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Falcon Random Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝George Duke wrote on Sat, Apr 16, 2011 03:16 PM UTC:
There are 96 arrays of most interest. They exclude those without across-the-board symmetry and left-right symmetry, the latter considering King and Queen paired. Also to exclude are King and Queen cornered. Each one of the 96 is to be given a name. Over ten are already named. When all 96 have a name, like each a separate cv, then soon all 96 will be listed here. They are obvious for example beginning RNBFQ-, RBNFQ-, RBFNQ-.... In fact, those first three already have a name. The 96 arrays are all tolerable but about 15-20 are really high-player calibre.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Mon, Apr 18, 2011 10:23 PM UTC:
So it is a little bit interesting that Chess-960, or F.R.C., comes up with 960 positions and Falcon Random Chess 96 a factor of 0.1. The chess960 ones, call them non-mirrored are reflected one side to the other the same. The F.R.C.-96 are symmetrical two ways not one and omit King cornered to start. So each of Rook, Knight, Bishop and Falcon generate 24 positions. They are from 4x4x3x2, not 5x4x3x2 because of omitting the King-Queen at the ends. Any such four pairs of core-pieces would generate a similar 96 positions on 10-wide as obvious subvariants. Examples of four abreast about the same one to the other are Cazaux's Shako's main line, ignoring the Cannons behind, of R-N-B-Elephant and Winther's Mastodon of R-N-B-Mastodon. That is, Elephant there and Mastodon here of recent NextChess ranking are the identical piece. That simplification by Winther is valid improvement.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Wed, May 18, 2011 06:58 PM UTC:
Of the 96 arrays only of interest over a dozen are named. Here are some new brand namings: 
RFBQNNKBFR Nutty Knights, RBFQNNKFBR Naughty Knights, FRBQNNKBRF Knotty Knights, FBRQNNKRBF Neato Knights, BRFQNNKFRB Needy Knights, BFRQNNKRFB Nighty-Knights. A few more, total of 18, where Knights situate at e- and f- all are recalled by 'n's and linguistic-equivalent 't/d's.  Each one of 96 will have a name in comprehensive list by ongoing add-ons to 19-year-old FRC (so named after yr. 2000).

💡📝George Duke wrote on Tue, May 24, 2011 09:27 PM UTC:
All 96 F.R.C. arrays should and will have a name. Finishing the 18 Knight-centralized ones are 12 new ones below. Left to tag systematically are 18 Bishop-centalized ones, 18 Rook-centralized ones, 18 Falcon-centralized ones, and only half of the regular-type 24 King/Queen-centralized ones since half of them are already named. (18 + 18 + 18 + 18 + 24) = the 96. The disparity is that King-Queen are not interesting cornered and so always to be omitted. RFQBNNBKFR Natty Knight, RBQFNNFKBR Nettly Knight, FRQBNNBKRF Kneed Knight, FBQRNNRKBF Tan Knight, BRQFNNFKRB Gnat Knight, BFQRNNRKFB Tin Knight, RQFBNNBFKR Knit Knight, RQBFNNFBKR Teen Knight, FQRBNNBRKF Dyne Knight, FQBRNNRBKF Newton Knight, BQRFNNFRKB Dune Knight, BQFRNNRFKB Node Knight. Added to Nutty, Naughty, Knotty, Neato, Needy, and Nighty-Knight, that is all the cases for Knights at e- and f-. Uses are several, besides random selection, such as one per year for a century, or one per decade starting 2040 to year 2999, or 2 per week of any given year and a bye-month off resettling the cycle.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 06:49 PM UTC:
Eighteen new ones tagged systematically are the corresponding Bishop-centralized ones to have the mnemonic remembrance 'X' connotative of the move itself. The names are RFNQBBKNFR Xi Bishop, RNFQBBKFNR Ex Bishop, FRNQBBKNRF Axe Bishop, FNRQBBKRNF Ox Bishop, NRFQBBKFRN Crux Bishop, NFRQBBKRFN Hex Bishop, RFQNBBNKFR Fox Bishop, RNQFBBFKNR Fix Bishop, FRQNBBNKRF Box Bishop, FNQRBBRKNF Lax Bishop, NRQFBBFKRN Nix Bishop, NFQRBBRKFN Vex Bishop, RQFNBBNFKR Wax Bishop, RQNFBBFNKR Flux Bishop, FQRNBBNRKF Flax Bishop, FQNRBBRNKF Pox Bishop, NQRFBBFRKN Styx Bishop, NQFRBBRFKN Zax Bishop. Ninety-six premised starting arrays' promised nomenclature under construction leaves out King and Queen cornered as unaesthetic. Where 'n' and 't/d' recall the Knight positions at e-1/8 and f-1/8 respectively by the sound-alikes, in turn crisscross 'X' recalls the Bishop positions by their look-alikes.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Mon, Jun 20, 2011 04:25 PM UTC:
Knight-centralized are named and Bishop-centralized are named in F.R.C. Falcon-centralized names require one or two syllables having 'lk' or 'lc'. The eighteen possibilities having the accepted symmetries are RBNQFFKNBR Skulk Falcon, RNBQFFKBNR Bilk Falcon, BRNQFFKNRB Dulcet Falcon, BNRQFFKRNB Caulk Falcon, NRBQFFKBRN Silken Falcon, NBRQFFKRBN Folk Falcon, RBQNFFNKBR Bulky Falcon, RNQBFFBKNR Elk Falcon, BRQNFFNKRB Ilk Falcon, BNQRFFRKNB Milky Falcon, NRQBFFBKRN Balky Falcon, NBQRFFRKBN Chalky Falcon, RQBNFFNBKR Hulk Falcon, RQNBFFBNKR Stalking Falcon, BQRNFFNRKB Talking Falcon, BQNRFFRNKB Walk-up Falcon, NQRBFFBRKN Sulky Falcon, NQBRFFRBKN Volk Falcon. The 96 line-ups are to defy opening theory. 'c4' might be White's first move in Chalky Falcon in order to start getting defensive Knight out of the corner towards the center and attack King's pawn.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Thu, Jun 23, 2011 04:35 PM UTC:
Rook, not off the hook, gets no dispensation from classificatory identification. FBNQRRKNBF Lookout Rook, FNBQRRKBNF Spooky Rook, BFNQRRKNFB Nanook Rook, BNFQRRKFNB Kooky Rook, NFBQRRKBFN Suki Rook, NBFQRRKFBN Cookbook Rook, FBQNRRNKBF Bookstore Rook, FNQBRRBKNF Shooked Rook, BFQNRRNKFB Brook Rook, BNQFRRFKNB Hooking Rook, NFQBRRBKFN Mistook Rook, NBQFRRFKBN Chinook Rook, FQBNRRNBKF Crooked Rook, FQNBRRBNKF Nook Rook, BQFNRRNFKB Hookah Rook, BQNFRRFNKB Cookie Rook, NQFBRRBFKN Pooka Rook, NQBFRRFBKN Foresook Rook.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Thu, Jun 30, 2011 04:36 PM UTC:
On 8x10, 18 of each Knight-centralized, Bishop-centralized, Falcon-centralized and Rook-centralized are currently named. That is 72, and the other 24 King-Queen centralized are half-named, to be completed. There are also non-starting-array specific rule-pair options at issue including: (1) free/fixed castling; (2) Queen promotion or not; (3) Fourriere-Falcon or Duke-Falcon; (4) Bison or two-path Falcon; (5) Guarding the Queen or not; (6) King to Bunker Leap or not. Those all entail cumulatively mounting some 96 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, 6144 regular derivable preferred rules-sets, more or less. Tournament standard as of now is RNBFQKFBNR having free castling, no Queen promotion, 3-way Falcon without the Knight first-leg leap, and with Guarding the Queen. Another unsettled subject is to single out the initial arrays that protect all Pawns, such as Dulcet Falcon also known as Joyce Falcon, BRNQFFKNRB.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Tue, Sep 20, 2016 09:04 PM UTC:

As recalled, there may be explicitly only Capablanca Random, Fischer Random, and Falcon Random Chess, though some other CVs provide for varying backrank. Fischer died in 2008 9 years ago -- you can always remember because he lived *64* years, if you know date of birth 1943.

Nowadays there is an F.I.D.E. policy, juvenile or dangerous as it seems, of squelching so much as mention of CVs except for the two national forms from Japan and China. Fischer and the few FRC adherents, such as through CVPage since, have never named (in words that is) the supposed 40 or 80 preferred initial set-ups. Apparently they do not think it important enough, and their reference Fischer Random is more or less lip service though there is some regular play at Game Courier. Whereas, in Falcon Random Chess, utilizing the four fundamentals, not just the three, all 80 and more important arrays have been named for five or seven years.  For example, Nanook Rook is BFNQRRKNFB and Folk Falcon is NBRQFFKRBN. With either form, Simpleminded 8x8 or full-size 80 squares (fewer than Shogi), the 80 or so starting positions each recommended are enough to make programming something of a headache for a while since openings do figure into results.

For other probably better ways to thwart computers, see follow-up comments at the topic "Computer Resistant CVs" but changing randomly start position is one partial solution.

Actually BrainKing still plays CVs and I will use my membership there, in abeyance a year or two, to catch up what is getting played most.

💡📝George Duke wrote on Wed, Apr 4, 2018 03:35 PM UTC:

It is better in principle to protect all Pawns in array.  Each of the 96 starting line-ups have a name, some offhandedly sprinkled around comments in several articles.  A dozen or two -- they have to be counted up again -- do have all guarded Pawns initially.  Of those some are nevertheless ugly with King and Queen in abc/hij files. The two most favored arrays Old-Standard RNBF and Sibahi RFNB do not do so.  The first is played 47 times in Game Courier now and second 12 times, and other arrays of the same game 3 more times, a total of 62.  However, I have played in all but few of those.   Following is reference to arrays that do protect all Pawns: 

Pawn_Protect. Somewhere we surveyed the large Chesses and found about 20% of 300 do not protect all Pawns, and am looking for that comment; if not found will cite several examples of respected games with incomplete array-coverage that way.

In "91.5 Trillion..." the goal was to avoid prolicificism and to generate millions/trillions of CVs formulaically. It is inelegant to deal in specific write-ups one by one. Many_CVs. There only one of the Mutators hinges on starting set-ups varying.

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