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Wha happens if a Pawn moves orthogonally forward to a cell that is empty at the start of the move but an enemy piece also moves there? Likewise wehat happens if a Pawn moves diagonally forward to capture an enemy piece but that piece moves away simultaneously? In each case is the Pawn move allowed despite being the wriong kind of move, or is the move forfeit? A good way round this problem might be to allow an alternative, necessarily non-Pawn, move to bemade if the Pawn move proves illegal.
Hi Charles, I am happy to receive your questions, as they are easy to answer and helpful to clarify the rules.
Considering question 1. the rules given on <a href='http://www.hexenspiel.de/engl/synchronous-chess/'>http://www.hexenspiel.de/engl/synchronous-chess/</a> tell that, when as a result of the two synchronous moves:
'... both moving figures move to one and the same field, then these figures have both been hit and as a result are removed from the board.'
This means for example:
1. e2-e4 e7-e6
2. e4-e5 e6-e5 -> here, in one and the same moment, both pawns move to one and the same field, and hence both have to be eliminated.
To which field the pawns are allowed to move is of course only dependend on the situation before the move. Only the moves which are possible in the conventional chess (i.e. -assuming the other player does not move any of his figures simultaneously-) are allowed.
Concerning your second question, the rules given on the website clearly say that when as a result of the two synchronous moves: 'b) ... a figure moves on a field, which was before the synchronous moves occupied by a figure of the opposite color, that, however, has been synchronously moved from this field on another field, then both figures safely reach their new position. Neither of the two figures is removed from the board. Thus, in some cases the synchronous moves can result in a mutual exchange of the positions of the two figures that have been moved (This is possible, even if the ways of their moves overlap with each other).' This means that a pawn that moves diagonally trying to capture a figure which is standing on the corresponding field (!and only in this case such a move is allowed!), simply misses that figure if it moves away in the same moment. Thus: if 1. e2-e4 d7-d5 2. e4-d5 d5-d4 -> both pawns remain on the board as the strike e4-d5 misses its target, as the black pawn moves forward. It would even be possible that: 1. e2-e4 d7-d5 2. e4-d5 d5-e4 -> here both pawns miss their target, and as a result their positions are exchanged. In my opinion it is absolutely essential for a synchronous chess, that it is possible beforehand of the two synchronous moves to decide which moves are possible, and which moves are forbidden!!! Therefore according to the rules given on the website: A Pawn's (or any figure's) move is legal, if it is possible according to the conventional chess rules,- i.e. assuming that the other would not move his figures simultenously. - It is not possible that a move is legal before the two synchronous moves, and proves illegal afterwards.
This is a difficult game to play, but very interesting too, with a lot of
<p>I am just surprised that the 'java play' page on this site mentions that
Synchronous Chess was created by Vitaliy Korolev in 1991, which if my
memory is good is closer to what the Encyclopedia of Chess Variants tells.
So, who invented this game first ?
Hi Fabrice, thanks for your comment and interest for the game. The rules invented by Vitaliy Korolev 1991 and the game implemented computationally on the web here, differ greatly from those denoted at http://www.hexenspiel.de/engl/synchronous-chess/ So the latter, which more or less I invented, is a new Synchronuous chess game. As can be read on the above internet adresse, the basic idea was from an Ukrainian fellow named Arnold Krasowsky. He developed the game quite a long time ago, I think before the nineties. He posted the rules to a Russian chess Journal at that time, but never received any answer. However, I somewhat refined the game rules, which I deemed necessary. - so I consider myself as coinventor of the synchronus-chess game following the rules described in the above web-adresse.
Greetings, colleagues. My name is Vitaliy Korolev (St-Peterburg, Russia). Yesterday I have casually found this site and this discussion - in 15 years after creation of the game rules. It would be very interesting to contact with Ukrainian colleagues Arnold J. Krasowsky & Andrey Krasowsky. Concerning to the game I shall inform the following. Per 1991 I have sent to Mr. Pritchard the rules of the “Synchronous chess” for the publication at his Encyclopedia of the Chess Variants. He answered, that else in 1971 V.R.Patron has offered similar rules (SYNCHRONISTIC CHESS), but rules in my edition (SYNCHRONOUS CHESS) have some of differences, and ' more logical ' therefore have been included to the encyclopedia. S.Y. Vit incon@improvement.ru
Hallo, Ralf! Thank you for your kind efforts in our Synchronous Chess! It is true, the idea of this chess have visited my mind in the sleepless night after an anormous doze of 'orthodoxal' chess games on the huge park chess blackbord when I was successful with the white color and was not with the black one. It had happend in Jurmala, Riga where I had have a holiday with my family in July - August of 1987 and 1988. Because of my great duty as a depatment head of our research institute in the tremendous period of our country I was able to return to this idea 10 years later when I wrote the paper in Russian and sent it 25.04.1997 to Moscow, chess magazine '64' (received there on 06.05.1997, no answer) as well as to Elista town, Russia to the name of Mr. Illumzhinov, the president of FIDE (received there on 07.05.1997, no answer). Some later the same paper in Russian has been sent to the name of GM G. Sosonko, the Editor-ih-Cief of the Holland magasine 'New in Chess'. I was answered they don't publish such kind of paper. I believe it is important now to develop the first draft of rules for this chess version and to start the practical games between its enthusiasts. It is iteresting remark by Vitaly Korolev. Unfortunately, I have no any iformation about the details of his proposal. My e-mail address: krasa@vector-ltd.kiev.ua
1. Does anyone possess a Zillions implementation (*.zrf) for this game or any other simultaneous-move chess variant? 2. If so, can you direct me to it? 3. If not, is this absence due to a present limitation in the Zillions engine of being strictly turn-based? In other words, is it currently impossible to implement this game for play via Zillions Of Games?
Yes, it is true that this cannot be implemented in ZoG. Or anything else that I know of. Zillions does not allow any game with hidden information, and since it is turn-based, essentially the second player to move is moving without knowing the first player's move...
I think you could implement something in Zillions that would work like this game. My plan would be, program 3 players: the computer has to play first, then the user, then a 'neutral' player. The computer's moves would take place on an invisible 'side' board, then the human player would make a move (not having been able to see the computer's move: you'd have to close the panel that shows the move notations), and then the 'neutral' player would make his move, which would always be to transfer the computer's moves from the invisible board to the visible one. If the transfer caused conflicts the neutral player would have to do something complicated to resolve them. You could never have the computer move second, or zillions would use the information about the human player's move.
Assuming Thompson's theoretical assessment of feasibility is correct,
then human vs. computer or computer vs. human games (indistinguishable
under the simultaneous-move turn order) can be handled, with great finesse,
using Zillions. I wonder how and if human vs. human and computer vs. computer,
simultaneous-move games can also be handled, though.
<p>In any case, any Zillions implementation of a simultaneous-move game
would be a great service to inventors and players of this extremely-fair,
theoretically-fascinating new type of game. I know there are a few
programmers within our community with the requisite skill to do it
(if the project does not, in practice, get stuck in a quagmire of irreconciliable,
technical details). So, it is mainly a question of whether or not someone is
willing to undertake it.
Mark: Your idea is very clever, and deserves an 'A' for inginuity! This will allow a person to play synchronous chess against Zillions so long as computer is White. But there's a problem... When the computer considers what move to play, ('thinking',) it is recursively looking at hundreds of thousands of sequences of move-counter-move combinations to determine which is best. During this look-ahead, whether Zillions is White or Black, Zillions is playing both sides and uses perfect information. The way Zillions decides on moves will not change from a non-synchronous game (and I'm pretty confidant that sometimes different moves are better in synchronous chess; and if not, then what's the point?) So, essentially what you have is a way for a person to play synchronous chess with the computer, but the computer is still just playing chess. Derek: It is almost certainly possible to write a program to do it... (not that I know how to go about it...) But the suggestion you make of a computer vs. computer synchronous match has an additional nasty complication that is really hard to explain, but I will give it a shot. To have computer vs computer synchronous, you need not one capable program, but two seperate (and different) programs. Here's why: say you try to do it with one program... You give it the ability to handle the hidden information by not including any code that looks at variables that it's not supposed to. Ok, so far, so good... So, now it must try to 'guess' what the other player is going to do. Chess programs all do this by assuming that the opponent will make the best move he can. In this case, the 'best move he can' determination is being made by the program! After thinking about it, the program is going to determine that the best move is always the actual move! So, you've slowed it all way down by making it think about the same things over and over again, but you haven't changed its play at all! It's still just playing regular Chess against itself... Wierd, huh?!?
Of course, the AI of the Zillions program would perform much better and quicker without such elaborate workarounds. It would be nice if the architects of the Zillions program were planning the great task of radically revising their program from the ground-up, restructured in light of what they know now after over 1000 games have been written for it versus pre-1998, with more holistic adaptivity esp. with respect to game- ending conditions, turn-orders, simultaneous moves, etc. [Mallett once said that an ideally written program should not nearly as often require the use of dummy pieces. (paraphrased)] The loss of backward compatibility for all pre-existing *.zrf's, then necessitating that ALL Zillions games be manually rewritten to run under the most modern version, is probably totally unacceptable to Zillions Development and some game inventors. Besides, I suspect Mallett & Lefler are no longer interested in pouring monumental amounts of effort into this minimally-profitable project. There has not even been a minor patch published in over 2 years. Ed van Zon, the English-language webmaster, is the only person who still communicates.
It is surely a shame that ZoG development seems to be completely, totally over. When asked on their discussion boards if a new version is ever forthcoming, no answer is given. However, doing some of what Derek suggests is redicuously difficult; it's not just a problem of limitations in the Zillions description language that require you to have hidden pieces and such; that view totally misses the point. Ugliness and performance problems are just the tip of the iceberg when addressing issues such as Synchronous Chess. The Alpha-Beta NegaScout algorithm that is fundamental to most every commercial Chess program in the world cannot be used! Period! If someone wants to address the Synchronous problem, and write a program that *actually* plays this game, then they have to start from scratch, and they do so without the benefit of any technical articles written about the problem anywhere! (I've read every word ever written about writing programs for chess variants. And, since such literature is almost non-existant, it didn't take me long :) That being said, although ZoG can't really be expected to play some of the more radical games well, like Synchronous, there are some things that its creators could do that would immediately make it infinitely better at a large number of games, and those improvements would not require any old ZSGs to be rewritten, and would be quite easy to implement. They could, for example, allow a new flag for piece types that allows the ZRF programmer to specify the base value of a piece (excluding square bonuses.) The problem is solved quickly, because the responsibility is transferred to the programmer, but it would not make any old ZRFs obsolite, because they don't use that flag, so the program would use default values. And it is just so simple that it could not possibly take more than an hour to implement. But, it has been known that ZoG doesn't evaluate pieces correctly for years, and there are lots of posts about it on their discussion boards. It seems that they are not even going to do simple, quick improvements. It's really too bad.
I am very interested in your considerations for generating a computer implementation for the synchronuos chess game. Well, an important point to be considered is that there does not exist something like the a-priori best move in the synchronuous chess. It might be possible to try to define criteria for determining the objectively best move in the conventional chess game. However, in synchronuous chess, the best move of black depends on the move which white takes simultanuously. I thus assume, there is a fundamental difference between the conventional and the synchronuous chess considered from the perspective of mathematical game theory by Neumann and Morgenstern. Therefore a real good computer player should have some mix between a random algorithm and a good chess program, which determines the move. Else, a good human player might be able to predict the computers move, which might give him an important advantage, ... because the computer is of course very limited in predicting the human player´s synchronuous move. However, I would be happy to see any computer program for the synchronuous chess rules. And I have the feeling that -perhaps partly ignoring the points I just raised- it should be possible to start from an existing computer chess game (but I am not able to do so, as I am not a programmer) and to modify it. I hope very much that some day a programmer will engage in that endeavour.
Oh, I just forgot to put my name for the last comment on the computer game, which I posted. However, I wanted to make this second Post anyway, and give best greetings to Arnold Krasowsky. I am very pleased to read from you here. I am going to meet Andriy in the coming weeks, and we will have a game then, I guess. Perhaps I even have a (good) plan for a (first) tournament. Best regards Ralf
Yes -- to play a game like this well the computer would have to use what's called 'classical' game theory rather than, I suppose, 'combinatorial' game theory. In classical game theory, which is used for games of simultaneous movement, the possible choices for each player form the rows / columns of a matrix, and the entries of the matrix describe the value of the result to one of the players. The optimal strategy for each player is a vector giving the probability that the player should give to each possible choice. If the matrix is known then the calculation of the optimal strategies is straightforward. But the conventional ways of evaluating the value of a game position for standard chess would not apply here, so figuring out the entries to the matrix would be difficult. It might be a good research project for some grad student studying game theory, though.
Good afternoon, colleagues! I very interest the basic opportunity or impossibility of algorithmization SC. In the my rules-description I put forward a hypothesis that algorithmization of synchronous games, in particular, a chess, is impossible. And all this time (1991-2005) I searched for the interlocutor with whom could discuss this question. Similar, that at this forum I has found. I very glad to meet Arnold Krasovsky here. I give the reference to a Russian-speaking variant of the rules in the Internet: http://chess-e.narod.ru/Lib/sinchess.htm Vit
By 'algorithmatization', do you mean finding an algorithm by which a player can be certain not to lose? That's a good question. I thought at first it was obvious that no such algorithm could be found, since Synchronous Chess is not a perfect-information game, but as I think about it a second time, I realize it's not so obvious. But I think it's unlikely there could be such an algorithm. Luck is a factor.
MT***By 'algorithmatization', do you mean finding an algorithm by which a player can be certain not to lose? That's a good question.*** Vit: No, I mean ability for PC playing... But the question is really good :-). MT*** I thought at first it was obvious that no such algorithm could be found, since Synchronous Chess is not a perfect-information game, but as I think about it a second time, I realize it's not so obvious. But I think it's unlikely there could be such an algorithm. Luck is a factor.*** VK. Yes: luck or telepathy ļ. Vit
just a short note,which might be of interest for some of you.
I have recently received the translation of the synchronous chess rules into
Russian language, which was accomplished by Andriy Krasowsky (Àíäðåé À. Êðàñîâñêèé), and I have just now put them on the web here:
'Ñèíõðîííûå øàõìàòû' -
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