External Link
This is a link to an external site for: Chinese ChessChinese Chess: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0804816751/chessvariants-20
Reader review from amazon.com:
The game of Chinese chess, or 'elephant chess' as it is known in Chinese, has been played for centuries. Since, naturally, most of the books heretofore published on this challenging game of strategy have been in the Chinese language, the present book by H. T. Lau renders a welcome service to another large group of game-lovers the world over. Explained with clear examples coupled with about 170 diagrams are the fundamental aspects of Chinese chess - the board, the mode of movement and values of the pieces, and the basic rules. The reader will note that there are interesting variations on the orthodox chess theme (although no prior knowledge of other forms of chess are necessary for an understanding of this book). Once the basics have been outlined, standard opening strategies are explicated, as are tactics for use once the game gets under way. Strategies used with various combinations of pieces commonly remaining toward the conclusion of the game are described in a chapter devoted to the end-game, which is perhaps the phase that the beginner should master first. This section shows how a player with seemingly few pieces left can win a game, and how a player in what looks like a losing situation can force a draw. Eightly mid- and end-game exercises designed to sharpen the player's skill are presented with answers at the end of the book. Finally, two appendixes are devoted to the elegantly constructed games found in two classic seventeenth-century works on Chinese chess. Here, then, is a book for both the novice and the chess fan who wants to add to his or her repertoire of fun.
This 'link page' is meant to provide a link to another website. Note that we have no connection to, nor bear responsibility for the linked sites.
Author: H. T. Lau.
Web page created: 2000-06-01. Web page last updated: 2006-03-18
See Also
Chinese Chess. Links and rules for Chinese Chess (Xiangqi). (9x10, Cells: 90) (Recognized!) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Fergus Duniho.
Iconographic Chinese Pieces. Icons of Xiangqi pieces in Western style. Author: Fergus Duniho.
National Standard Chinese Pieces for Chinese Chess and Variants. Icons for pieces of Xiangqi and variants using the official Red China standard font. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Traditional Chinese Pieces for Chinese Chess and Variants. Icons of pieces for Xiangqi and variants using a Chinese font. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Coffee Chinese Chess. A freeware Java applet for playing Chinese Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Pham Hong Nguyen.
Xiangqi. Play Chinese Chess (known as Xiangqi) with Jocly. Author: Michel Gutierrez and Jérôme Choain.
A Western Xiangqi Board. Proposal to play Xiangqi on a `westernized' board. Author: Köksal Karakus.
Chinese Chess. Play Xiang Qi, the Chinese form of Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Cambaluc Chinese Chess Photos. A commercially produced Chinese Chess set with Staunton pieces. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Handmade Magnetic Chinese Chess Set. Photo's of Xiangqi set made from magnetic chess and checkers sets. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Internationalized Chinese Chess. Photos of a commercial Staunton set for playing Xiangqi, Janggi, and Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho and John Davis.
Magnetic Xiangqi set. Photo's of a magnetic Chinese chess set. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Xiangqi. Photos of a Chinese Chess set made from poker chips and posterboard tiles. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Xiangqi set. Photos of a figurine Xiangqi set. Author: Jean-Luc Muraro.
Xiangqi set: photo's. Photo's of a Xiangqi set, made in China. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Xiangqi. A Xiangqi problem. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Xiangqi problem. A complicated Xiangqi problem. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Fergus Duniho. Inventor: C. K. Lai.
HiddenLynx. A beautiful, user-friendly, Windows program for Chinese Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Mikko Oksalahti.
Qianhong. Chinese Chess for Windows. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Jeremy Craner.
Uncle Wang Chinese Chess. Link to website of commercial program that plays Xiangqi.
XieXie. Xiangqi Computer Program XieXieMaster 1.0.10 released! and Eugenio Castillo.
Chinese Chess. Information on book on Xiangqi. Author: H. T. Lau.
First Syllabus on Xiangqi - Chinese Chess 1. Missing description Author: David Li.
rec.games.chinese-chess FAQ. Missing description Author: Stephen Leary.
Chinese Chess for Beginners. Missing description
Chinese Chess Pack. Contains a detailed play guide and strategic hints and tips for the game. Author: James Palmer.
First Syllabus on Xiangqi: Chinese Chess 1. Missing description Author: David Li.
Xiangqi Syllabus on Cannon: Chinese Chess 2. Missing description Author: David Li.
Chinees Schaak pagina. Nederlandstalige website over Xiangqi (Chinees Schaken) (Dutch Language) Author: Bob Bekker.
Club Xiangqi. An online club for playing Xiang Qi.
German Xiangqi Federation. Includes problem solving contest.
Go-Figure!. Webshop selling sets of Xiangqi (Chinese chess).
Simply XiangQi. Correspondence Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) website. By Andy .
World Xiangqi Federation. Missing description
Xiangqi Database. A large collection of Xiangqi games. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Xiangqi for Chess Players. Introduction geared toward western chess players. Author: Douglas Crockford.
Xiangqi.com Chinese Chess. A server for playing Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) online. Author: Fergus Duniho.
. Western Style. Version using Alfaerie graphics. Author: David Howe.
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