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If anyone could find out what the offical ruling for this situation is I would greatly appreciate an e-mail explaining the details, or stating that this was a made up rule. my e-mail address is
Question: recently, I played a game where my oppponent claimed a stalemate because he had only a bare king against my King Queen & 2 pawns. He said if I was unable to mate in 15 moves it was a stalemate. I've never heard of this - having to mate a bare king in 15 moves. Is there such a rule, even in tournaments or speed chess or some variant? BTW, excellent site & info.
is the page for frequently asked questions concerning the rules of chess. Stalemate is one way to draw a game, the 50 moves rule (not 15) is another. Sometimes the 50 moves count starts anew - there is a second page covering more questions on the 50 moves rule.
Some guy I was playing said that if a rook gets to the opposite side of the board it is turned into a queen therefore he put me in checkmate is this a rule or is he getting mixed up with a pawn? Thank you
Hi, I'd like to settle an arguement I've have with my dad at chess. I mistakenly said 'checkmate' when it was actually 'check', there was one sqaure to which he could move his king. Does this forfit the game, he recons that it gives him a win since I declared the wrong term? I've looked at many rule books, but can find anything yet. Excellent website by the way! Thanks.
White's flag has fallen but black does not notice. Black's flag falls and white points it out. With best play the position is drawn but both players have mating material (e.g. K,R vs K,B,P). No arbiter is present, but spectators know which flag fell first.
Question: what should the result be?
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