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I don't know why the Picture does not work! It works for me!

Can confirm it's not showing up; the ID seems to be requesting /graphics.gif (which of course does not exist) rather than /graphics.dir/alfaeriemisc/compounds/wzebrawazir.gif as expected
I do see the ZW piece, but looking at the code, I see that this piece is coming from a different directory than the others. Maybe different browsers handle the resulting URL differently, or maybe the JavaScript for this works differently in different browsers. I would recommend starting its file name with ../alfaeriemisc/ instead of /graphics.dir/alfaeriemisc/.
Contrasting with the Wizard's FC, the WZ is generally the Sorcerer.
I'm using vivaldi, but I don't see it in firefox either. Changing to a relative path doesn't seem to make any difference

There was an error in handling the dots in the alternative filename by the betza.js script, which I thought I had fixed some time ago: it choked on the dot in graphics.dir. Apparently I fixed that wrong, although I thought it did solve the problem we had at the time. Anyway, it should now work correctly. (After flushing the faulty version out of the browser cache).
Ok, I'll remember that for the future!
That recommendation didn't work, but after I reinstated the previous revision, the WZ piece showed up in Firefox. I then checked Edge, and it still wasn't showing up. Since I had used the Reload Skip Cache button in Firefox, I used the Hard Refresh Button in Edge to reload it with a cleared cache, and then it did show up.

Ok, I'll remember that for the future!
No, don't, because it was wrong. The relative pathname would still have needed a graphics.dir in it, as it would not be interpreted relative to the graphicsDir of the Diagram, but to the URL of the page, which is something like /rules/grand-apothecary.
The problem was in the betza.js. It takes apart the name of the %-containing image at the dots, to test whether it already contains a file extension or that the specified graphicsType still should be added. But then it has to put everything that was not an extension together again, (separated by dots), and it was forgetting the last part.
Aurelian was replying to me, about the WZ being usually called Sorcerer.
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I though at warlock for ZW because it is related to the wizard CF.