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Charles, well hit. Truthfully, I never considered the question of pawn promotion when I finished this up for posting. Embarrassing to admit, but there it is. I kept going back to the game with the feeling that something was missing, but the taxi rules seemed solid, I had the combination and breakdown rules set, the dyads and triads had their possible moves trimmed down to what I thought worked best [the original had R+R movement options of 'hookrook' and planar rook, for example, but those moves were too powerful]. Good thing this is a non-competing entry, apparently. My initial thoughts, way back when, were that there was no promotion, the pawns would have to be carried off the back row by a taxi or as part of a combination piece, or using the optional pawn moves I left in the rules, should the situation ever arise. This is clearly a weakness in a *chess* variant design. Following are promotion rules. Promotion would occur on the opponent's 3-square back rank. To promote, a pawn must, by itself, move onto one of the 3 promotion squares. It may not promote if brought to a promotion square by taxi or as part of a combination piece. A pawn may only promote to a rook, bishop, or knight. This is freely chosen, there are no restrictions on availability of pieces or any other such conditions. I hope this is satisfactory.

Or is the phrase 'well struck'? As far as the number of squares actually in the game, I feel a certain amount of ambiguity is good for the soul. I was quite happy to see Doug Chatham's ambiguous square count turn up in the contest. As for the possibility of allowing the 2 taxis, with or without passengers, to end a move orthogonally adjacent to an edge board square, well, the board was modelled after a [poor] map of Manhattan, which is surrounded by water. In fact, when the 45 square contest never materialized, I considered adding 3 7-square rows to the middle of the board, changing the one black and one white taxi [remember Black and White Cabs?] to two Checker[ed] cabs, usable by either side if empty and callable, and calling that variant 64 [not 66] square Manhattan Taxi Chess, since the board would more closely resemble that poor map of Manhattan. This concept precluded me from even thinking of your idea, Charles. It is a perfectly viable optional rule, however, and does fit in well with the 45 square theme. Thank you for pointing it out. Grin, shows how blind a theme can make you in design.
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