Authors Starting with C
- Adrey Caljé [info] Chess Variants, 50 variants on the game of chess (Book informati. Information on a book.
- Jim Callan [info] Go-Chess (tm). Place your own pieces on a large board.
- Thomas Cameron [info] Capture the Flag Chess. A translation of the classic children's game to a 42-square board. (7x6, Cells: 42)
- Luiz Carlos Campos [info] Afterlife Chess. A game based on Ancient Egyption mythology, played on four boards totaling 42 squares. (Cells: 42) Mono-dimensional Chess. Small, one dimensional variant with unorthodox pieces. (1x10, Cells: 10) Ramayana Chess. Chess variant inspired by the Ramayana epic. (Cells: 84) , more...
- David Cannon [info] Chess on a Soccer Ball. Missing description (Cells: 32) Chess on Steroids. Pieces increase their powers with those of the pieces they capture. (8x8, Cells: 64) Diamond Chess 306. Missing description (22x24, Cells: 306) , more...
- Hector H. Carreño [info] Argess. White and Black have different starting positions. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Jose Carrillo [info] Ajax Bigamous Chess. Bigamy meets Ajax Orthodox Chess! (9x8, Cells: 72) Ajax Chess. All pieces have can play one square in any direction, the Mastodon leaper complements the Knight. (10x10, Cells: 100) Ajax Falcon Chess. Ajax Chess on a 10x8 board with two Ajax Falcon drops. (10x8, Cells: 100) , more...
- Alan Cartwright [info] StrategiChess . Large multi-player, multi-board chess variant. (14x14, Cells: 196) StrategiChess II . Large, multi-player, mult-board variant with new piece types. (14x14, Cells: 196)
- Alessandro Castelli [info] Balaklava Chess. Many pieces have additional knight moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) Balaklava Schaak (Balaklava Chess). Stukken kunnen ook gaan maar niet slaan als paard (Dutch Language) Brotherhood Chess. Pieces cannot take pieces of the same type. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- Zachary Catlin [info] Conveyor Chess. Large variant with conveyor belt on middle of board. (12x12, Cells: 144)
- Jean-Louis Cazaux [info] A catalog of 3D-printable chess variant pieces. A catalog of 3D-printable chess variant pieces, with drawings, photographs and printable links. (8x8, Cells: 64) Piece Graphics Library by Jean-Louis Cazaux. Collection of piece graphics, specially made for use in Zillions-of-Games, by J.-L.Cazaux. (8x8, Cells: 64) Bigorra. A 16x16 board chess with all pieces from my variants. (16x16, Cells: 256) , more...
- Carlos Cetina [info] Cellular Chess. One step towards Joe Joyce's ideal of playing chess on an 100x100 board. (30x30, Cells: 900) Cetina Random Chess. Play with a sissa and a chancellor from a randomly generated setup. Cetran Chess 2. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- R Stephen Chafe [info] Pirates-Henge-Ho. Small variant with pirates theme. (5x7, Cells: 38)
- Michael Chamberlain [info] Pot-Hole Chess. Game where pot-holes open up on the board at random times. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Nigel Chapman [info] Intrigue. Players each select a pawn which holds the king's secret position.
- Doug Chatham [info] All the Way Chess. Pieces must move as far as they can when moved. (8x8, Cells: 64) Bachelor Chess. Win by mating your opponent, or marrying off your King. (7x6, Cells: 42) Bingo Chess. A cross between Chess and Bingo. (Cells: 41) , more...
- Peter Chatterton [info] WWW link: Peter Chatterton's Gess Applet. Link to applet and program that play the game of Gess.
- Claude Chaunier [info] The Hitchhiker's Guide to Chess. Several chess variants in the context of a Socratic dialog. Energieloos schaak (Inertia Chess). Indien mogelijk moet in de volgende zet hetzelfde stuk in dezelfde richting worden gezet (Dutch Language) Just a funny board with 40 squares. A board with 40 squares without rules. (Cells: 40) , more...
- Jack V. Cheiky [info] Geodesic Chess. Variation of hexagonal chess on a geodesic sphere with a few new pieces added. (Cells: 279) Geodesic Chess. Variation of hexagonal chess on a geodesic sphere with a few new pieces added.
- Changcai Chen [info] ChessCraft. Missing description (Cells: 64)
- Persian Chess [info] Chess 911. 9x9 board plus corner squares, compounds, and special diagonals. (9x9, Cells: 85)
- Kieran Child [info] Anti-Check Chess. Variation of Anti-King Chess II. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Jérôme Choain [info] 3D Chess. Play 3D Chess in your browser with Jocly. Amazon Chess. Play this game in which the Queen can also move as a Knight on Jocly. Baby Chess. Play this small 5x5 variant on Jocly., more...
- Donald Cimics [info] Multi-Dimensional Multi-Player (MDMP) Chess. 2-8 player Chess, traditional and alternate armies, optional laser. Multi-Dimensional Multi-Player (MDMP) Chess. 2-8 player Chess, traditional and alternate armies, optional laser.
- Benjamin Clarke [info] English Random Chess. Standard chessmen on a 10x10 board, with randomized piece setup. (10x10, Cells: 100)
- Oliver Clarke [info] Trade-up Chess. Chess where you trade-up your pieces with pieces in your hand. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Eric S. Clayton [info] dUchess. Chess on two levels. (2x(8x8), Cells: 128) Four Row Chess. Missing description (Cells: 208) mettamorphachess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Philip M. Cohen [info] Review of Pritchard's Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. A review.
- Edward D. Collins [info] Vegas Fun Chess. Special chess dice determine what piece to move.
- Travis Compton [info] Compton Medieval Chess. Large variant with three new pieces.
- Jeremy Cooper [info] Chess Kingdom. 4-player variant, on a 20x20, plus-shaped board. Standard pieces. (20x20, Cells: 364)
- Roger Cooper [info] Bid Chess. Players bid for special pieces or powers. Fianchetto Chess. Rooks and bishops switched in opening setup. (8x8, Cells: 64) Free Castling Rule. Less restrictive castling rules. (8x8, Cells: 64) , more...
- Jeff Cornell [info] Delta-Nabla Chess. Chess translated to a triangular grid as naturally as possible. Grand Alamos Chess. FIDE, but with an initial setup reminiscent of Grand Chess. Joust Chess. Rotating pieces, long range movement, adjacent capture, both in one turn using different directions., more...
- Mike Cosgriff [info] Strand. Three dimensional game with pawns and kings that move along straight lines and must remain adjacent. (4x(4x4), Cells: 64)
- Steve Costa [info] Fibonacci (Sequence) Chess. Move your opponent's pieces on certain turns. (8x8, Cells: 64) The Prisoner's Dilemma. Checkmate the King and rescue the Prisoner to win. (Cells: 84)
- Gianni Cottogni [info] Chosen Chess. Move a piece you chose last turn, then choose a piece to move next turn. (8x8, Cells: 64)
- Alan Cowderoy [info] Chess font: Traveller Standard . True type chess font.
- Douglas Crockford [info] Shogi for Chess Players. Introduction to Shogi geared for western chess players. Xiangqi for Chess Players. Introduction geared toward western chess players.
- Nuno Cruz [info] Modern Kamil. Two variants that add the Camel to the standard Orthochess array on enlarged boards. (10x10, Cells: 100) Samarcanda. Variant of Mideast Chess with Crooked Bishops. (10x10, Cells: 100) Two Kingdoms. A decimal variant with a more powerful knight, and an added Archer piece. (10x10, Cells: 100) , more...
- Stewart Culin [info] Korean Games : With Notes on the Corresponding Games of China.... With Notes on the Corresponding Games of China and Japan.
- William A Curtis [info] Royal Chess. Chess on an extended board with Royal Guard pieces added.
- Jim Callan [info] Go-Chess (tm). Place your own pieces on a large board.