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The set name you want is "custom-greenwade-svg".
"custom-greenwade-svg" results in the set not showing up at all in the set menu
Try it again. I made some corrections to sets.php.
Still doesn't show up with "custom-greenwade-svg" but if I use "custom-greenwade" I see "custom-greenwade" in the set menu but it doesn't work to select it
I made some more corrections and got it to work. Here is what your custom sets should be:
"custom-alfaerie-png": {
"pieces": {
"P": "wpawn.png", "p": "bpawn.png",
"N": "wknight.png", "n": "bknight.png",
"B": "wbishop.png", "b": "bbishop.png",
"R": "wrook.png", "r": "brook.png",
"Q": "wqueen.png", "q": "bqueen.png",
"K": "wking.png", "k": "bking.png",
"I": "wbird.png", "i": "bbird.png",
"Z": "wzebra.png", "z": "bzebra.png",
"Y": "wgryphon.png", "y": "bgryphon.png"
"custom-greenwade-svg": {
"pieces": {
"P": "wpawn.svg", "p": "wpawn.svg",
"N": "wknight.svg", "n": "wknight.svg",
"B": "wbishop.svg", "b": "wbishop.svg",
"R": "wrook.svg", "r": "wrook.svg",
"Q": "wqueen.svg", "q": "wqueen.svg",
"K": "wking.svg", "k": "wking.svg",
"I": "wosprey.svg", "i": "wosprey.svg",
"Z": "wzebra.svg", "z": "wzebra.svg",
"Y": "wgriffin.svg", "y": "wgriffin.svg"
Thanks, that works
I want a function that returns an array of all the spaces between two inputs. I've tried this
def getrange filter lambda (== direction #start #end direction #0 #end) (b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3) =start =end;
set yy fn getrange b3 e3 ;
print #yy;
but the output is just an empty array. what am I doing wrong?
Would path be what you want?
I have a bigger problem now. I was working on this game but if I try to open it now I just get a blank page
When a preset doesn't work properly because of something in your code, you can add "&submit=Edit" to the query string to edit your code without running it.
If I change the starting position for a game, would it break existing logs for that game?
If I change the starting position for a game, would it break existing logs for that game?
Yes, it will unless you change the name of the settings file.
Could I get help with this?
set wbl (e3 f2);
def other cond == #0 #wbl.0 #wbl.1 cond == #0 #wbl.1 #wbl.0 0;
print fn other e3;
The result is always 0, but I would expect f2.
I agree with you that it should produce f2, and that is what it produced when I ran it.
ok, now it does for me too. Thanks anyway.
Through the Play-Test Applet?
In preset made through Play-test
Unfortunately creating holes in the PTA does currently not work, and for a long time I could not repair it, because a wrong classification of the format destroyed the page on any edit. But now that I changed the format to 'text' I can fix things again, so I guess it is high time I do that. In the PTA you would create a brouhaha square by creating a hole and placing a piece on it.
The simplest way to do it now is add a line to the Pre-Game code by hand:
set brouhaha (...);
with ... a space-separated list of the square labels of the squares you want to be brouhaha squares.
Where, after which constants/words it should be to work properly? Now it isn’t.
Basically anywhere theat is not inside the definition of another array. Just adding it as a line at the bottom should do.
If you want help in making a preset, it would be useful to post a link to it...
Well, that works as designed. When you move the Radioactive Queen away from d1, d1 disappears.
How to make other squares on 1 rank holes?
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I'm also having trouble with custom sets. I have this
but if I try to select Custom set of Bob Greenwade's pieces it just says
The set does not exist.