
Grand Baroque Qua FoRhOGgy:melons [0]
Mighty-Lion Chess:judgmentality [0]
Sort of Almost Chess Queen v. Marshall:default [0]
Sort of Almost Chess Marshall v. Queen:default [0]
Chess with Promoters:melons [0]
Wizardz War:melons [0]
Baroque 2u0a FoRhOGgy:melons [0]
Optimized Chess 8H x 10W - Mirror II:Optimized Chess [0]
Optimized Chess 8H x 10W - Mirror I:Optimized Chess [0]
Optimized Chess I vs. CDA:Optimized Chess [0]
Optimized Chess I vs. Grand Shatranj CDA:Optimized Chess [0]
Optimized Chess I vs. Shatranjians CDA:Optimized Chess [0]
Multipath Marauders:melons [1]
Duking Falcons:melons [1]
Duking Falcons vs. FIDE:melons [1]
FIDE vs. Duking Falcons:melons [1]
Barbershop Quartet:default [0]
OrthoEuropean Chess:default [0]
LoR:default [1]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:melons [2]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:brains [2]
2 Queen Rocky Horror Lycanthropic Chess:snails [2]
SuperFugue:melons [0]
Baroque Atlantean Shatranj:14 x 12 [0]
Blue Chip Chess:Blue Chip Chess [0]
Chess with Different Armies: Nutty Knights vs. Duking Falcons:Falcon [1]
Chess with Different Armies: Duking Falcons vs. Nutty Knights:Falcon [1]
CV2015:melons [0]
CV2015.001:melonslice1 [0]
CV2015.001:ratatouille [0]
2QRHLVC:lemurs [2]
Monsters 2015:lemurs [2]
Complementarity I:lemons [2]
Complementarity I:edentates [2]
Complementaritigi:melons [2]
Grand Complementaritigi:melons [0]
Complementarity I:melons [2]
Changeling Complementarity I:melons [2]
Baroque Atlantean Shatranj:12 x 12 [0]
Torus Standard:TorusStandard [0]
Complementarity I:spiders [1]
Baroque Atlantean Shatranj:lemurs [0]
Baroque Atlantean Shatranj:10x10 [0]
Conservative Progressive Chess:bananas [0]
Pentapremonitory Conservative Progressive Chess:bananas [0]
Pentapremonitory Mirrored Pendulum Chess:bananas [0]
Leapers MaoKing:Leapers MaoKing [0]
Leapers Sang King:default [0]
Leapers Xiang King:default [0]
Atlantean Shatranj Baroque:12 x 12 [0]
Lions and Unicorns Chess:default [0]

Feb, 2015

FF vs Complicate Sliders (Falcon Army):v [0]
FF vs Complicate Sliders (Falcon Army):1 [0]
Opulent Unicorns:lemurs [0]
International Draughts:International Draughts [2]
extra-pawn Chess:default [5]
Omega Chess with Camels:1 [5]
Legall's Game:default [0]

Mar, 2015

Cetran Chess 2:lemondrops [1]
Cetran Chess 2:lemonsquares [1]
Cetran Chess 2:lemoncustard [1]
Cetran Chess 2:lemonverbena [1]
Cetran Chess 2:sissa-judgmentality-2014-340-624 [1]
Latrunculi:MainSetup [1]
KnightZz:melons [0]
Cetran Chess 2:cameron-jeremy [1]

Apr, 2015

Good Ruki:Tuttifruttitimetravel [0]
Guddi Rukki:melons [0]
Coherent Chess 2:default [1]
Sharpness 1:default [1]
Sharpness 2:default [1]
Guru:melons [0]
Golden Age Chess on a Really Big Board:default [1]
Golden Age Chess on a Really Big Board:melons [1]
Chess on a Really Big Board:default [0]
Neo-Grotesque Chess:neo-grotesque [5]

May, 2015

Chu Shogi Alfaerie Style:default [0]
Heroes Hexagonal Chess:Heroes2 [0]
Heroes Hexagonal Chess:heroes2 [0]
Heroes Hexagonal Chess version 2:heroes2 [0]
Heroes Hexagonal Chess version 2:heroes4 [0]
Heroes Hexagonal Chess version 2:heroes3 [0]
Camelrider's Quadriga Chess:default [3]
Camelrider's Quadriga Chess:Default [3]

Jun, 2015

Chess:grandtamerlane [0]
Spartan Cheese:spartancheese [0]
Grand Tamerlane:grandtamerlane [0]
Grand Tamerlane Chess:grandtamerlane [0]
Cataclysmic Encounter:non_Standard [0]
Critters (Chesimals III):CIII [0]

Oct, 2015

Cylindrical Symmetric Chess:default [0]

Nov, 2015

Pawn Extinction Chess:Abstract [5]
Pawn Extinction2 (no rules):Pawn Extinction2 (no rules) [1]
Pillage:cetina-spengler [0]
Chess:Chess2Test [5]
Chinese Chess:GB-set [5]
Pillage:spengler-cetina [0]
Cavalier Chess:Motif [5]

Dec, 2015

Chess:TestCode [1]
Alapo:Alapo [0]
Mapped_Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [5]
Muskateer Chess:default [6]
Chess:3to2 [5]
Cetran Chess 2:mirror_symmetric [5]

Jan, 2016

Fusion Chess:Chess2 [5]

Feb, 2016

Mystery Chess:default [7]
Knight Chess:1 [0]
Catch The Elefant:1 [0]
Chess3:Chess3 [0]

Mar, 2016

4fourChess:1 [0]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess:makov-cetina [0]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess (one position):default [0]
Continuing a game:default [0]
SymHex Chess:default [0]
SymHex:default [0]
SymHex:default1 [0]
Poolside Chess:poolside [5]
Poolside Chess:default [5]
River Chess:default [5]
River Chess:wazirs [5]
Ferzir Chess:variantf [5]
Ferzir Chess:variantw [5]
Massacre Chess:massacre [5]
Ajax Ministers Chess:Ajax-Setup [1]
Ajax Falcon Chess:Alfaerie4 [5]
Delta88 Chess:default [0]
Chess:ForJames [0]
Chess:Chess2TheSequel [0]
UC-170-13:Asymtest [1]

Apr, 2016

BCRdiagram:default [0]
BCRdiagram:default2 [0]
Grand Tamerlane Kamil:grandtamerlanekamil [0]
Grand Courier:grandcourier [0]
Grand Chu Shogi:grandchushogi [0]
Grand Pacific:grandpacific [0]
Grand 100:grand100 [0]
Cataclysm:Cataclysm [0]
Grand Cazaux:grandcazaux [0]
Shogi:Japanese-PNG [5]
Kamikaze Mortal Shogi:Japanese-PNG [5]
Cataclysm:Default [0]
Eurasian Chess:Eurasian [3] Redirects to: newrules
Cataclysm:Standard [0] Redirects to: Cataclysm
Cataclysm:Alternate [0] Redirects to: Cataclysm
Alice Chess:MagneticPieces [3] Redirects to: default
Cetran Chess 2:cetina-carrillo [0]
Backlash:TEST [5]

May, 2016

Grand Betza:greg [0]
Ajax Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Grand Betza:grandbetza [0]
Modern Carrera's Chess:sample [0]
Univers Chess:sample [0]
Univers Chess:default [5]
Chess:codetest [2]
Korean Chess:set1a [1]
spaceships 2 and 4 player setup:SEUSsSetups2and4player [0]
spaceships 3 player setup:SEUSsSetups3player [0]
Euchess:Euchess [5]

Jun, 2016

Kamikaze Mortal Shogi:Japanese-CSS [5]
Mad Queen Shogi:Galactic [5]
Hostage Chess:Corrected [5]
Shatranji:default [5]
Mortal Chessgi:Magnetic [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Rookies_MOM [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Knights_MOM [5]
Joe's Variant:grandchushogijoe [0]
Joe's Variant fail:grandchushogijoefail [0]
Gross Chess:test [5]
Dragonchess:greg [0]
Gross Chess:default [5]
Dragonchess:test [0]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaerie1 [5]
Ajax Orthodox Chess:Alfaerie2 [5]
Korean Random Chess:set4ba [1]
Korean Random Chess:set3ba [1]
Korean Random Chess:set1a [1]
Korean Random Chess:set2a [1]
Korean Random Chess:set5a [1]
Ajax-Capablanca Chess:Ajax-Setup [1]
Ajax-Capablanca Chess:Capablanca-Setup [1]

Jul, 2016

Latrunculi XXI:default [1]
Latrunculi XXI:Default [1]
Central Symmetric Chess:default [5]
Backlash:ver1 [5]
Ajax Bigamous Chess:Alfaerie2 [5]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie [1]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie3 [1]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie4 [1]

Aug, 2016

Shatranj:Alfaerie-CSS [5]
Chess:default [5]
Italian Checkers:Default [0]
Portuguese Checkers:Default [0]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie3r [5]
Universal Chess:Alfaeries [1]
McCooey's Hexagonal Chess:default [5]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess:default [5]

Sep, 2016

Prime Ministers Chess:PMC [1]
Prime Ministers Chess:PMC2 [1]
Prime Ministers Chess:PMC3 [1]
Prime Ministers Chess:PMC4 [1]
Millenium 3D Chess (TM):Alfaerie [0]
Janggi:carrillo [5]
Pseudo-Modern Random Chess:P-MRC [1]
Chess 9x9:special [0]
Latrunculi XXI:sissa-12b [1]
Chess8400:Main [1]
Chess8400:MainR [1]
Catalonia:JPG-Alfaerie [0]

Oct, 2016

Latrunculi XXI:sissa-12a [1]
Callisto:default [0]
Universal Soldier:Default [1]

Nov, 2016

CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 1:CaM Board 1.02 [0]
Sac Chess:test [5]
Asymmetric Chess:Chess2 [0]
Asymmetric Chess:GS_Humans_Elves [0]
Shatar-Old 1 Hia:ShatarOld1Hia [0]

Dec, 2016

Petteia XXI:Set12 [1]
Courier Chess Moderno:Galactic [1]
Tafl:Hnefatafl [1]
Exinox Chess:test [0]
VicChess:1 [0]
FIDE vs. Nightrider Army:Default [5]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie2 [1]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie2r [5]
Chaturanga - Davidson-Gifford Variation:Alfaerie [6]

Jan, 2017

LoC:LoC Ar vs B [0]
Modern Chaturanga:Alfaerie2 [5]
Modern Chaturanga:Alfaerie [5]
LoC - battle:LoC Ar vs B [0]
Makruk (Thai chess):fpdtest [5]
LoC - skirmish:LoC Ar vs B [0]
Makruk (Thai chess):Alfaerie4r [5]
Spanish Checkers:Default [0]
Pool Checkers:default [0]
Gothic Checkers:Default [0]
Armenian Checkers:Default [0]
Turkish Checkers:Default [0]
Wild Kingdom Test:Wild Kingdom Test [1]

Feb, 2017

Glinski's Hexagonal Chess (Symmetric):Default [5]
Opulent Chess:NoRules [0]

Mar, 2017

Pocket Mutation Chess:mageofmaple [0]
Fischer Placement Chess:Fischer Placement Chess [3]

Apr, 2017

sissa_diagram:default [1]
Royal Rumble:Vitya Variant [1]
Try this... Why not?:default [2]
Royal Rumble:Royal Rumble [1]

May, 2017

Apothecary Chess 1:Apothecary1 [3]
Apothecary Chess 1:catugo-sissa [2]
Test:fergus [5]
Apothecary Chess 2:catugo2sissa [2]
Apothecary Chess 1:catugo1sissa [2]
Mimic Chess:Mimic Chess [0]
Apothecary Chess 2:default [3]
Apothecary Chess 1:Default [3]
Grand Chess:Abstract [5]
Opulent Chess:test [5]

Jun, 2017

10-directional Chess:10DChess [5]
10-directional vs Fabulous FIDE:10DChess10vF [5]
Fabulous FIDE vs 10-directional:10DChessFv10 [5]
Chess on a Really Big Board:CoaRBB [5]
Courier Chess:AlfaerieCourier [5]
Draft Chess:draft [1]
Millenium 3D Chess (TM):AlfaerieR [5]
Ninja Chess:greg [0]
Odyssey:alfaerie [0]
Cetran Chess 2:asymmetricrules [5]
Wild Kingdom:Wild Kingdom [0]
Ninja Chess:default [0]
Anemic Chess:anemic [5]
Wildebeest Chess:WildebeestRules [5]
Berolina Chess:Alfaerie [5] Redirects to: Chess3
Victorian Chess:Magnetic [5]
Wildebeest Chess:Wildebeest Chess [0]
Wildebeest Chess:default [7]

Jul, 2017

Storm the Ivory Tower:version2 [5]
Bird's Chess:birdschess [5]
Bird's Chess:birdschessreverse [5]
Bird's Chess - Reverse Symmetry:birdschessreverse [5]
Golden Age Chess on a Really Big Board:GACOARBB [5]
Hex Shogi 81:default [5] Redirects to: updated
3D Chess:3D Chess Test [0]

Aug, 2017

Piece Testing:piecetesting [0]
Hex Shogi 81:updated [5]
Chess with Different Armies:default [5]
Piece Testing:piece_testing [0]
Golden Age Chess on a Really Big Board:GACORBB [5]
The Emperor's Game:emperorsgame [0]
Directed Alice Chess II:DirAl2 [0]
Ferzes v. Wazirs:default [0]
Ministers Chess:Abstract [3]

Sep, 2017

Different Pawn Chess:default [0]
The Demon Game:demongame [5]
Midnight Shatranj:default [0]
Amoeba:no_enforcement [0]
Universal Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Amoeba:bare [0]
Elena Chess:elena [5]

Oct, 2017

Different Pawn Random Chess:default [1]
Different Pawns Random Chess:default [1]

Dec, 2017

Musketeer Chess:Chess3 [7]
Grand Betza Strong:grandbetzastrong [0]
Chess24x24:Chess24x24 [3]
pocket-shogi-plus:default [7]
Ajax 3D Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Hexcetran Chess:Wide [1]
Universal Chess:Alfaeries-asymmetric [1]
Universal Chess:reversed-symmetric73 [1]
Universal Chess:reversed-symmetric24 [1]
Symmetric Sissa:Symmetric Sissa [1]
Cellular Chess:Cell-Chess [0]
Modern Shatranj:carrillo2 [5]
Modern Shatranj:carrillo [5]

Jan, 2018

Granlem Shatranj:Granlem1 [0]

Feb, 2018

Joe's Variant:Grandchushogivariant [0]

Apr, 2018

KyotoShogi:test [0]
Mortal Shogi:Symbolic [5]
Amalgamated Chess:Amalgamated Chess [5]
JGG-WS-Chess:default [0]
Granderlem Shatranj:Granderlem1 [0]
52X20 1 SIDE SETUP Shatranj:Granderlem2 [0]

May, 2018

Balbos Chess 2:default [5]
MOElmv:moeLMV [5]
Caïssa Britannia:default [5]
Elephant Nachtmahr:default [0]

Jun, 2018

Chess:test [2]
Romanchenko's Chess:rules [5]
Elephant Nachtmahr 2:default [0]
Lazy King Chess:default [0]
Universal Chess 16:melons [0]
Chess on a Really Big Board:melons [0]
Incorrect Falcon Chess:melons [0]
Falcon Scorpion Chess:melons [0]
Falcon Queen Chess:melons [0]
Incorrect Falcon Chess 2:melons [0]
Silver Elephant Chess:MainSetup [1]
Modern English Random Chess:Alfaerie [1]
Modern Random Chess:MRC [1]
Falcon Chess with Scorpion:melons [0]
Falcon Proper:melons [0]
Queens of the Realm Falcon Chess:melons [0]
Falcon Proper 2:melons [0]
Grand Falcon Queen Chess:melons [0]
CurFalcon:melons [0]
Continuity Showdown:melons [0]
Falcon Chess with Chancellor and Cardinal:default [1]
Falcon Chess with Airplanes:default [1]
Falconeering:melons [0]
Full Court Falcon:melons [0]
Full Court Falcon Extra:Melons [1]
Full Court Scorpion:Melons [1]
Full Court Falcon with Scorpion:Melons [1]
Scorpion Duet:Melons [0]
Sort of Almost Chess:Chess3 [5]
Falcon Queen Duet:Melons [1]
Corridor Chess:default [0]

Jul, 2018

Sort of Almost Chess Problem:Chess3 [5]
En Passant Chess of Koksal Karakus:default [0]
Pegasus: Falcon Queen Duet:Melons [0]
Pegasus:Melons [1]
Pegasus Two:Melons [1]
Alice Chess:Melons [0]
Looking Glass:Melons [0]
Alice Chess Doubled:Melons [5]
Pegasus III:Melons [0]
Janus Chess:default [5]
CDA: Stellar Steppers vs. FIDE:melons [0]
CDA: Magnificent Dukes vs. FIDE:melons [0]
CDA: Magnificent Dukes vs. FIDE:melancholy [0]
Z ATLANTIS:melons [1]
Sea Horses:melons [0]
Pegasus IV:Melons [1]
ShortChess:futC1 [0]
Falcon King Chess:futC2 [5]
Chieftain Chess:Chieftain Chess 1.0 [0]
Phoenix Chess:10x10chess [0]
Cardinal Chess:Cardinal2 [5]

Aug, 2018

Phoenix Chess:phoenixchess3 [5]
Phoenix Chess:phoenixchess2 [5]
Hextuple GOmove:HextupleGOmove1 [0]
GOmove21:GOmove21v0 [0]
GOmove:GOmove1 [0]
GOmove21:GOmove21 [0]
Double GOmove:DoubleGOmove1 [0]

Sep, 2018

TenCubed Chess:Alfaerie [5]
TenCubed Chess:Abstract [0]
Warochess:default [0] Redirects to:

Oct, 2018

Chess:rndtest [1]
Apothecary Chess 1:Apothecary1test [3]

Nov, 2018

4XGOmove31:4XGOmove31 [0]
4GOmove:4GOmove1 [1]
Metamachy:metamachy [0]
3XGOmove31:3XGOmove31 [0]
NXGOmove39:NXGOmove39 [0]

Dec, 2018

Shako_Balbo_Mod_1:default [5]
Shako_Balbo_mod_2:default [5]
Elephant Chess:standard [0]

Jan, 2019

Shako_Balbo:standard [5]
shako_balbo:default [5]
Bear Chess:alfaerie [5]
Phoenix Chess:phoenixchess [5]
Bear Chess:default [5]

Mar, 2019

Unicorn Great Chess:default [5]

Apr, 2019

Colossus:rules [5]
Central Point Chess:Central_Point_Chess [0]
Chaturanga - Davidson Variation:Alfaerie [6]
Chaturanga - Davidson Variation:Alfaerie2 [5]
Tafl:Tablut [1]
Hnefatafl:Alfaerie [5]

May, 2019

Hnefatafl:Fetlar [4]
Latrunculi XXI:Set2 [1]
Latrunculi XXI:Set1 [1]
Latrunculi XXI:Set7 [1]
Latrunculi XXI:Set3 [1]
Latrunculi XXI:Set8 [1]
Grand Tamerlane Frog:grandtamerlanefrog [0]
Double Chess (Hayward):double_chess_hayward [0]
Duke of Rutland's Chess:duke_of_rutland_chess [0]
Latrunculi XXI:Set4 [0]
Latrunculi XXI:Set5 [0]
Latrunculi XXI:Set6 [1]
Modern Chess (9x8):default [5]
Chess of Amazons:Amazon [0]
Petteia XXI:Set4 [0]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set3 [1]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set1 [1]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set2 [1]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set6 [0]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set4 [0]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set5 [0]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set8 [1]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set7 [1]
Single Stone Latrunculi XXI:Set9 [1]
Petteia XXI:Set3 [1]
Petteia XXI:Set1 [1]
Petteia XXI:Set2 [1]
Petteia XXI:Set6 [0]
Petteia XXI:Set5 [0]
Petteia XXI:Set8 [1]
Petteia XXI:Set7 [1]
Petteia XXI:Set9 [1]
Grand Paulovits:grandpaulovits [0]

Jun, 2019

Symmetric Chess:test1 [5]
Symmetric Chess:sc2 [5]
Apothecary Chess 1:default [3]
Grand Betza:standard [0]

Aug, 2019

Symmetric Chess:sc1 [5]
Al-Ces:alces_alfaerie [0]
Symmetric Chess:testing [1]
Odin's Rune Chess:odins_rune_chess [0]
Symmetric Chess:sc [5]
Janus Chess:JanusChessRev [0]
Shosu_Shogi_Alf:default [5]
aChess:b [0]

Sep, 2019

Minichess:Chess3 [5] Redirects to:
Minichess:Minichess [5] Redirects to:
Rooks Chess:Rooks [5] Redirects to:
Minichess:Tiny [5] Redirects to:
Knights Chess:Knights [5] Redirects to:
Bishops Chess:Bishops [5] Redirects to:
HexChess:A [5] Redirects to:
Random Start Chess:N-A [5] Redirects to:
Random Start Chess:Full_Army [5]
Random Start Chess:Full_Army_Split [5]
Random Start Chess:Rand_Split [5]
Symmetric Chess:sc4c [1]
Symmetric Chess:sc42 [0]
HexChess:N-A [5]
Minichess:N-A [5]
Knights Chess:N-A [5]
Bishops Chess:N-A [5]
Rooks Chess:Castling [5]
Rooks Chess:No_Castling [5]
Queens Chess:N-A [5]
1-Piece Chess:Camel_Chess [5]
1-Piece Chess:Ferz_Chess [5]
1-Piece Chess:Nightrider_Chess [5]
1-Piece Chess:Wazir_Chess [5]
1-Piece Chess:Zebra_Chess [5]
Skewer Chess:Uncoded [0] Redirects to:
Shared King Chess:N-A [5]
Chess with Stronger Armies:AvsA [5]
Mega Chess:2x2 [5]
Mega Chess:1x2 [5]
Mega Chess:2x1 [5]
Mega Chess:3x3 [5]
Siege Chess:N-A [5]
Chess on a Really Big Board II:CORBB [0]
Chess on a Really Big Board II:CORBB2 [0]
Promotion Chess:N-A [5]
Deathmatch Chess:N-A [5]
Skewer Chess:N-A [5]
Drop Chess:N-A [5]

Oct, 2019

Chess on a Really Big Board with Quickpawns:default [0]
HexChess II:N-A [5]
W C D EvsJ:wildebeest10x10 [0]
W C D EvsJ:wildebeestEvsJ [0]

Nov, 2019

FlipFlop:flipflop [0]
Quangtrung Chess:quangtrung_chess_12 [0]
Grand Chess II:Chess3 [5]
Archbishop Chess:Chess3 [5]
Balanced Marseillais Chess:Abstract [7]
Chess of War:ChessofWar [5]
Minishogi:default [5]
Judkin's Shogi:default [5]
Symmetric Chess:default [5]
Symmetric Chess:enforced [5]
Wildebeest Chess Decimal:wildebeest10x10 [0]
Symmetric Chess:rules2 [0]
Symmetric Chess:rules [5]
Fairy Chess:fairychess1 [0]
Symmetric Chess:Default-Enforced [5]
Symmetric Chess:default-enforced [5]
Symmetric Chess:another [0]

Dec, 2019

Wildebeest Decimal Chess:wildebeest10x10 [0]
Crazychess:Alfaerie [1]
Hexajedrez:Wide [5]
Apothecary Chess 2:Apothecary2 [3]

Jan, 2020

GS Hex Chess A:default [0]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Assym [5]
Assymetric army:FIDE-Assym1 [5]
Chess with Different Armies:FIDE-Assym1 [5]
Symmetric Euchess:default [5]
Chess with Different Armies:Customarmy [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Custom_Army [5]
Chess with Different Armies:NeglectedKnights [5]

Feb, 2020

Sho Shogi:defaultback [5]
Sho Shogi:default [5]
Wildebeast9:default [7]
Chieftain Chess:Auto [7]
Opulent Chess:Alfaerie [5] Redirects to: AlfaerieNew
Opulent Chess:Abstract [5] Redirects to: AbstractNew
Frog Chess:RegularCastling [5]
Hannibal Chess:RegularCastling [5]
Grand Knights-n-Guards:1 [0]

Mar, 2020

Dragon Chess:abstract [5]
Fusion Chess:default [5]
Euchess:default [5]
Euchess:test [1]
Chigorin Chess:knvar [0]

Apr, 2020

Mecon Chess (R5):MeconChessR5 [5]
Chinese Chess:fairychess [5]
Opulent Chess:AbstractNew [5]
Citadel chess:modern [0]
Symmetric Chess:sc41 [1]
Shako:standard [5]
Shako:abstract [5]
Shako:newcazaux [5]
Capablanca Random Chess:Magnetic [5]

May, 2020

JG:Default [1]
Frog Chess:FastCastling [5]
Hannibal Chess:FastCastling [5]
Waffle Chess:FastCastling [5]
Waffle Chess:RegularCastling [5]
Sissa Chess:Sissa [1]
Unghui:default [0]
Cetran Chess 2:mirror-symmetric [1]
Cetran Chess 2:reversed_symmetric [1]
Cetina Random Chess:asymmetric [1]
Cetina Random Chess:mirror_symmetric [1]
Cetina Random Chess:reversed_symmetric [1]
Hectochess:alfaerie [5] Redirects to: abstract
Carrousel Chess:magnetic [0]
Chaos:default [1]
Chess 9x9:default [0]
Hexajedrez:Wide2 [0]
Chess 9x9:Default [5]
General Chess:default-enforced [5]
Arch-General Chess:default-enforced [5]
Apothecary Chess 1:Apothecary1fpd [5]
Cetran Chess 2:asymtesting [3]

Jun, 2020

FrogsAndPrincess:random [7]
Symmetric Chess (2-game match):default [5]
Apothecary Chess 2:Apothecary2fpd [5]
Apothecary Chess 2:Default [3]
Chess 7x7:ver2 [0]
Sac Chess:default3 [5]
Sac Chess:default2 [0]
Osprey Tester:default [3]
Sac Chess:test2 [5]
Sac Chess:abstract [5]
Sac Chess:default [5]
Sac Chess:Default [5]
BiKings:default [0]
BiKings:10x8 [5]

Jul, 2020

Expanded Chess:default [5]
40x12 chess:test [5]
40x12 chess:noenforcement [0]
AC-CS:default2 [5]
AC-CS:default [5]
praosylen's 12x12:prao-12x12 [5]
Insane Camel Chess Beta:insaneCamelChessBeta [0]
Sac Chess:main [0]
Sac Chess:Default-Abstract [5]
Sac Chess:Default-Standard [5]
Sac Chess:Default-Alternate [5]
Cetran Chess 3:default [5]
Chess:unmovedmover [2]
Apothecary Chess 2:Apothecary2working [5]
Apothecary Chess 1:Apothecary1working [5]
Cetran Chess 3:Default [5]
Shatranj Kamil (64):alfaerie [5]
Shatranj Kamil (64):abstract [5]
Shatranj Kamil X:alfaerie [5]
Chess:arraytest [5]

Aug, 2020

Alekhine Chess:default [5]
Cetran Chess 3:applet [5]
UC-40:mirror [1]
Shuffle Chess:shuffletest [1]
Test:test [0]
Cetran Chess 3:Alfaerie [1]
Fairy Pieces Tester:default1 [5]
Cetran Chess 5:test [0]
Chess:matetest [5]
Yangsi:betzatest [5] Redirects to: abstract
Odin's Rune Chess:odinx [5]
Chess:odinx [5]
Mighty Lion Chess:fdptest [5]

Sep, 2020

Quintessence:nachtmahr [0]

Oct, 2020

Free Castling Chess:def [0]
Colorbound Clobberers vs Diagonal Devils:def01 [0]
Jumping Chess:jumping [5]
Ajax Random Chess:Alfaeire [1]
Petteia V2:Set8q [1]
Latrunculi XXI:Set9 [1]
Petteia - Dmytro Variation:Set8r [1]
Petteia - Dmytro Variation:Set8r2 [0]
I-Chess:standard [5]

Nov, 2020

Petteia - Dmytro Variation:Set8r3 [1]
Zanzibar-S:default [7]
Odin's Rune Chess:odins_rune_chess_plain [0]
Cheshire Cat Chess:cheshire [0]
Cheshire Cat Chess 10x10:cheshire10 [0]
Cetran Chess 5:empty_board [0]
Chess+:chessplus [0]
Pre-Chess:pre-chess [0]
Circular Board:8x8 [0]
Diamond Leaper Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Champion Chess:AlfaerieSVG [0]
Annular Chess:board [0]
Annular Chess:short_castling_0 [0]
Annular Chess:short_castling_1 [0]
Annular Chess:large_castling_0 [0]
Annular Chess:large_castling_1 [0]
Chess with Pawns II:Alfaerie [3]
Mighty Lion Chess:mightylion [5]
Annular Chess:default [0]
Expanded Chess:arx-sissa [0]
Chess:Standard [0]
Cool Camels vs Fabulous Fides:def02 [0]
Modern Acedrex:modern_acedrex [0]
Circular Capa Chess:def02 [0]
Threeleaper Chess:Standard [5]
Rose Diagram:circular_board [0]
Super Makruk:def01 [1]

Dec, 2020

Millennial Chess:millennial_chess [0]
Chess of War:Alfaerie [7]
Modern Chinese Chess:def02 [0]
Augmented Queen Chess:Chess [5]
UC-40:mirror-symmetric [1]
Brouhaha:ver2 [0]
Hubbub:ver2 [0]
Expanded Chess:expanded-no-castling [6]
Weird Chess:default [3]
Shatranj Kamil Chess:rules [0]
Janus Kamil Chess:rules [5]
Metamachy:test [7]
Squire Chess:default [5]
Archbishop Chess Advanced:Chess3 [5]
Chess with Corners:default [1]
Janus Kamil Chess:abstract [5]
Metamachy:test2 [0]
Chess with Pawns:Alfaerie [5]
Metamachy:default [7]
Janus Kamil Chess:standard [5]
Lions and Unicorns Chess:standard [5]
Petteia - Dmytro Variation:Set8r4 [1]
Knightmate:standard [5]
Knightmate:abstract [5]
Knightmate:magnetic [5]
Knightmate:alfaerie [5]
Kinglet:standard [5]
Modern Acedrex v2:modern_acedrex_v2 [0]
Modern Acedrex (Symmetric):default [0]
Xhess:standard [5]
Grande Acedrex (Symmetric):default [0]
Janggi:default [5]
A-Torus Chess:default [0]
Heavy Chess:abstract [5]
Spotted Gryphon Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Heavy Chess:standard [5]
Crooked Knightrider Chess:Alfaerie [3]

Jan, 2021

Grand Rook Chess:default [4]
Chess:Alfaerie [0]
Big Chess 12x12:Alfaerie [3]
Fairy Chess 1:Alfaerie [5]
Multi-Omega Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Expanded Chess:jumping_king [5]
Expanded Chess:king-jumping [5]
Chess of War:Chess3 [5]
Big Harvestman Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Extra Pieces Chess:Alfaerie [5]
10x10 Chess Crazy:chess [5]
Large Crazychess:Alfaerie [3]
Great 12x12:standard [5]
Coherent Chess:Coherent-1 [1]
Cetran Chess 1:asymmetric [1]
SuperAmazon Chess:standard [5]
Long Chess with Weird Pieces:alfaerie [5]
Chancellor King Chess:CKC [3]
Chess:Default [1]
Bigpiece Chess:Alfaerie [5]

Feb, 2021

Fusion Shogi:default [5]
Antelope Chess:standard [5]
UC-40:asymmetric [1]
UC-73:asymmetric [1]
7x7x7x7 Chesseract:Chess3 [0]
7x7x7x7 4D Chess:fairychess [0]
Sky:ski [0]
Sky:Sky11 [0]
UC-24:asymmetric [1]
Chess:replacelabels [1]
Sky:11x10 [0]
Decimate:fpdtest [1]
Cetran Chess 4:Alfaerie [1]
Sky:Sky [0]
Royal Court:default [5]

Mar, 2021

Cascade Chess:test [0]
Cascade Chess:test2 [0]
Sky (11x11):Sky11 [0]
Chaturanga - Four Kings - Double Mate:default [0]
Sky (11x10):11x10 [0]
Decimate:test [1]
Apothecary Chess-Classic:fpdtest2 [0]
Apothecary Chess-Classic:fpdtest [5]
Cascade Chess:N-A [5]
Sky (11x10):default [0]
Hostage Shatranj:hostage_shatranj [0]
Chess with Different Armies:Colorbound-Knights [5]
Jetan:Jetan-of-Barsoom [0]
Fusion Chess:fairychess [5]
Jetan:martianspratt [0]
Jetan:CheckeredSpratt [0]
Jetan:CheckeredCazaux [0]

Apr, 2021

Rhombic Chess:N-A [5]
Shatranji-2:default [5]
Tiger Chess:wild-queen [5]
Moldavian Chess:1 [0]
Clockwork Orange Chinese Chess:def [0]

May, 2021

Chess:fpdtest [1]
Chess:internal-sets [1]
Maasai Chess:gs_test [7]
Maasai Chess:Default-v2 [7]
Rhino Test:fairychess [5]
Sandbox:sanbox [5]
Grand Betza:rules [5]

Jun, 2021

Annapurna1:asymmetric [1]
Annapurna4 racing Chess brand:Standard [0]
Annapurna4 SandraLyard' Chess brand:Standard [0]
Annapurna4 Chess:Standard [0]
Annapurna4 Chess SL:Standard [0]
Chess:000 [0]
Chess:00 [0]
Annapurna4 Chess:Unequal [0]
Chess:0 [0]
Capatomic Random Chess:0 [0]
Capatomic Random Chess:00 [3]
Gross Chess:berolina-test [0]
Detective's Rhombic Chess:N-A [5]

Jul, 2021

Chess: [0]
Atlantean Coffee House Shatranj:default [1]
Tim's 3D Chess (Test):default [0]
Exinox Chess:Default [1]
Grand Apothecary Chess 3:Default [5]
Grand Apothecary Chess 2:Default [5]
Grand Apothecary Chess 1:Default [5]

Aug, 2021

CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 1:cam2021 [0]
CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 2021:cam2021a [0]
Unusual Chess:Alfaerie [5]
CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 2021:cam2021 [0]
Grand Apothecary Chess 1:fpdtest [5]
Spherical Carrera's Chess:default [5]
Chess on the Dot:test [5]
CaM: A Tale of Two Countries 2021:cam2021b [0]
Grand Apothecary Chess 3:applet [5]

Sep, 2021

Opulent Chess:AlfaerieNew [5]
Lesbian Chess:lesbianchess [0]

Oct, 2021

Chaturanga - Four Kings - Double Mate:sissa-zcherryz [0]
Chess:spotcaptures [6]
Pemba:Default-Alternate [2]
Chess Volley:default [0]

Nov, 2021

Suzumu Shogi:default2 [7] Redirects to: default
40x12 chess:test2 [5]
Koval's Hexagonal Chess:Default [5]
Hunter Chess:Original [0]
Anarchian Chess 2:fairychess [5]
Advanced Hexagonal chess:default [0]
Advanced Hexagonal Chess:Default [0]
Alice Chess:Chess [0]
Chess:chess [0]
Anarchian Chess 2:default [0]
Ruika's Playground:ruikasplayground [0]
Sandbox:fairychess [1]
Sandbox:raptarr_second_sandbox [1]
Anarchian Chess 2:chess2 [5]
Yangsi:whiteabstract [0] Redirects to: abstract
Koval's Hexagonal Chess:idk [0]

Dec, 2021

Three-Playered Chess:Default [0]
Banner Xiangqi:default [5]
Yangsi:blackabstract [0] Redirects to: abstract
Advancer Chess:default [0]
UC-170-17:special [0]
ThreeHex Chess:Default [0]
Very Heavy Chess:standard [5]
Very Heavy Chess:abstract [5]
Heavy Chess:Default-Alternate [5]
Taikyoku Shogi:default [5]
Sandbox2:fairychess [5]

Jan, 2022

Glinski's Hexagonal Amazon Chess:Default [0]
gamedev test:game [0]
Gigachess II:Default-Alternate [7]
Gigachess II:Default-v2 [7]
Hannibal Chess:default-v2 [5]
Maasai Chess:Default-Alternate [7]
Maasai Chess:Default-v3 [7]
Maasai Chess:Default-v4 [7]
Pemba:Default-v0 [7]
Pemba:Default-v2 [7]
Terachess II:Default-v2 [7]
Very Heavy Chess:Default-Alternate [5]
Zanzibar-XL:Default-Alternate [7]
Test12x12-01:Default-v4 [7]
Test12x12-01:Default-v3 [7]
Test12x12-01:Default-v2 [7]
Test12x12-01:Default-Alternate [7]
Rollerball:default-Alternate [0]
Capatomic Random Chess:000 [1]

Feb, 2022

Grand Apothecary Chess 1:Applet-Test [5]
Fischer Random Chess:Abstract [5]
Fischer Random Chess:Abstract-Test [5]
r:Abstract-Test [5]
Symmetric Chess:sc3 [1]
Symmetric Chess:sc4 [0]
Apothecary Chess-Modern:Apothecary_Chess-Modern [5] Redirects to: ApothecaryChess-Modern
Apothecary Chess-Classic:Apothecary_Chess-Classic [5] Redirects to: ApothecaryChess-Classic
Apothecary Chess 2:Apothecary_Chess-Classic [5] Redirects to: ApothecaryChess-Classic
Apothecary Chess 1:Apothecary_Chess-Modern [5] Redirects to: ApothecaryChess-Modern
Testing Board:test [1]
Mutatis Mutandis:default [2]
Cannon Shosu Shogi:default-fpd-test [5]
Expanded Chess:jump-and-castle [5]

Mar, 2022

Symmetric Chess:sc0 [1]
Chess 9x9:reinforced [5]
Eurasian Chess:fairychess [7]
Eurasian Chess:newrules-backup [0]
Shogi:default-backup [0]
Shogi:fairy-test [5]
Testing Board:decimal [1]
Cardinal Chess:Default [5]
Chess:fairychess [5]
Anti-King Chess II:Alfaerie [3]
Capablanca Chess:default [5]
Chess:CSS-Motif [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Chess:Abstract [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Chess:JPG-Alfaerie [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Chess:Chess2 [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Chess:Chess3 [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Chess:PNG-Magnetic [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Chessgi:Galactic [5]
Chessgi:Magnetic [5]
Circe Chess:default [5]
Clockwork Orange Chess:Abstract-Magnetic [5]
Clockwork Orange Chess:new [5]
Crazyhouse:Galactic [5]
Crazyhouse:Magnetic [5]
Cylindrical Chess:default [5]
Embassy Chess:default [5]
Episcopal Chess:default [5]
Extinction Chess:Abstract [5]
Wide Tiger Chess:experimental [5]
UC-170-17:new-asymmetrical [1]
Nadvorney's Spherical Chess:default [5]
Chess on the Dot:default [5]

Apr, 2022

Yapsan's Spherical Chess:default [5]
Global Chess:default [5]
Devingt Chess:default-prov [0]
Grand Chess:fairychess-test [0]
Grand Chess:fairychess [5]
Tiger Scout Chess:tsc1 [0]
Decimate:test2 [5]
Eurasian Chess:newrules [7]
Grotesque Chess:fairychess [5]
Grotesque Chess:grotesque [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Aberg variation of Capablanca Chess:fairychess [5]
Universal Decimal Chess:udc-1 [1]
Miller's Spherical Chess:default [5]
Cheskers-2020:def [0]
Shatu:Shatu [0]

May, 2022

New Chancellor Chess:Magnetic [5]
Almost Chess:Magnetic [0]
Sort of Almost Chess:Magnetic [0]
RR vs NN variation:default [0]
FF vs Knightriders:1 [0]
144 Chess with Squirrells:1 [0]
144 Chess with Griffons:2 [0]
144 Chess with Nightriders:3 [0]
Impassable Kings Shogi:default [5]
Wild Tamerlane Chess:Default-Alternate [7]
Wild Tamerlane Chess:Default-v2 [7]
Mafschaak:mafschaak [0]
Constructing Chess:constructing [0]
Epic Chess:epic [0]
Fairy Eater Chess:fairy_eater [0]
Grand Dice Chess:grand_dice [0]
Grand Double Move Chess:grand_double_move [0]
Grand Erzya Chess:grand_erzya [0]

Jun, 2022

Mafschaak:Mafschaak [1]
Shogi:default [5]
Great Tiger Scout Chess:gtsc1 [5]
Chess1:fairychess [5]
Chess2:fairychess [0]
Chess3:fairychess [5]
Chess15:fairychess [5]
Mirodoly Chess:fairychess [5]
Mirodoly Chess:default [0]
Mirodoly Chess 1:default [0]
Mirodoly Chess:mirodoly [5]
Mirodoly Chess 12x12:sample [0]
Univers Chess:Cheskers64 [0]
Chess:Headachess [5]
Two Players Chaturaji:chaturaji [0]
Archbishop Chess:Abstract [5]

Jul, 2022

Cetran Chess 5:board [0]
Two Players Chaturaji Coloured:chaturaji_coloured [0]
Grand Apothecary Chess 3:Applet [5]
Grand Apothecary Chess 2:Applet [5]
Grand Apothecary Chess 1:Applet [5]
OmegaLeaper Chess:chess [3]
Alicetran:asymmetric [5]
Circular Amazon Chess:def [0]
Expanded Chess:expanded [5] Redirects to: expanded-test
Mirodoly Cheskers 10x10:Cheskers100 [0]
Mirodoly Cheskers 8x8:Cheskers64 [0]
Cetran Chess 5:default [1]
Ultimate Chess:alfaeriemisc [7]
Cetran Chess 2:asymmetric [1]
Hexagonal Almost Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Chess of War:Chess [5]

Aug, 2022

4 Player Capa Chess:chess [1]
Cetran Chess 2:qrknchsaKSNRCAQH [5]
Augmented Crazyhouse ChessChess:crazyhouse [0]
Augmented Crazyhouse Chess:crazyhouse [5]
Cetran Chess 2:sqhrkncaHQRCKANS [0]
Modern Korean Chess:default [0]
Koval's Hexagonal Chess:Defaultf [0]
Chinese Chess with Dragon:def1 [0]
Cetran Chess 2:hcsraqnkHQCRAKNS [0]
Chinese Chess with Sparrow:def1 [0]
Modern Korean Chess:def [0]

Sep, 2022

Squirrel Chess:def1 [0]
Xiang Hex Variant:def [0]
Xiang Hex with Dragon:def [0]
Koval's Hexagonal Chess:Defaul [0]
Cetran Chess 2:ksnhcaqrAHCSRQNK [0]
Mosaic Chess:mosaic2 [5] Redirects to: mosaic
Cetran Chess 2:prueba [0] Redirects to: play/pbm/play.php?game=Cetran+Chess+2&settings=reversed_symmetric
Bungalow Shatranj:double [0]
Two Players Four Seasons Chess:four_seasons [0]
Ultimate Hexagonal Chess:Default [5]
Crooked Chess:chess [5]
Ultimate Hexagonal Chess:Default2 [5]
Cetina Random Chess:enforced_mirror_symmetric [5]
Great Tiger Chess:greattiger1 [5]
Very, VERY, Chaotic Chess:veryverychaoticchess [0]
Tutti-Frutti Chess:rules_enforced [5]
Cetran Chess 2:krhcqnsaHACNKQRS [0]
Cetran Chess 2:asymmetric-enforced [5]
Cetran Chess 4:Asymmetric-Enforced [5]
Pemba:Default-v3 [7]
Modern Sittuyin:def1 [0]
Cetran Chess 4:asymmetric-enforced [5]
Cetran Chess 2:rkqnaschKRQNCAHS [0]

Oct, 2022

ArchMage Chess:edition1 [0]
ArchMage Chess:edition2 [0]
Capa-Omega Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Cetran Chess 3:rzxqnyscakmbYNZAXSQKCBR [5]
Cetran Chess 3:rzxqnyscakmbYNZAMXSQKCBR [0]
Cetran Chess 2:crhnqskaANHRSCKQ [0]
Saharian Chess:def1 [0]
Modern Shatar:default [0]
Tiger Chess:tiger-test [5]
Cetina Random Chess:asymmetric-enforced [5]
Cetran Chess 1:asymmetric-enforced [0]

Nov, 2022

Troy Shatranj:troy_shatranj [0]
Mapped_Chess:default [5]
Mapped_Chess:mappedchess [0]
Cetran Chess 3:xqnabsmzkyrcAMBZQRCYNSXK [0]
Reroute66:test [5]
Reroute66:default [0]
Chess66:test [5]
Napoleonic Chess:Normal1 [0]
Cetran Chess 3:yxnsmzrkcabqBZAMXCNRSKYQ [0]
Maidens Chess:maidens [0]

Dec, 2022

Chess:ridersrampage [0]
Cetran Chess 3:amyszbkqnrcxRYKANZSQMXCB [0]
utestchess:utest [0]
Glinski's Hexagonal Chess with Amazon:Def01 [0]
Modern Chigorin Chess:def1 [0]
Modern Chigorin Chess I:def1 [0]
Modern Chigorin Chess II:def1 [0]

Jan, 2023

Skica:skica1 [5]
Cetran Chess 3:zcxmbqysrnkaCANKMZQYXSBR [5]
Wide Tiger Chess:widetiger [5]
Wide Tiger Chess:widetiger-test [5]
Thuria Jetan:thuriajetan [0]
Chess:move-test [5]
Festival Chess:fairychess [5]
Cetran Chess 3:xbmacsrnkzqyCBQKMYXRAZNS [0]
Hex Shogi 91:default [5]

Feb, 2023

Universal Chess:asymmetric [1]
Tim's 3D Chess:default [0]
Full house hexagonal chess:default [0]
Throne Chess:Throne Chess [0]
Throne Chess:default [5]
Throne Chess (Rules Enforcing):default [5]
Siege:siege [0]
Circular Capa Chess:default [0]
Seirawan Chess:fairychess [0]
Rifle Chess:default [0]
Rifle Chess - Taking Obligatory Version:default [0]
Putback Chess:default [0]
Replacement Chess:default [0]
Shosu Shogi:default [5]
Shosu Shogi:alfaerie [5]
Futashikana Shogi:default [5]
Futashikana Shogi:alfaerie [5]
Knavish Chess:knavish [0]
Stone Garden Chess:stonegarden [5]

Mar, 2023

Monkey and Elephant Chess:fairychess [5]
Yangsi:abstract [5]
Panoply:fairychess [5]
Complete Chess:settings1 [3]
Ultima:Galactic-Legacy [5]
Ultima:Galactic [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Promotion Chess:def01 [0]
Alice Chess:default [5]

Apr, 2023

Cetran Chess 3:asymmetric-enforced [5]
Go:ambrosia9x9 [7]
Grandiose Chess:fairychess [0]
Berolina Chess:Chess3 [5]
Double Move Double Chess:Abstract [7]

May, 2023

Chess var 1:spwoomer [0]
Shuka:default [0]
Koval's Hexagonal Chess:Wide [5]
Transporter_chess:default [7]
Chess:gambert [5]

Jun, 2023

Chess:joyfulchess [1] Redirects to: fidejoyful

Jul, 2023

Gambert Chess:gambert [5]
Modern Mongolian Chess:def1 [1]
Alice Chess:default-test [5]
10-directional VS Classic:def [0]
Griffon 72 Chess:def [0]

Aug, 2023

Enhanced Chess Variants:EnhancedPawnChess [5]
Enhanced Pawn Chess:EnhancedPawnChess [5]
Reche’s Distance Fight Chess:distantchess-norm [5]
Conquer:Conquer [5]

Sep, 2023

Chess on the Rope:chessrope [5]
Shatranjian Army vs Midnight Army:default [0]
Mighty Men VS Fabolous FIDEs:def01 [0]
Mighty Men VS Fabulous FIDEs:def01 [0]
Chess:chess-joyful [5]
Fischer Random Chess:joyfulchess960 [5]
Crazyhouse:joyfulZHouse [5]
Berolina Chess:berolinachess-joyful [5]
Orthodia:orthodianorm [5]
Orthodia:orthodiavarsimple [5]
Orthodia (Simplified):orthodiavarsimple [0]
Symmetric Sissa:9x8-enforced [5]
Left-Right Chess:XBoard [5]
Left-Right Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Champion Chess:default [5]
Champion Chess:abstract [5]
4 Kings Quasi-Shatranj:default [0]
Chess 1010:default [0]
Wide Nightrider Chess:default [0]
Wide Chess:default [0]
Hannibal Chess:default [0]
Frog Chess:default [0]
Butterfly Chess:default [0]
Hexagonal Raumschach:default [0]
Fabulous FIDES vs. Amazing Amazons:def01 [0]
4*Chess (four dimensional chess):default [0]
4D Quasi-Alice Chess:default [0]
Cool Camels vs Fabulous FIDES:def01 [0]
Symmetric Chess:proof [5]
4D Hexagonal Chess:default [0]
Apothecary Chess-Modern:ApothecaryChess-Modern [5]
Apothecary Chess-Classic:ApothecaryChess-Classic [5]
Bigorra:Default-Alternate [7]
Rider_chess:default [7]

Oct, 2023

Joe's Hexchess4D:default [0]
Sissa Chess:short [1]
Sissa:short-enforced [0]
Diagonal Devils vs Fabulous FIDES:def01 [0]
Sissa Chess:short-enforced [5]
Cylindrical Chess:default-test [5]
Crazy Crab Chess:alfaerie [5]
Exinox Chess:enforced [5]
Coherent Chess:enforced [5]
Animal Arena:fairychess-test [5]
Borderline:borderline [5]
9x9 Chess:alfaerie [5]
Animal Arena:fairychess [5]
Symmetric Sissa:Symmetric Sissa 9x8 [1]
Chess on the Rope 15x1:chessropeshort [5]
Devingt Chess:default [0]
Sissa's Play Test Applet:default [5]
Devingt Chess:fairychess-b [5]
Masquerade II:masqueradeII [5]
Grand Crazyhouse Chess:crazyhouse [5]
Frog Chess:enforced [5]
Modern Chigorin Chess:def2 [0]
Capablanca Shatranj:enforced [5]

Nov, 2023

Giant Omega Chess:alfaerie [5]
Slip Kingdom Chess:Alfaerie [5]
Devingt Chess:fairychess [5]
Buy Pieces Chess:def [0]
Masquerade:masquerade [5]
Chu Seireigi:stingmovetest3 [0] Redirects to: chuseireigi
Chu Seireigi:stingmovetest4 [7] Redirects to: chuseireigi
Chu Seireigi:stingmovetest5 [0] Redirects to: chuseireigi
Chu Seireigi:stingmovetest2 [7] Redirects to: chuseireigi
Crook Chess:chess [5]
Seireigi:default [5] Redirects to: seireigi2
Elevn Chess:alfaerie [1]
Gross Chess:aanca-test [5]
Cardinal vs Chancellor Chess:def01 [0]
Hectochess:abstract [5]
Ryugi:abstract [5]
Modern Kamil:Default-PTA [5]
Black Holes:blackholes [5]
Black Holes II:blackholesii [5]
Zwangkrieg:Zwangkrieg [5]

Dec, 2023

Grande Acedrex:rules-enforcing [5]
Suzumu Shogi:default [7] Redirects to: suzumu2
Suzumu Shogi:promotest [7] Redirects to: suzumu2
Mitsugumi Shogi:default [7] Redirects to: mitsugumi2
Cannon Shosu Shogi:alfaerie [5]
Cannon Shosu Shogi:default [5]
Angular:angular [5]
Crossfire 90 Degrees:crossfire90degrees [5]
Suzumu Shogi:suzumu [7] Redirects to: suzumu2
Mitsugumi Shogi:mitsugumi [7] Redirects to: mitsugumi2
Squirrel Chess:def02 [5]
Griffon Chess:def02 [5]
'Angular':angular [5]
Conquer:conquer [5]
Cavalry Queen Chess:cavalry-queen [5]
Chess:rojo [0]
Chess:rocket [0]
Rocket Chess:rocket [0]
Chess:Ttt [0]
Dai Shogi Alfaerie (drops):alfaerie [7]
Flank Chess:default [5]
Kings castle:kingscastle [5]
Seireigi:seireigi [5] Redirects to: seireigi2
Camel Decimal Chess:Default-PTA [5]
Shogi with Impassable Kings:default [5]
Faceoff Chess:faceoff [5]
Accelerated Courier-Spiel:default [0]
Capa-Spiel:default [0]
Centaur Princess Chess:default [0]
Centaur-Spiel:default [0]
Grandiose Chess:default [0]
Janus-Spiel:default [0]
Lancer-Spiel:default [0]
Waffle-Spiel:default [0]
Wide-Spiel:default [0]
Officer Chess:default [0]
Brawl Chess:default [0]
Officer-Spiel:default [0]
Horse-Wazir-Spiel:default [0]
Horse-Wazir Chess:default [0]
Hurly-Burly Chess:default [0]
Hurly-Burly-Spiel:default [0]
Hybrid Chess:default [0]
Kirin Chess:default [0]
Fantastic XIII:Default-Alternate [7]

Jan, 2024

Crossfire:crossfire [5]
Bigorra:Default-PTA [5]
Opulent Lemurian Shatranj:OpulentLemurianShatranj [0]
Experiment:experiment1 [0]
Experiment:fpd-experiment2 [0]
Chinese Chess with Maorider:def1 [0]
Chess:security-test [0]
Pattern Chess (conquer style):patternchessconquerstyle [5]
Pattern Chess:patternchess [5]
Queenmania:Queenmania [5]
Queens:Queens [5]
Queens II:QueensII [5]
Queenmania (conquer style):queenmaniaconquerstyle [5]
Teramachy:Default-Alternate-1 [7]
Chess New:chess-new-settings [1]
Pemba:Default-v1-0 [0]
Pemba:Default-v1 [7]
Teramachy:Default-Alternate [7]
Dumbo Chess:def1 [0]
Terachess II:Default-Alternate-1 [0]
Gigachess II:Default-v3-1 [0]
Waffle Chess:default [0]
Fibnif Lancers Chess:default [0]
Parallel Chess War:default [0]
Zanzibar-XL:Default-v02 [7]
Zanzibar-S:Default-Alternate [7]
Maasai Chess:Default-v5 [7]
Terachess II:Default-Alternate [7]
Gigachess II:Default-v3 [7]
Cool Camels vs Fabulous FIDES:def03 [3]
Kagamigi:Kagamigi [5]
Nasty Neighbours:nastyneighbours [5]
Nasty Neighbours (conquer style):nastyneighboursconquerstyle [5]
Conquer II:conquerii [5]
Third Knight Chess:3rdknightdefault [5]
InStead (Third Knight) Chess:3rdknightdefault [0]
Experiment:fpd-experiment1 [5]
InSteæd (Third Knight) Chess:3rdknightdefault [5]
Butterfly Chess:enforced [5]
Chess:testchess [0]
Circular Capa Chess:def03 [0]
Carrousel Chess:def02 [0]
Carrousel Chess:default [0]

Feb, 2024

4 Kings Quasi-Shatranj:enforcing [5]
Grant Acedrex:rules-enforcing [5]
Timurid Samarkand:Default-PTA [5]
Timurid Babur:Default-PTA [5]
Timurid Mirza:Default-PTA [5]
Wild Timurid:Default-PTA [0]
Wild Babur:Default-PTA [0]
Wild Mirza:Default-PTA [0]
Wild Samarkand:Default-PTA [0]
Omega Chess:Alfaerie [5] Redirects to: fairychess
Omega Chess:fairychess [5]
Capablanca's Chess early 10 x 8:fairychess [0]
Capablanca Chess:fairychess [5]
Officer Chess:enforced [5]
Champagne Chess:default [0]
WAD Chess:default [0]
SOHO Chess:default [0]
Gamma2 Chess:default [0]
Parity Chess:default [0]
Compound Chess:default [0]
Marseillais Chess:Abstract-test [0]
Brawl Chess:enf02 [5]
Expanded Chess:expanded-test [5]
Brawl Chess:enforced [5]
SOHO Chess:enforcing [5]
Wide SOHO Chess:default [0]
Wide SOHO Chess:enforcing [5]
Marseillais Chess:Abstract [7]
Hybrid Chess:enforced [5]
Hybrid Decimal Chess:default [0]
Hybrid Decimal Chess:enforced [5]
Chess 1010:enforcing [5]
Timurid:Default-PTA [5]
Macrochess:Default-PTA [5]
IO Chess:iochess [0]
Fluidity Chess:fluidity [0]
Crazy 38's:joyfulcrazy38s [1]
Radioactive Queen Chess:joyful-rqc [6]
Queens (conquer style):queensconquerstyle [5]
Panoply:enforcing [5]
Vanguard Chess:Vanguard [5]
Wormhole Chess:default [5]
Chinese Chess with Archer:def1 [0]
Transformer (conquer style):transformerconquerstyle [5]
Tim's 3D Chess:enforcing [5]
21st Century Courier Chess:def01 [0]
Modern Makruk:def01 [1]
Jungles and Mountains Chess with Squirrell:def01 [0]

Mar, 2024

Transformer:transformer [5]
Kirin-Spiel:default [0]
ChessBreakTimes Chess:chbrtich [5]
Tigrey:default [5]
Dumbo Chess:dumbocoded [5]
Morphing Chess:morphingchess [5]
Morphing Chess II:morphingchessii [5]
Panoply:default [1]
Timurid:Default-PTA-v2 [0]
Timurid Babur:Default-PTA-v2 [0]
Timurid Samarkand:Default-PTA-v2 [5]
Overboard:overboard-1 [5]
Morphing Chess IV:morphingchessiv [5]
Morphing Chess III:morphingchessiii [5]
Patchanka:Default-PTA [5]
Heavy Shako:default [5]
Millennial Chess:millennial [0]
Enhanced Courier Chess:enhancedcourier [5]
Atlantean Coffee House Shatranj:fairychess [5]
Hundred Acre Chess:HundredAcreChess [5]
Modern Chinese Chess:def [0]
FOOD FIGHT!!!:FoodFight [5]

Apr, 2024

Kamikaze Mortal Shogi:Symbolic [5]
Snappy Chess:snappychess [5]
NIHISCI:nihisci [5]
R-Chess (Rombus Chess):r-chess [5]
TCB (Traffic Calmed Borders):tcb [5]
Gross Chess:fairychess [5]
Spider Chess:spiderchess [5]
ZeCaRi:zecari [5]
Stone Garden Full Contact:stonegardenvarfc [5]
Chu Seireigi:chuseireigi [7] Redirects to: chusei2
Chu Seireigi:chuseireigi2 [7] Redirects to: chusei2
Chu Seireigi:chuseireigi3 [7] Redirects to: chusei2
Dai Seireigi:daiseireigi [7] Redirects to: daisei2
Dai Seireigi:daiseireigi2 [7] Redirects to: daisei2
Dai Seireigi:daiseireigi3 [7] Redirects to: daisei2
Megalomachy:fairychess [5]
Chu_Shogi_pocket:chu [7]
debug_wdtr2:Default [5]
Chu Seireigi:chusei [5] Redirects to: chusei2
Chu Seireigi:stingmovetest [5] Redirects to: chusei2
Megalomachy:default [5]
Greater Tiger Chess:greatertiger20 [5]

May, 2024

Hex Dragonal Chess:fairychess [5]
CC Top:cctop [5]
Great Rider Reef:greatriderreef [5]
Modern Chinese Chess:fairychess [5]
Opulent Lemurian Shatranj:pta [5]
Shosu Shogi:alf01 [0]
Asymmetric Modern Republican Chess:modern-repub-cwda [5]
Equal Modern Republican Chess:modern-repub-equal [5]
Colorbound Chess:colorbound-reche [5]
Heavenly Queen Chess:heavenqueenchess [5]
Reche’s Super Faceoff Masquerade:supermasquarade [5]
Reche’s Super Random Faceoff Masquerade:superrandommasquerade [5]
Ultima:fairychess-test [0]
Ultima:fairychess [5]
Dai Seireigi:daisei [5] Redirects to: daisei2
Dai Seireigi:hookmovetest [5] Redirects to: daisei2
Chess:fairychess1 [5]
Overboard:overboard-2 [5]
Mosaic Chess:mosaic [5]
Chu Seireigi:chusei2 [5]
Dai Seireigi:daisei2 [5]
Musketeer Chess:Test [7]
Seireigi:seireigi2 [5]
Chu Shogi:antiliontradetest [7] Redirects to: chu
Frog Chess with Gryphon and Falcon:default [5]
Frog Chess with Manticore and Falcon:default [5]
Hannibal Chess with Gryphon and Falcon:default [5]
Hannibal Chess with Manticore and Falcon:default [5]
Waffle Chess with Gryphon and Falcon:default [5]
Waffle Chess with Manticore and Falcon:default [5]

Jun, 2024

Ambitious Amphibies VS Fabulous FIDEs:cwda-amphibies-fides [5]
Ambitious Amphibies:cwda-amphibies [5]
Ambitious Amphibians:equal-amphibians [0]
Ambitious Amphibians VS Fabulous FIDEs:cwda-amphibians-fides [0]
Mitsugumi Shogi:mitsugumi2 [7]
Suzumu Shogi:suzumu2 [7]
Tenjiku Shogi:tenjiku [7]
Nutty Shogi:nutty [7]
Extra Move Chess:default [5]
Hidden Identity Chess:fairychess [7]
Crossroads:crossroads [5]
Morphomania:morphomania [5]
Hidden Danger Chess:fairychess [7]
Mighty Lion 10x10:alfaerie [5]
Harun Al-Rashid Shatranj:default [0]
Midnight Shatranj:default02 [0]
Lighthouse:lighthouse [5]
UC-11:alfaerie [5]
Dai Shogi Alfaerie:alfaerie [7]
Swapper Superheroes Chess:Chess3 [7] Redirects to: fairychess
Swapper Superheroes Chess:SwapperSuperheroesChess [7]
Test Variant:test [5]
Contextual Chicken Chess:ContextualChickenChess [5]
Mammoth Tiger Chess:fairychess [5]
Spirit Chess:spiritchess [2]
Chickens and Dragons:ContextualChickenChess [0]
Accelerated Constable-Spiel:default [0]
Accelerated Constabulary Chess:default [0]
Accelerated Constabulary Chess:enforced [5]
Bureau-Spiel:default [0]
Constable-Spiel:default [0]
Constabulary Chess:default [0]
Constabulary Chess:enforced [5]
Warmachinewazir Chess:default [0]
Warmachinewazir-Spiel:default [0]
War of the Roses:def01 [0]
Secret Intelligence Chess:version2 [0]

Jul, 2024

Thunderstruck Server Chess:tsc [5]
Tibetian Chess:def01 [0]
Fou Chess:def1 [0]
Pocket Shogi Copper:default [7]
Secret Intelligence Chess:fairychess [7]
Sissa Style Chess:pta [5]
Pocket Shogi Plus:default [5]
Homo Scacco:hom-sca-main [5]
Little Rider Reef:littleriderreef [5]
Avatar Reef Riders:avatarreefriders [5]
Avatar Riff Riders:avatarriffriders [5]
Gigachess:Gigachess_Alfaerie [0]
debug_wdtr2:default [5]
Xiang Hex 2:def [5]
Modern Makruk:def02 [0]

Aug, 2024

Secret Intelligence Chess:alternate [7]
Wildebeest Chess 11x11:def01 [7]

Sep, 2024

Western Army vs Eastern Army:def01 [0]
Chess:v1 [0]
Götterdämmerung:fairychess [5]
Mirodoly Chess 1:mirodoly1 [0]
Shatranjian Army vs Xianqi Army:default [0]
Bear Chess:uncoded [0]
Tremendous Chess:Tremendous [0]
T5M Chess:T5M_Chess [0]
Schwerer Gustav:Schwerer_Gustav [0]
Camel Shatranj:default [0]
Camel Shatranj with Murray Lion:default [0]
Cardinal vs Griffon Chess:def01 [0]
Jabberwock Chess:Jabberwock_Chess [0]

Oct, 2024

Jabberwocky Chess:Jabberwocky_Chess [0]
Cardinal VS Griffon Chess:ArchB-vs-Griffon [5]
Different Pawns Random Chess:diffpawnrandom-coded [5]
Revolte:settings [0]
Sea Chess:def01 [5]
Detective's Rhombic Chess:No-Enforcement [0]
Bongcloud Chess:default [5]
Steampunk Chess:idk [0]
Counter-Check Chess:simple [5]
Counter-Check Chess:default [5]
Wild Rose Chess:Wild_Rose_Chess [0]
Spider Rider Chess:spiderriderchess [5]
Recharged Chess:rechargedchess [5]

Nov, 2024

Bull's eye:BullsEye [5]
Mirodoly Cheskers 12x12:Cheskers144 [0]
XVIII Century Chess:def01 [0]
Chess: Modern Warfare:ChessMW [0]
Bounty Chess:bountysettings [5]
Mirodoly Chess 12x12:mirodoly144 [0]

Dec, 2024

Duke of Rutland's Chess with Camels:applet [5]
Amazon Chess:fairychess [5]
Tiger Chess:tiger [5]

Jan, 2025

Shaffle:Shaffle [0]
UC-170-13:Mirror [1]
UC-170-13:Reversed [1]
UC-170-13:Asymmetric [1]
UC-170-17:asymmetrical [1]
UC-170-17:asymmetric [1]
UC-170-17:mirror [1]
Mischia:mischia [5]
Tremendous Chess:Tremendous_Chess [0]
chu_shogi_heisei:default [7]
Triple Chess:Triple_Chess [0]
Chu Shogi:chu [7]
Exterminans Chess:Exterminans_Chess [0]
Chess:Sturm [5]
Mountain Slope Chess:mountainslope [5]
Bear Chess:coded [5]
Elephant_Shogi:default [5]
Abyss Angel Chess:Exterminans_Chess [0]

Feb, 2025

Janggi with Maoriders:def [0]
Kjempe Chess:KjempeChess [5]
Obento Chess:obento [5]
ChessShogi_Test_Presets:uchichu_test1 [5]
Wide Mammoth Tiger Chess:fairychess [5]
ChessShogi_Test_Presets:uchichu_test2 [5]
Cetina Random Chess:Asymmetric-Enforced [5]
Cetran Chess 3:asymmetric-coded [5]
Lesbian Chess:lesbian-chess [5]
Brand X Random Chess:Abstract [5]
Lesbian Chess:lesbian [5]
Nightrider Chess:def1 [0]
Infiltrator Chess:default [0]
FrogsAndPrincess:default [7]
Kjempe Chess:KjempeChessDampedColors [0]
Camel Shatranj with Dervish (Windmill):default [0]
ChessShogi_Test_Presets:uchichu_test3 [5]

Mar, 2025

Uchi Chu Shogi:default [5]


This script queried the GameSettings table with the following prepared query:

SELECT * FROM GameSettings WHERE 1 ORDER BY Lastmod

To avoid SQL injection, the values are passed separately. These are determined by the values in your URL's query string or by what is entered into the form at top. When you leave a field blank, it normally means that it will leave that field out of the query, not that it will search for an empty value. Here is a recreation of what the SQL query would look like with the placeholders replaced by the values:

SELECT * FROM GameSettings WHERE 1 ORDER BY Lastmod

The underlying MySQL is handled by MariaDB. A few fields give you multiple options for how to use them. You can search for an exact string match, an exact non-match, a LIKE match, which allows the use of a few wildcards, and a REGEXP match, which allows for very complicated pattern matching. Since these may slow down the search, they should be avoided unless you have a special need for them.

Written by Fergus Duniho
WWW Page Created: 27 August 2017