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External Link

Since the original link to Shocky is broken, the link now goes to an archived copy at the Internet Archive:


Shocky (version 1.82) and Shocky II are shogi programs, made by programmer Pauli Misikangas from Helsinki, Finland.

In October 1997, he released Shocky version 1.82, which is a freeware DOS program that plays Shogi, with a text based user interface. The program appears to be one of the strongest freeware shogi programs available.

In February 1998, he released Shocky II, which is a total redesigned and rewritten version. This is a portable C++ class library with methods for shogi board handling and a game engine. While Shocky 1.82 was strong, Shocky II appears to be even stronger.

Shocky 1.82 and a demo version of Shocky II can be obtained from the website of Pauli Misikangas.

Shocky version 2.05, released June 1998, now plays Shogi, Micro-Shogi, Mini-Shogi, Judkin's Shogi, Tori Shogi, and Chess.

In September 1998, Shocky version 2.1 was released. This version lays much stronger than earlier versions (but supports only normal 9x9 shogi). Also, Also, Pieter Moerman has released a new version of his Win95 user interface to Shocky: (PM2Shocky/95). It supports all the same shogi variants as Shocky and can be used to play against Shocky 2.05 or Shocky 2.1.

02 Dec 2006: Link updated. Old link was:

13 Jul 2021: Link updated. Old link was:

This 'link page' is meant to provide a link to another website. Note that we have no connection to, nor bear responsibility for the linked sites.

Author: Pauli Misikangas.
Web page created: 2001-01-04. Web page last updated: 2006-12-02

See Also

SELECT * FROM IndexEntry LEFT JOIN Item USING (ItemID) WHERE LinkItemID2 = 'Shogi' AND IsHidden=0 AND IsDeleted=0 ORDER BY CONCAT(Type,LinkText)

  • Bird Shogi. Tori Shogi, or Bird Shogi. A variant of Japanese Chess on a 7 by 7 board. (7x7, Cells: 49) Inventor: Ohashi Soei.
  • Heian-Dai Shogi. Early Great Shogi. (13x13, Cells: 169)
  • Taikyoku Shogi. Extremely large shogi variant. (36x36, Cells: 1296) Author: Isao Umebayashi and Larry L. Smith.
  • Tunnelshogi. 3-D Shogi variant. (8x(4x4), Cells: 128) By Charles Gilman.
  • Tenjiku Shogi pictures. Photos of a commercial Tenjiku Shogi set. Author: John Lawson.