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This page is written by the game's inventor, Вадря Покштя. This game is a favorite of its inventor.

Double Move Double Chess

Inspired by Charles Gilman's Quadruple Besiege Chess setup and Fred Galvin's Double-move Chess.

Double Move Double Chess is played on two boards, put together, with two sets of pieces.


Double Move Double Chess is played on a board of sixteen ranks and eight files.
The setup is as given below:


The game uses two standard sets of chess pieces.


The standard rules of chess and the movement of chess pieces apply, with the exception of the following:
1. White starts with one move, and thereafter each player makes two consecutive moves per turn.
2. No check, no checkmate. To win the game of Double Move Double Chess, a player must capture two opponent's kings.
3. There is no initial double-step move. The pawn only moves one square forward. Pawns that reach the farthest rank of the board are promoted to knights, bishops, rooks, or queens.
4. There is no castling.
5. Each double move must change the position on the board. A player may not move a piece from a square then back to it, unless the first part of the double move was a capture.
A draw is possible by mutual agreement of the parties or if no pawn move or any capture has been made in 50 double moves.


Despite the fact that the initial arrangement of pawns was used by Gilman for a board that changes its geometry in space, it proved to be excellent in the conditions of an ordinary double move chess game on two boards. The pawn-free a and h files made the game more intense and dynamic, filled with tactics and strategy never seen before in double-move chess.

Columns of pawns on the b and g files preserve the potential of the game in case of massive exchanges and turn the endgame into a mindblowing and exciting confrontation between two players.

Usually in any multi-move variants of chess, both sides strive for immediate exchanges of strong pieces, which leads to a rapid exhaustion of the game. With this initial setup, I was able to achieve exceptional deep and meaningful play with two consecutive moves by both players.

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By Вадря Покштя.

Last revised by Вадря Покштя.

Web page created: 2021-07-01. Web page last updated: 2023-04-11

Revisions of MSdouble-king-chess-8x16