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Dimension X. Chess on two planes - one with the usual chess pieces, the other with spooky trans-dimensional pieces with strange interactions. (2x(8x8), Cells: 128) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Namik Zade wrote on Sun, Jun 11, 2006 02:04 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
Very interesting and funny.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Jun 11, 2006 09:36 PM UTC:
Namik: Thanks for the comment of, 'Good - Very interesting and funny.' I especially appreciated the 'funny' comment because I had not seen the game as being funny. But then I went back and looked at it, and Yes... I think you have a good point... it does seem a bit humorous. However, to show the more serious aspect of the game I have added a Problem just prior to the Rule notes.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Thu, Jun 15, 2006 07:08 AM UTC:
Congratulations to Thomas J. McElmurry. Tom sent the correct solution to the Dimension X chess problem to me. To my knowledge Tom is the only person to have correctly solved the Dimension X puzzle thus far. For others interested in tackling the problem, it is included in the game rules.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Thu, Jun 15, 2006 04:54 PM UTC:
Congratulations to Fergus Duniho for solving the 'Dimension X' problem. So far, only Fergus and Tom have sent in the correct solution. I will provide a comment with both: a) the correct solution and (b) a list of all successful problem solvers next week.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Thu, Jun 15, 2006 09:47 PM UTC:
An incorrect solution to the Dimension X problem was recently sent to me. I will mention part of it as to remove that potential stumbling block from the path of others. The player stated he would start with the Spitting Cobra spitting on Black's Spider, killing it. This would free up the White King to escape from Black's deadly Cobra. However, White's Cobra action is illegal in this position. Reason: The Cobra is adjacent to the Black Spider, and therefore cannot function (a spider-web type effect mentioned in the rules.) If the Cobra was 2 direct spaces away, that action could have been performed.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Fri, Jun 16, 2006 10:08 PM UTC:
I have added a second Dimension X problem to the rules page. Individuals who can solve these probably have the type of understanding needed to play the game well. Others may be able to play the game without difficulty, but would likely miss some golden opportunities.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Fri, Jun 16, 2006 10:47 PM UTC:
The first solution to Problem # 2 arrived shortly after the problem was posted... 
but it is  a wrong try.  It reads, 'I haven't solved problem one yet, but in
problem two, white can win by moving his crab to dimension [X] and
checkmating with queen on h8.' 

Response: It is very important to remember that you win by capturing the
enemy King... check mate has no meaning in this game.  And you can't wait
until your next turn to take his King because, as Black states in the
problem, he will move his Crab to Dimension X and use his Cobra to win.' 
(by Spitting on your King no less, the ultimate chess insult).

Best regards to all.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sat, Jun 17, 2006 01:30 AM UTC:
I have received several solutions for Dimension X problems 1 and 2. I can tell you that several of you are correct in both cases... but I must entertain company now so I will have to respond to your e-mails tomorrow... but, if you feel inclined, I have just added Problem #3, which, I think is pretty interesting.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sat, Jun 17, 2006 04:07 PM UTC:
Dimension X Problem # 4 is now included in the rules. The names of the Problem Solvers are now listed beneath the problem(s) they solved. All 4 solutions will be provided next Thursday. The following individuals have solved problems so far: Thomas J. McElmurry (Problems 1, 2, 3) Fergus Duniho (Problems 1, 2, 3) Jianying Ji (Problems 1, 2, 3) Jeremy Good (Problems 1, 2)

Jianying Ji wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 12:45 AM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
A really cool game with a good and innovative mechanics.

Jianying Ji wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 02:15 AM UTC:
Normal pieces can take Dim. X pieces, (on normal board) I take it.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 02:38 AM UTC:
Jianying: Thanks for the very important question.  Yes, normal chess pieces
can capture Dimension X pieces [on the FIDE board], providing that the
piece making the capture is not 'stuck' by an enemy Spider. I've just
made this issue more clear in the rules.  Thanks again. 

P.S. While in a D'X comment box, I'd like to congratulate Thomas J.
McElmurry, Fergus Duniho, and Jianying Ji who have each sent in the
correct solution to Problem #4, which is by far the most difficult of the
set thus far.  Well done.

Jianying Ji wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 03:31 AM UTC:
Thanks for the shout out, prob 4 was quite interesting indeed.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Jun 18, 2006 07:16 PM UTC:
For those who have been solving Dimension X chess problems, problem 5 has been added to the Rules.

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Mon, Jun 19, 2006 01:32 AM UTC:
well this looks great, another interesting game Gary, how did it go with play testing? when a cobra makes a strike, does it move?

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Mon, Jun 19, 2006 05:04 PM UTC:
Hi Christine: 
You ask how did it go with play testing?
Answer: If you want we can play an unrated game so you can get an opinion
based on your actual experience.  Which is better than me just saying,
'Very good.'  In return I will play one of your inventions (of your
choosing).  If you want.

As for the cobra; It simply spits 1 or 2 spaces.  It can never move on the
FIDE board.  Just onto it, or off of it.

Also, please check out the problems in the rules.  1 and 2 aren't 2 hard
and will give you a good idea of play.

Thanks for the comment.  Take care.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Wed, Jun 21, 2006 03:34 AM UTC:
Thanks to a brief discussion with Fergus regarding Problem # 5 and the  
layout of the rules ---  I have just given the rules page a rather
thorough overhaul.  Hopefully information is now presented in a much more
user-friendly manner.  Should anyone notice an omission in the new layout,
please let me know.  Note that the rules themselves have not changed...
just the layout.

On a different note: Problem 5 is apparently the most difficult to date. 
It has, however, been cracked by: Thomas J. McElmurry, Jianying Ji, and
Fergus Duniho.

🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Jun 21, 2006 03:44 AM UTC:
It's good to have all information on each new piece consolidated together, but I would recommend writing out all the text in plain html, not placing it in graphic images. This will allow the page to load faster, and it will keep the content of the page more accessible.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Thu, Jun 22, 2006 11:18 PM UTC:

As stated earlier, I was to provide the names of successful problem solvers and the solutions to the 5 Dimension X problems.

Thomas J. McElmurry, Fergus Duniho, and Jianying Ji correctly solved all 5 problems. Jeremy Good worked on and solved problems 1 & 2. An outstanding job by each on cracking the challenges.

As for the solutions, Thomas J. McElmurry has provided relatively detailed analysis in a rather entertaining (fun to read) format. His analysis appears in the rules section, just after the last note.

Looking over the 5 problems and reading over the analysis should greatly enhance a player's understanding of game dynamics.

Christine Bagley-Jones wrote on Fri, Jun 23, 2006 12:52 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
ahhhhhaaa well i trust your opinion you know :) .. have to decline game
offer, not starting any new games at the moment, i was just interested to
know how the 'spider' play-tested, if it slowed down the game, but
looking more at the rules, and it finally sinking in, i like how the
spider/crab/etc don't move on fide board, and how they go from fide board
to x board. i see that dimension x is going well in score count for
up-coming tourney, so i think we shall see this game play-tested well, i
look forward to seeing the games.
anyway, looks terrific to me, well done.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Fri, Jun 23, 2006 04:57 PM UTC:
Hi Christine... thanks for the follow-up.  Actually, Spiders can be the key
to a crushing victory and speed a game up.  They can also bring about a
nice win of material by either 

(a) holding a piece captive while a pawn or other piece comes in to pick
it off, or 

(b) allow the capture of a defended piece by immobilizing the defenders.

In my current game with Jeremy, though I have the White pieces I did not
obtain an opening advantage and I now have an enemy Spider very close to
my King.  I am busy trying to block landing points so his
Trans-Dimensional Creatures don't appear on my Fide-board.  Quite nerve
racking, in a fun sort of way.  Take care.

Thomas McElmurry wrote on Fri, Jun 23, 2006 11:30 PM UTC:
It certainly is a very interesting game, and the problems were fun to solve. I wonder how well the experience of solving them will translate into success on the board.

I have one question, which for some reason I didn't think about until now. The starting position on the FIDE board has the familiar mirror symmetry, while the Dimension X board has rotational symmetry. Thus the full starting position is asymmetric. Is there a reason for this? I would expect this asymmetry to introduce an imbalance (probably only a small one, since the trans-dimensional pieces need several moves to cross the board). It looks as though the white trans-dimensionals may find it easier to attack on the kingside, and the black ones on the queenside.

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sat, Jun 24, 2006 03:28 AM UTC:
Tom, thanks for the comment and the interesting questions and insights.
Also, thank you again for providing detailed analysis of the problem solutions.  
It is much appreciated.  

In regard to how well solving problems will translate into success on the
board; I think that a person that can solve the problems (or at least
understand the solutions when reading over them) will be much better
prepared for similar themes when they occurr on the board.  For one thing,
they'll have seen some key concepts... not have to re-invent the wheel, so
to speak.

You also point out that 'the starting position on the FIDE board has the
familiar mirror symmetry, while the Dimension X board has rotational
symmetry. Thus the full starting position is asymmetric.'  You ask, 'Is
there a reason for this?'

I kept the inital mental picture of the DX setup (a player's Spider at
the first dark square to his right, etc.)  Although I pictured this setup,
I did think that some might think it to be a bit awkward; so I considered
various factors: initial DX setup (asymmetrical), mobility, square
blocking, centralization, Kingside and Queenside web balance, etc.  And I
could find nothing wrong with the DX setup.  Nothing seemed to favor one
side over the other.  So, I went with that initial mental picture.

P.S. In my current game with Jeremy Good, black (J.G) thus far has a
positional advantage in that his Dimension X pieces have found their way
to my King's doorstep in relatively short time (but at least they are
still in Dimension X [last time I looked].  How did Black get an
advantage?  I've already written too much for this comment... so perhaps
that will be discussed another time. 

P.S.S.  I might make a few more problems, that is, if the problem solvers
would like to have more DX problems.

Jianying Ji wrote on Sat, Jun 24, 2006 08:43 AM UTC:
More problems? Three cheers for that. I'm game!

💡📝Gary Gifford wrote on Sat, Jun 24, 2006 08:50 AM UTC:
I wonder if additional problems should go into a Dimension X Blog... or perhaps just be sent via e-mail to the solvers to avoid further consumption of CV site file space?

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