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Presiding Chess:;id=1114

Board Size: 10 X 10 squares
Piece Sets: 8 Pawns, 2 Kangaroos, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, 2 Zebras, 2 Frogs, 1 Cardinal, 1 Chancellor, 2 Camels, 2 Vaos, 2 Paos, 2 Rooks, 1 Queen, 1 King and 0 Amazon (only available with pawn promotion).

Pawns: move the same way as in the normal chess, Initial 2-steps, En-Passants are allowed, pawns promote on the opposite buttom rank.
King: moves the same way as in the normal chess except step 3 squares towards the Rook during the castling.
Kangaroos: step 1 square along the row or column or leap 3 squares on a diagonal.
Zebras: move 2 squares one way and 3 squares the other.
Frogs: step 1 square on a diagonal or leap 3 squares along the row or column.
Cardinal: Bishop + Knight.
Chancellor: Rook + Knight.
Camels: move 3 squares one way and one the other.
Vaos: slide on diagonal, capture by jumping.
Paos: slide on row or column, captures by jumping.
Amazon: Queen + Knight, only available when the pawn promotes. Bishops, Knights, Rooks and Queen are the same as in the normal chess.

This 'link page' is meant to provide a link to another website. Note that we have no connection to, nor bear responsibility for the linked sites.

By Tucker Kao.
Web page created: 2005-09-25. Web page last updated: 2005-09-25

See Also