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Game Courier. PHP script for playing Chess variants online.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Sep 14, 2003 10:32 PM EDT:Good ★★★★
Tony, you made the correction without problems, I were not able to, Were I
making the things incorrectly?.
About the game we are playing, I disagree with you, your chances don´t
have diminished, in my opinion Black is ligerously best positioned than
White, my possible good movements look very limited, and I can not
nivelate the number of major pieces, by compensation, for example, because
if I do that, my position become worse. I have to point out that we are
playing the game carefuly, without taking great risks. But the pieces in
both bands are now without coordination to try strong attacks. I think the
game is going to mantain its positional style for some movements more.

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Mon, Sep 15, 2003 07:08 PM EDT:
Roberto, I think I tried the take-back after Fergus fixed the bug. About the game, I was refering to Alice Chess--in which my chance *are* rather dim! Deneb? I'm still in the game--I hope!

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Mon, Sep 22, 2003 02:26 PM EDT:
Some people have requested the ability to handle games with more than two players. I am thinking of adding this, but it will take a while. The main work will be in updating the rendering methods to handle showing the board from each player's perspective. Rather than making this feature completely versatile, I will just add 90 and 270 degree views for square boards and 120 and 240 degree views for hexagonal boards. Other angles would not be doable under some rendering methods.

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Wed, Sep 24, 2003 01:18 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Fergus, that would be an excellent addition. Would it be possible to select the view or switch the view (say, select 0, 90, 180, or 270)? This would allow players in games with an odd numbers of players, say 3-player games, the flexibility to select the best view when no view is perfect. This would also have the added benefit of allowing players to 'flip' the board to see it from their opponent's perspective.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Wed, Sep 24, 2003 02:14 PM EDT:
While looking at the ongoing Alice Chess game, I noticed some poor syntax. Inline comments should be preceded with two slashes (//), not with a semicolon. The semicolon is for separating moves.

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Sep 28, 2003 04:54 PM EDT:
This preset can be used to play 'Mortal Chessgi', too. (Well, I like very much this last game...)

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Fri, Oct 3, 2003 11:33 PM EDT:
I changed the conditions under which the beeping occurs to alert you that it is your move. When you get email that it is your move or see on the logs page that it is your move, you already know it is your move, and you don't need the page to beep to alert you of this. The beeping is intended for when you are playing a single game in realtime and you immediately go back to the same game after making your move, letting the page wait until your opponent moves. You do this by clicking on 'Continue' after you send your move. So, your game page will audibly alert you of your move only when you click the 'Continue' button. When you don't, the assumption is that you already know it is your turn, and the page doesn't bother you by beeping.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Oct 4, 2003 11:11 PM EDT:
I've added a Status field to the move form. This should be left set to 'Ongoing' while the game isn't finished. When the game is over, the value of Status should be set to declare the winner or that the game is drawn. This should normally be done with the last move of the game, such as a resignation or a checkmate. It can also be set for games that are already finished. If you have finished any games already, please set the appropriate status for each one for which the Logs page says it is your move. The value of Status will be used on the Logs page to identify whether a game is ongoing or finished. It will also allow you to select which type of games you want to view. In order to make it easier for you to use the 'Your Games' link to navigate between your ongoing games, it will be set by default to list only your ongoing games. You will still be able to view all your games by changing the value of the Status Filter.

Antoine Fourrière wrote on Thu, Oct 9, 2003 10:13 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
When I managed to accept an invitation as White and close the window, as I
did twice stupidly for Achernar before and after hitting Continue, it
seems no one can act and the system is stuck. (Yes, there was no need to
do so.)

Like Tony, I would like to be able to flip the board, but also as a
spectator, and if possible to choose which with font I'll watch.

Voidrider Chess has no Voidriders any more.

But your Game Courier is already terrific. Thanks a lot.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Thu, Oct 9, 2003 11:09 PM EDT:
I don't know why the Voidriders disappeared. I have no memory of doing anything to get rid of them, and I'm sure I wouldn't, yet the fault was even in the copy of the abstract5.php file I had on my computer. This is now fixed.

Keith Graham wrote on Sat, Oct 25, 2003 09:33 AM EDT:
I am the other player of the game shown on this web page. Unable to log in to the site to make a move, maybe someday it will happen, lol!

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Oct 25, 2003 06:12 PM EDT:
Given that you posted your message with your userid, you should be able to make a move. The same userid and password that you used to post your message is what you need to make a move.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sat, Oct 25, 2003 06:16 PM EDT:

Let me point out that every game is shown on the same page, that page

Most people viewing this page are not even seeing your game.

Laila Stefan wrote on Sat, Nov 1, 2003 09:33 PM EST:
Hello,<br><br> I recently accepted an invitation for a game of <i>Pocket Mutation Chess</i>. I'm playing Black. When I attempt to make a move by typing in 'p e7-e6' I encounter an error message saying '<b>No move was made, because there was no P on d2. Go back and try again.</b>' I seem to be able to make my move by just typing 'e7-e6' without specifying the piece, but then my move is not visible to me or my opponent. My opponent thinks I made a mistake by not 'specifying', so he made my move for me. <br><br>Why doesn't it go through when I specify my piece like it says to do?<br><br>      <CENTER>            ~ Laila</CENTER>

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Nov 1, 2003 10:46 PM EST:
Laila, be sure you typed 'p' instead of 'P'. The capital letter is for White pieces

Laila Stefan wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 01:13 AM EST:
Hi, <br><br>  I made sure to type <b>lowercase 'p'</b>, as I was playing Black.<br><br>  Could I be getting this error because my WebTV Plus isn't compatible with the PbEm system?<br><br><center>~ Laila</center>

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 05:56 AM EST:
I´m not sure if there is a compatibility problem with WebTVPlus, perhaps
someone can give you an answer (Fergus, Peter Aronson?). 
I have only seen compatibility problems when I have tried to use the PBEM
System from Solaris Operating System (my graphic workstation in my job). I
have not heard about compatibility of the system with other enviroments.
I´m curious about compatibility with Linux, by example. Is there anybody
that can make comments about?...

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 10:24 AM EST:
Fergus: perhaps you can take a look at this game log. <p> <p>It seems that White and Black turns are inverted. Could that be? <p>Black's first response was made as a comment to White's move, '1. P d2-d4 // 1... e7-e6'. That does not seem possible. <p>White then made Black's intended move because Black was unable to and then made his own move. However, White made his move as Black, or so it seems: '1... p e7-e6; P e2-e4'. <p>Now its 'Black to Move', but its White's turn according to the log! <p>Perhaps during the game invitation the two colors got mixed up?

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 01:53 PM EST:
You wrote:

>> I made sure to type lowercase 'p', as I was playing Black.

>>  Could I be getting this error because my WebTV Plus isn't compatible
with the PbEm system?'

No, the system you're browsing the web on should have no effect on this
kind of error. My best guess is that you are actually trying to move a
Black Pawn from a space that does not have a Black Pawn on it. If this is
part of a complicated move, make sure that you have not emptied the space
before you try to move the Black Pawn from it. The order in which you
string together parts of a move is critically important. Each part of a
long, complicated move updates the configuration of pieces before the next
part is looked at. Separate parts of a move are not performed
simultaneously. For example, if you wished to swap the White King and
Queen in Chess, 'K e1-d1; Q d1-e1' would not work, because there would
be no White Queen at d1 when it got to 'Q d1-e1'.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 02:59 PM EST:

I am not sure what has happened with the log for the game of Pocket
Mutation Chess between Andreas and Laila. My best guess is that Laila
actually entered her move as a comment, perhaps because she was having
difficulty sending it normally. Looking at her earlier comments within the
context of this game, it appears to me that 'p e7-e6' should have
worked. If it didn't work, there might have been an earlier problem.
Based on my examination of the Log, Andreas issued an open invitation,
Laila accepted it, chose to play Black, then Andreas made the first move.
Would Andreas or Laila please confirm whether this is correct?

Andreas Kaufmann wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 06:54 PM EST:

Yes, you described this correct. I can add that I made my first move
(which was: 'P d2-d4 // Good luck') using your advice. I appended
'&userid=andreas' to the game log URL (I don't have access to my emails
at home) and made a move. May be this caused the problem?

Another thing I suspect is that Laila entered not 'p e7-e6', but
'1....p e7-e6'. I made a similar mistake when I played here for the
first time.

🕸💡📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 07:14 PM EST:
Andreas wrote:

'Another thing I suspect is that Laila entered not 'p e7-e6', but
'1....p e7-e6'. I made a similar mistake when I played here for the
first time.'

I tried the same thing in a test log I created, but it isn't getting the
same results. It may help for Laila to tell me exactly what she typed in.

Laila Stefan wrote on Sun, Nov 2, 2003 09:17 PM EST:
Hello,<br><br>  In the beginning of my game with Andreas, on my turn, playing Black, this is <u>EXACTLY</u> what I typed in the <b>'Moves' field</b>:<br><br><center><b>p e7-e6</b></center><br><br>  By the way, I like the Courier Preset Tony created for Imposter Chess. However, I'm still having trouble with disappearing pieces during solitaire gameplay:<br><br><i>Game Courier error, recorded during gameplay:<br><br>1. P d2-d3 1... n g8-h6 1... B c1-h6<br><br>The board shows the Black Knight captured by the White Bishop, but at the same time, the White Pawn residing on d3 disappears.</i><br><br>It's unclear why it does this.<br><br><center>Thank you for your attention in this matter. Let me know if I can do anything to help out further.<br><br><b>~ Laila</b>

Tony Quintanilla wrote on Mon, Nov 3, 2003 12:48 AM EST:
I tried a game of Imposter Chess using the 'Move' feature and generated
the following move list:

1. P d2-e4 
1... p e7-e5 
2. N g1-f3 
2... n b8-c6 
3. N f3-e5;p-C1 
3... n c6-e5;N-B8

It seems to work ok. I also tried Takeover Chess 'solitaire' and its
worked ok too.

I would suggest trying the game again to see if the errors recur.

Laila Stefan wrote on Mon, Nov 3, 2003 02:51 PM EST:
Hi,<br><br> During a game of Imposter Chess in 'solitaire mode', I made the following moves:<br><br><b>1. N b1-a3<br>1... p e7-e6<br>1... P c2-c3</b><br><br>After the initial 'P c2-c3', the 'N' that is on 'a3' disappears from the board. When I attempted to make the next move, 'p e6-e5' it gave me an error message saying:<br><br> '<i>No move was made, because there was no p on e6. Go back and try again.</i>'<br><br>I then clicked on 'Annotate' to record the moves and the board on this page showed both the 'N' on 'a3' and the 'p' on 'e6' <u>missing</u>.<br><br>I'm definitely experiencing a malfunction of some kind.<br><br>I've tried this same experiment using the exact same moves as above, both in 'Solitaire' and 'Log' mode, each coming up with basically the same results -- disappearing pieces from the board. The vanishing usually begins when a new move is made.<br><br> To get a better idea of this problem, check the log of Imposter Chess 'Laila Stefan vs. Laila Stefan'.You will notice in the movelist there is a repetative pattern of putting the 'N' back onto square 'a3' and the 'p' back on the square 'e6'. This is proof that they won't remain on the board, so no other moves can be made because it is confusing to play with vanishing pieces.<br><br><center> Hope this information will help somehow!<br><br><b>            ~ Laila</b>

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