Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND (`AuthorID` = 'LarryLSmith' OR `AuthorID2` = 'LarryLSmith') ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
3D Shogi. Three dimensional version of Japanese Chess.
3D Xiang Qi. Three dimensional version of Chinese Chess.
. Large board with two kings, move a member of each of two armies each turn.
Bellows Chess
. The board expands and contracts from turn to turn.
Blizzard Chess. Chess, as if it had been developed by the software industry.
Boolean Rithmomachia. Missing description (4x(4x4), Cells: 64)
Boolean Rithmomachia
. Missing description
Borg Queen. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess.
Borg Queen. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Bushi Shogi. Extremely small shogi variant played with cube pieces.
Centaur Royal and Double Centaur Royal
. Missing description
Cheaters' Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Chess Cubed. Played within a 4x4x4 cube.
Curved Space. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
The Demon Game. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
. A three-dimensional fantasy variant.
Dune Chess. Chess variant based on the Dune novels of Frank Herbert.
Elevator. Three-dimensional chess variant with moving elevators and walking, vaulting and flying pieces.
Emperor Raumschach. Variant of Dr. Fredinand Maack's Raumschach.
ERB Jetan
. Implements different possible rules for Jetan.
Extreme 2D Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
Extreme 3D Chess Game. 8x8x8 3D Chess with linear, planar and cubic moves; and power absorption. (8x(8x8), Cells: 512)
Fidchell. Gary Gygax's Fidchell.
First Contact. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess.
First Contact. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Flux 4x4x4 Chess. 3D variant where pieces, excepting the King, can only exist on the field for a specific number of turns at a time.
Four-Fold Chess. Missing description (16x16, Cells: 256)
Free-form 4x4x4 Chess. 3D variant based upon several ideas by V. R. Parton for Chess-play on smaller fields.
G.U.E. 3D Chess. A 3D Chess game paying homage to those really great Zork adventures.
Geodesic Chess. Played on a spherical grid of hexagons and pentagons.
Good and Evil Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Hexagonal Iss Jetan
. Missing description
Hexagonal Iss Jetan. Missing description (7x13, Cells: 127)
HiveQueen. Missing description (Cells: 61)
HiveQueen. Missing description
Hyperchess. A chess variant on a board representing 4-D space that closely parallels traditional Chess.
Imperial Cheops. Played on a pyramid field of thirteen 3x3x3 cubes. Inspired by a description in Frank Herbert's novel Dune.
Iss Jetan. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
Iss Jetan
. Missing description
Jetan. Martian Chess.
Jetan, ERB
. Implements different possible rules for Jetan.
Jetan, the game of. Extensive discussion of various versions of the rules of Jetan. (10x10, Cells: 100)
Ki Shogi. Variant of Shogi played without a board, and pieces are cubes.
Ki Shogi. Variant of Shogi played without a board, and pieces are cubes.
Klin Zha
. Chesslike game played by Klingons from Star Trek on triangular board.
Klin Zha 3D
. A three dimensional form of Klin Zha.
Kobayashi Maru. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess.
Kobayashi Maru Variant of ST3D Chess
. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimensionsal set featured on the TV series Star Trek.
Kobayashi Maru Variant of Star Trek 3-D Chess. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimensionsal set featured on the TV series Star Trek. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Kobayashi Maru Variant of Star Trek 3-D Chess. A variant set of rules for playing chess using the 3 dimentional set featured on the TV series Star Trek.
Kogbetliantz Game. One of the earliest 3D Chess games for the 8x8x8 playing field.
Kozune. A game inspired by, and featuring elements of, Shatranj and Shogi.
Kozune Western
. Missing description
Leapers Chess. Decimal variant with additional leaping abilities for each of the pieces.
Leapers Chess. Played upon a 10x10 field with all the pieces having leaping capability.
. Very Strong Chss.
LiQi. Very Strong Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Ludus Magus
. Missing description
Ludus Magus. Missing description (2x(8x8), Cells: 145)
Luotuoqi (Camel Chess)
. Chess variant designed by committee.
Mad King Chess
. Missing description
Mad King Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Mad Queen Shogi. Missing description
Mad Queen Shogi. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Medusa Shogi. Missing description
MiniXiang. Missing description
MoQi. MoQi, or Demon Game, is played upon a 10x10 field.
Necromancer Chess. The Undead Walk. (8x8, Cells: 64)
Neutral Zone. StarTrek 3D Chess Variant. (7x(), Cells: 64)
New 3D Leapers. Leapers restricted to the diagonal and triagonal patterns of the 3D field.
Octa-Ashtapada. 8x8x8 variant with powerful armies and the potential for multiple royal pieces per side.
One Ring Chess
. Chess on a one-dimension ring board.
One Ring Chess. One dimensional chess played on a ring-shaped board. (Cells: 32)
Pacifist Chess. Missing description
The Pattern Game. Missing description (12x12, Cells: 144)
The Pattern Game
. Missing description
Pent-Ashtapada. A hybrid of Maack's Raumschach and Kogbetliantz' 8x8x8 game.
Planar 4x4x4 Chess. 3D variant played with pieces which are restricted to particular planes within the cubic field.
Politically Correct Chess. Missing description
Politically Correct Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
Polyhedron Chess. Large 3-D variant inspired by Tetrahedral Chess.
Polyhedron Chess. Large 3-D variant inspired by Tetrahedral Chess. (5x(), Cells: 300)
Prince. 3-D Chess variant using an 8x8x8 board and many new pieces.
Prince. 8x8x8 3-D variant with new pieces. (8x(8x8), Cells: 512)
Proselyte Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64)
Queens or Castles. Wizards promote by making an opponent's piece [or pawn] and themself vanish from the board.
Rebel Fury
. Missing description
Rebel Fury. A Variation of V.R. Parton's Royal Fury. (12x12, Cells: 144)
Royal Fury. A Futuristic Chessery Game - relaxed win rules.
Russian Symmetrical Chess. Rusian 9x9 variant with symmetrical setup and Pawns that get more powerful halfway across the board.
Rutherford's 1-dimensional Shogi. Modern one-dimensional chess variant, based upon Shogi.
Sankaku Shogi
. Small Shogi variant played on a board of 44 triangles with no drops and a teleporting Emperor.
Sankaku Shogi. Small Shogi variant played on a board of 44 triangles with no drops and a teleporting Emperor. (7x8, Cells: 44)
Scion. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100)
. Missing description
Shanghai Palace Chess
. Download these files to play this blend of Chinese, Japanese and Western Chess with Zillions of Games.
Shatranj of Troy. A Shatranj variant with Shogi-like drops, a Trojan Horse (with 6 pieces inside).
Shogi 3D. Three dimensional version of Japanese Chess.
Spartan Skaki. Missing description (9x9, Cells: 81)
Stability Chess. Designed to minimize the first-move advantage by white, maximize fairness, and simplify the rules of chess.
Stations. Missing description (9x5, Cells: 61)
. Missing description
Super Chess III
. Big proprietary game with archers and cyclopses.
Symmetrical Chess Collection. Collection of several large symmetric chess variants with only line pieces.
Taikyoku Shogi. Extremely large shogi variant. (36x36, Cells: 1296)
The Travelers
. Missing description
Trans-Dimensional Chess. Large 3-D game with a field of twenty 3x3x3 cubes arranged in three levels.
Trans-Dimensional Chess. Large 3-D game with a field of twenty 3x3x3 cubes arranged in three levels. (3x(), Cells: 540)
Transporter Pad. Star Trek 3D Chess Variant. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Transporter Pad. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess.
Ultimate Shogi. Taikyoku Shogi. Extremely large shogi variant. (36x36, Cells: 1296)
Warp Factor. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess. (7x(), Cells: 64)
Warp Factor. Variant of Star Trek 3D Chess.
Website of Larry Lynn Smith. Missing description
Xiang Hex
. Missing description
Xiang Hex. Missing description (9x7, Cells: 79)
Xiangqi 3D. Three dimensional version of Chinese Chess.
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