Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND (`AuthorID` = 'jean-louiscazaux' OR `AuthorID2` = 'jean-louiscazaux') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
The Battle of the Animals. Simulated conflict between animal kingdoms. (7x9, Cells: 63)
Bigorra. Game Courier Preset for Bigorra, a large CV, 80 pieces of 34 types on 16x16 sq. board. (16x16, Cells: 256)
Bigorra. A 16x16 board chess with all pieces from my variants. (16x16, Cells: 256)
Camel Decimal Chess. Game Courier preset for Camel Decimal Chess, a 10x10 chess with Camels. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Camel Decimal Chess. Decimal Chess with Camel. (10x10, Cells: 100)
A catalog of 3D-printable chess variant pieces. A catalog of 3D-printable chess variant pieces, with drawings, photographs and printable links. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Cazaux Chess. Some chess variants invented by Jean-Louis Cazaux, along with some others.
Cazaux, Jean-Louis. An interview.
Cazaux, Jean-Louis. Books by Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Cazaux, Jean-Louis. Website of Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Chess (Variant) Graphics. Icons of chess variant pieces.
Chess Stamps from Laos. Stamps with historical paintings of chess variants.
Devingt Chess. Decimal chess with 20 pieces per side including Sages (moving as Camels).
Donkan. Game with three pieces per player where you can win by moving the king to a castle (French Language)
The Duke of Rutland Chess. Play this large historic variant on Jocly.
Echexs. Hexagonal variant for three or six players.
Fantastic XIII. A bizarre large odd chess variant with the weirdest men from Cazaux's family.
Fantastic XIII. This is the G.C. preset for Fantastic XIII, a bizarre CV,13 types of pieces on 13x13 board.
Gigachess. On 14 by 14 board with 20 different pieces. (14x14, Cells: 196)
Gigachess. Play this large 14x14 variant on Jocly.
. On 14 by 14 board with 20 different pieces.
Gigachess II. Evolution of Gigachess (2001).
Gigachess II. Evolution of Gigachess. 24 different types of pieces on a 14 x 14 board.
Gothic Chess. Play this variation of Capablanca's Chess on Jocly.
Grand Chess. Play Grand Chess with Jocly.
Grant Acedrex. Medieval large chess variant according to recent historians's work. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Grant Acedrex. Game Courier preset for Grant Acedrex with enforced rules. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Guide des échecs exotiques et insolites. French book describing many variants of chess.
Gustav III Chess. Play this historical variant with Amazons in extra corner spaces.
Hannibal Chess (GC preset with enforced rules). A Game Courier Preset for Hannibal Chess with enforced rules.
Heavy Chess. A high-density chess-variant-variant.
Hyderabad Decimal Chess. Play this historic decimal variant on Jocly.
Interview with Jean-Louis Cazaux. An interview.
. A military inspired Chess variant played on an 84-squares board.
Invasion. A military inspired Chess variant played on an 84-squares board. (10x10, Cells: 84)
Inventor of Stratomic to appear at International Games Fest. Runing from February 27 to March 3, 2002.
Janggi: Korean Chess. The variant of chess played in Korea. (9x10, Cells: 90) (Recognized!)
Janus Chess. Play this variant with two extra pieces that move as a Bishop or Knight on Jocly.
Jetan. Play Edgar Rice Burrough's Jetan (Martian Chess).
Jetan - Martian Chess. Martian Chess, coming from the book The Chessmen of Mars. (10x10, Cells: 100)
The Jungle Game. Simulated conflict between animal kingdoms. (7x9, Cells: 63)
Kaiserspiel. Play the this 19th century variant, a.k.a. The Emperor's Game, on Jocly.
Klin Zha
. Chesslike game played by Klingons from Star Trek on triangular board.
Klin Zha. Chesslike game played by Klingons from Star Trek on triangular board. (Cells: 81)
L'univers des Echecs. Rules and background on a number of variations of chess.
Maasai Chess. Large CV with 48 pieces per side, of 20 types including both regular and rapid Pawns.
Maasai Chess. Play Maasai Chess with Game Courier.
Macrochess. Missing description
Maka-Dai-Dai Shogi. Historical ultra large Shogi variant.
Martian Chess, Jetan. Large variant from the book The Chessmen of Mars. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Zillions of Games file for Metamachy. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Metamachy. Play this large variant with a variety of fairy pieces on Jocly.
Metamachy. Large game with a variety of regular fairy pieces.
Modern Chess. Play this 9x9 variant with one extra piece on Jocly.
Modern Chess set. Photo of chess variant with 9 by 9 board.
Modern Kamil. Game Courier preset for Modern Kamil, a game from Nuno Cruz with Camels. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Obento Chess. 12x12 Chess variant with Shogi-style promotions and bent sliding pieces. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Parton, V.R.. A page with information on V.R. Parton.
Patchanka. This is the Game Courier preset for Patchanka, a variant with several bi-compound pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Patchanka. Decimal variant with several bi-compound pieces. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Pemba. Extension of Shako, with 60 pieces.
Pemba. Game Courier Preset to play Pemba, 60 pieces on the decimal board.
Perfect 12
. 36 pieces per player on 12 by 12 board.
Perfect 12. 36 pieces per player on 12 by 12 board. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Piece Graphics Library by Jean-Louis Cazaux. Collection of piece graphics, specially made for use in Zillions-of-Games, by J.-L.Cazaux. (8x8, Cells: 64)
. Strategic Game of Maneuver and Capture, 3M Company - 1970.
Reformed Courier-Spiel. Begnis's attempt to reform the Courier-Spiel proposed by H.C. Albers in 1821. (12x8, Cells: 96)
Rollerball. Chess race fight on board formed by removing 3 by 3 square from center of 7 by 7 square. (7x7, Cells: 40)
. Chess race fight on board formed by removing 3 by 3 square from center of 7 by 7 square.
Shako. Cannons and elephants are added in variant on 10 by 10 board. (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Cannons and elephants are added in variant on 10 by 10 board. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Shou Dou Qi: The Battle of Animals - The Jungle Game. Simulated conflict between animal kingdoms. (7x9, Cells: 63)
Stratomic. Decimal variant with a nuclear missile piece. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Sultanspiel. Play this large 19th century variant on Jocly.
Tamerlane Chess set. Photo of home made set of historic chess variant.
Tamerlane II
. Modern variant based upon ancient large chess variant.
Tamerlane II. Modern variant based upon ancient large chess variant. (11x11, Cells: 121)
Terachess. Play this hexadecimal variant with 50% density on Jocly.
Terachess II. An unrealistic summit on a very large board of 16x16 squares and 128 pieces.
Terachess II. A summit with 26 different pieces on a 16 x 16 board. There are 64 pieces per side of 26 different types.
Teramachy. A chess variant between Metamachy and Terachess.
Teramachy. Teramachy is the child of Metamachy with 12 rows and Terachess with 16 columns.
Timurid. This is a Game Courier preset for Timurid (std), one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Timurid Babur. This is a Game Courier preset for Timurid Babur, one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Timurid Mirza. This is a Game Courier preset for Timurid Mirza, one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Timurid Samarkand. This is a Game Courier preset for Timurid Samarkand, one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Toulousain Chess. A chess variant on a red and black 12 x 12 board with 12 types of different pieces. (12x12, Cells: 144)
. Pieces have orientation that can be rotated.
Tournoy. Pieces have orientation that can be rotated. (9x9, Cells: 81)
Tutti-Frutti Chess. Play this variant in which compounds replace some standard Chess pieces on Jocly.
The Universe of Chess. Rules and background on a number of variations of chess.
V.R. Parton. A page with information on V.R. Parton.
Very Heavy Chess. A lot of firepower with all compounds of classical chess pieces.
War of the Worlds. Chess army from planet Earth against the Martian forces of Jetan. (10x10, Cells: 100)
War of the Worlds
. Chess army from planet Earth against the Martian forces of Jetan.
Wild Babur. This is a Game Courier preset for Wild Babur, one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Wild Mirza. This is a Game Courier preset for Wild Mirza, one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Wild Samarkand. This is a Game Courier preset for Wild Samarkand, one of the variants from the Timurid Family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Wild Tamerlane. Play this modern version of Tamerlane Chess on Jocly.
Wild Tamerlane Chess. Game Courier Preset to play Wild Tamerlane Chess, a fury on 11x11 board. (11x11, Cells: 121)
Wild Tamerlane Chess. A clash on a 11x11 board with pairs Queens and Eagles/Gryphons. (11x11, Cells: 121)
Wild Timurid. This is a Game Courier preset for Wild Timurid, one of the variants from the Timurid family. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Wildebeest Chess
. Variant on an 10 by 11 board with extra jumping pieces.
Wildebeest Chess. Play this large variant featuring a new piece on Jocly.
A World of Chess. Book on Chess variants and the history of Chess.
Zanzibar-S. A large CV with 72 pieces of 17 different types. Bigger than Metamachy.
Zanzibar-S. A game in between Metamachy and Zanzibar-XL with 36 pieces per side. Preferred by some to the -XL version.
Zanzibar-XL. Beyond Metamachy. 80 pieces of 19 different types, with historical lineage.
Zanzibar-XL. Further step after Metamachy. 80 pieces of 19 different pieces, with historical lineage.
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