External Link
This is a link to an external site for: Medusa ShogiMedusa Shogi: http://www.zillions-of-games.com/cgi-bin/zilligames/submissions.cgi/81951?do=show;id=1176
After L.L. Smith suggested that the pawns (swords) in Gary K. Gifford's Pillars of Medusa be moved to the 4th rank, Gary set the new board up for analysis and was suddenly hit with the idea of Medusa Shogi. He wrote the rules and Mr. Smith took off to make the ZRF. So, use your pieces wisely; if captured they will drop from the sky to be used against you. Beware of the Medusa, she cannot capture, but can turn your army to stone. And respect the lowly pawns, for each can become a Medusa.
- Gary K. Gifford, Jan 2006
Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Gary K. Gifford.
Web page created: 2006-02-04. Web page last updated: 2006-02-04
See Also
Medusa Shogi. Missing description (11x11, Cells: 121) By Gary K. Gifford.
Mini-POM (Mini Pillars of Medusa). On a 9 x 9 board and standard chess pieces, but with Morph replacing the Bishop and the Medusa to the right of the King. (9x9, Cells: 81) By Gary K. Gifford.
Pillars of Medusa. A variation of Turkish Great Chess plus two additional pieces, the Morph and the Medusa. (11x11, Cells: 121) By Gary K. Gifford.
Gifford Graphics for Pillars of Medusa. Missing description Author: Gary K. Gifford.
Medusa Shogi. A Shogi variant of Pillars of Medusa, which is based on Turkish Great Chess. By Gary K. Gifford.
Mini-POM (Mini Pillars of Medusa). On a 9 x 9 board and standard chess pieces, but with Morph replacing the Bishop adding the Medusa to the right of the King. By Gary K. Gifford.
Pillars of Medusa. Play this variation of Turkish Great Chess with two additional pieces, the Morph and the Medusa, on Game Courier . Author: Tony Quintanilla and Gary K. Gifford. Inventor: Gary K. Gifford.
Pillars of Medusa. Download Pillars of Medusa for Zillions of Games! Author: Jason Jakupca. Inventor: Gary K. Gifford.
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