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Done. The reason why I tagged it with Stalemating: Loss is because Couch Tomato wrote "stalemateValue=win" instead of "stalemateValue=loss" in Though it was probably a mistake since that's probably the only message that indirectly says stalemate is a win for the stalemated player. I deleted the tag using the blue X.
Edit: also says stalemateValue=win.
stalemateValue=win should mean that the stalemated player loses, not? I supose that in normal chess you would say checkmateValue=win, not checkmateValue=loss.
Mansindam Definition For FSF variants.ini uses "stalemateValue = loss".
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Attention: a stalemate in Chak is not a loss for the player delivering stalemate.
To delete Chak from the list here, the member who put it on the list may use the top horizontal menu item that says his/her own name, then click on 'Your Tags', scroll down and then click on the red X (inside a red circle) to the left beside 'Chak'.
[edit: Done, thanks]