Chu Kagamigi
Chu Kagamigi (which, if I've done this right, would translate as "Middle Mirror Chess") is a larger variation on Kagamigi, with a larger board and (of course) more pieces -- specifically, more pieces that reflect each other left-to-right. It expands the 9x9 board to 12x12.
The table below lists all of the pieces used in this game, showing their names, icons, Piece IDs, move descriptions, and promotions.
Initial Piece | Promoted Piece | ||
Moves one space in any direction (K) | Does not promote. | ||
Slides directly forward, diagonally forward and to the left, or diagonally backward and to the right; or steps one space directly backward. (fRflBbrBbW) | Does not promote. | ||
Slides directly forward, diagonally forward and to the right, or diagonally backward and to the left; or steps one space directly backward. (fRfrBblBbW) | Does not promote. | ||
Slides directly forward or backward, or diagonally forward; or steps one space to the left or right. (vRfBsW) | Does not promote. | ||
Slides orthogonally sideways; or steps one space diagonally forward and to the right, or backward and to the left. (sRfrFblF) | Slides diagonally forward and to the right, or backward and to the left; or steps one space in any other direction. (frBblBK) | ||
Slides orthogonally sideways; or steps one space diagonally forward and to the left, or backward and to the right. (sRflFbrF) | Slides diagonally forward and to the left, or backward and to the right; or steps one space in any other direction, (flBbrBK) | ||
Slides diagonally. (B) | Slides diagonally, or steps one space orthogonally. (BW) | ||
Slides orthogonally. (R) | Slides orthogonally, or steps one space diagonally (RF) | ||
Steps one space orthogonally, or leaps two spaces diagonally. (WA) | Slides diagonally, or steps up to three spaces orthogonally. (BW3) | ||
Steps one space diagonally, or leaps two spaces orthogonally. (KR) | Slides orthogonally, or steps up to three spaces diagonally. (RF3) | ||
Steps up to four spaces forward and to the right; or up to two spaces directly backward or to the left; or one space backward and to the right, forward and to the left, or directly forward.(frB4lbW2flFbrFfW) | Slides diagonally to the right, or backward and to the left; or steps to any adjacent space. (KrBlbB) | ||
Steps up to four spaces forward and to the left; or up to two spaces directly backward or to the right; or one space backward and to the left, forward and to the right, or directly forward.(flB4rbW2frFblFfW) | Slides diagonally to the left, or backward and to the right; or steps to any adjacent space. (KrBlbB) | ||
Steps one space orthogonally, or diagonally forward. (WfF) | Steps one space or jumps two spaces orthogonally, or diagonally forward. (WfFDfA) | ||
Steps one space diagonally, or directly forward. (FfW) | Steps one space or jumps two spaces diagonally, or directly forward. (FfWAfD) | ||
Steps one space in any direction except directly left. (FvrW) | Slides directly or diagonally to the right, or steps one space in any other direction. (KrhQ) | ||
Steps one space in any direction except directly right. (FvlW) | Slides directly or diagonally to the left, or steps one space in any other direction. (KlhQ) | ||
Slides directly forward, or diagonally back and to the right; or steps one space directly backward. (fRbrBbW) | Slides directly or diagonally to the right, or steps one or two spaces to the left. (rhQlW2) | ||
Slides directly forward, or diagonally back and to the left; or steps one space directly backward. (fRblBbW) | Slides directly or diagonally to the left, or steps one or two spaces to the right. (lhQrW2) | ||
Slides directly forward, or diagonally backward and to the right; or steps one space backward and to the left. (fRbrBblF) | Slides directly or diagonally to the right, or steps one space diagonally to the left. (rhQlF) | ||
Slides directly forward, or diagonally backward and to the left; or steps one space backward and to the right. (fRblBbrF) | Slides directly or diagonally to the left, or steps one space diagonally to the right. (lhQrF) | ||
Leaps two steps forward and one step sideways. (ffN) | Slides diagonally, or orthogonally sideways. (BsR) | ||
Steps one space orthogonally, or up to two spaces forward diagonally. (WfF2) | Slides directly backwards, or in any diagonal direction; or steps one space directly forward. (BbRfW) | ||
Steps up to four spaces left or right, or one space directly backward or diagonally forward. (sW4bWfF) | Slides orthogonally sideways, or steps one space in any other direction. (sRK) | ||
Slides directly forward. (fR) | Slides directly forward or backward, or steps one space diagonally. (vRF) | ||
Steps one space directly forward. (fW) | Steps one space orthgonally, or diagonally forward. (WfF) |
Except where noted otherwise, the normal rules for shogi apply here, including the use of drops.
Promotions: All pieces that promote may do so upon reaching the opponent's Pawn Row (7 for White, 3 for Black) or beyond. Promotion is mandatory upon reaching the furthest row (9 for White, 1 for Black).
Promoted pieces, when captured, immediately demote to their original form.
The Blue Gecko is actually a creation of Adrian King, for his game Jupiter. I created the Purple Finch as a reflection, originally just on principle though the two pieces do go nicely with this game.
Similarly, the Silver Pashtun (along with its Gold cousin) was invented in 2007 by Charles Gilman, and featured in his variant Pashtun Shogi (presented on his page for Shogi-set Nearlydouble Variants).
All other pieces are from various forms of Shogi, primarily Taikyoku, Tai, and Ko.
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By Bob Greenwade.
Last revised by Bob Greenwade.
Web page created: 2024-01-26. Web page last updated: 2024-01-31